Thursday, October 27, 2022


Zen flute Autumn in Japan

 The Warrior heals in Battle; a dragon in the maws of a volcano; 

don't feed cabbages to the wolves and blood-wine to the hares!! 

What is defeat more, than another chance to standup enamoured 

by the fight and constant struggle, the whims of Fate; glamour 

and the sudden stroke of madness, then people roam up-down endared 

on the entrance of Heaven and Hell!! Fools mend, gorging fanfares 

and sullen lullabies, never letting a wisemans say pass by Amano. 

Time is at the essence -- hurry; hurry; rush rush -- nothing gets done; 

while the daimyo walks diligently with ease, as though he's not leading! 

Time runs rampart, the Fool tries to collect it in his palms, like water gone. 

All will be said in time, when you know Yourself out of Reputations Sun: 

Why are you still on your best behaviour, rueing the World, brooding 

as though your unpardoned french lossed its Le - iznogooding!! 

Goaded by the shadows of passing Gods deeds, and their footsteps alone...

Then you mend, then think of the bow and arrow -- Why do you stretch in the bush? 

Dost the Dragon hide or the Tiger crouch, unless they have a booty to quest and trounce! 

Reach and let go; take and give back; push and pull; there and gone in the winter lush... 

Fools think, they deserve to have -- you deserve Nothing but ventures and forgives, hush: 

my belittled grasshopper, who you want to consumate marriage, but not loose heads anounced!! 

The tails don't speak, and the children only then the chicken takes a piss. Knights mounted 

on fiery stallions, still bow down, then they bring the widow the last farewell and funeraldust!!

Let go of pain and forgive; let go of sorrow and grieve; like falling autumn leaves on the ground. 

Winter is coming and then comes a new Spring, to give new blossoms and leaves on cherrytrees! 

Then your Joy is overwhelming and your Victory rebounds on the meadows and hills its sound; 

let go and move on, brush your sleaves! After Life becomes Death becomes Life once around; 

the corners of wellthinkers and greatminds are cut short. Outcomes rarely like intentions decree: 

Live Free, my friend, Free like the roaming Wind and let go of earthly attachements -- Feel! 

Fear is your greatest Foe indeed. Thus Mend, but with a sword at your heels and an open wound!!

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