Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Those who know...

 stand and shield

A Wise man once said: "Those, who know, don't speak; those, who speak. don't know!" it might sound absurd, considering that same sage gave a thousand words, before he was allowed to leave the safety of Civilisation, halted by the border guard, as he was mounting a white buffalo. Why did Lao Zi say that? Why should you not say it, if you know something? A lion doesn't roar, while he's hunting for pray, but after he's standing on top of his prize!! Only man shares out the furs of a Bear, who he has yet to hunt in the wilderness! A Pike travels up the stream fully aware, the bear is there awaiting. Some will make it, others will fix dinner -- but the Pike presses on regardless!! Can you say the same, that regardless of odds, you press on, and not lament on how the life is not fair. No body has won it, by cowering under a shield. Its time to make your stand!! Are you all talk, how to do it, or are You gonna do it? Nothing ventured, nothing gained... 

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