Saturday, October 15, 2022

Enforced Positivism and Humanism and why it is a bad thing

 To paraphrase Nietzsche, why is it so wrong, when you're alltoohuman, or in streetslang a bitch on wheels. For the same reason, eating too much cancy or drinking too much booze, is bad, causing diabetes or ruining your liver not to mention the mental helath toll. Just as Agent Smith in the Matrix paraphrased. umans don't identify the world, through bliss, but through suffering. We want to wake up from a realy good emotion, because of our self preservation skills. In due time, we treat the good emotion as poison, and become immune to it, needing stronger doses of it. The same is true for evil and malicion, but people tend to respond to it sooner and either walk away or kill the stressor some way or the other. 

The problem becomes, when you have this Cult of Positivity when you can only say nice things about people, even if they are totally wrong, as though all people are casheers at McDonalds. People should be called out, then they are fat, while leaving the kids alone, because you can't really tell, when a kid is obese, because he ate too much or does not exercize or its his genealogy. People tend to lump these things together and have one answer solves everything attitude. Either its this or that. You can have it both ways too, there you're against obesity, but you approve thick women for instance also, you look like a dwarf and your child is also plump and not thin. All the workout in the world will never make Joe Pesci look like John Wick -- they have different bodytypes. Love Joe for his act as Leo Getz in Leathal Weapon. But there is clear visible difference between Joe Pesci with a person, who cannot even walk to his fridge for food or walk without a stroller. Why is it, then you criticize people, you have to first fight all his scarecrows before you get to the bossbattle and talk about the actual point?! 

The same is true about morality, there we ecpect everybody to be as good as King David, while forgetting, how he acted while being disavoiwed by King Saul and living amongst the Philistines, raiding their border towns. You can't have always the happy ending; sometimes, you can be lucky, if you have a tie and not a sad or bad ending. You don't deserve to be treated well and good -- you have to earn it, just like people who workout, didn't get their shape accidentally. It was genealogy mixed with hard work to maintain it. Morality is like money -- nothing ventured, noithing gained! Every day is like a broker who learns new things, while betting your very soul on everything. Nobody is an expert and can tell you the walkthrough how to live it easy, The moment the title says: "Learn how to play without hard mode!" I stop listening, because that person knows nothing. You play it because of the challenge, because why would you want your average grind? You want to bang your neighbours wife and get away with it!! You want to rob the bank and drive to Mexico and raise a horde of Alpaca Horses or your own private Island!! Learning to become aware of your dark side and make it work for you, not deny it, what makes you a great Man. People who have to call their titles, like Joffrey Baratheon, while his oncle/grandfather he didn't even knew he had, because he thought his daddy was Robert Baratheon -- Tywin Lannister was a better father figure and a King, while being also a tyrant than Jaime Lannister ever was!! 

Enforced positivism tends to neglect, that all of us don't come from the best patch and don't needless to say, enjoy the best education, but still need to make it good in their lives. Isn't it sad, that a woke liberal, sipping his soy latte, while being well off, gets to moralize a hindu or a muslim woman, for not divorcing from her husband over sexual; mental or physical violence in favour of the family name and reputation -- for not choosing the stunning and brave yet alone independent woman role in life. My mother was such a person, who had to divorce, and being raised and having to see, what it does mentally and physically to her, I sometimes find myself thinking, perhaps the old concept of dicorce, there you had to turn 60 to be eligible for it, was not so bad. Life is not Smörgasbroad, there you get to pick and choose what you like and desire -- hell, even smörgasbroad is not like we expect, because it depends on how much your boss paid for it and what the contract was. If you have a problem with it, become Ragnar Lofbrok and do it yourself and pay your dues. Then you can judge how a King should act and say thus: "I am the King!" 

Become aware of your environment and yourself, then you become aware of your judgments and choices at hand! Silence is Golden!! Don't mean Well and feal sympathetic -- mean Business and get the job done. Nothing fancy and swashbuckler but like Bob... The average Joe gets the fuck, while the Bucks are ducking it out. Never forget that. Work hard and earn money, then comes Love! is the Estonian saying. You are entitled to that, not a good and favourable outcome. Some people, who do right every single day, still get killed and get nothing in return. Think of the Ukrainians, who have to live as fugitives in foreign countries, what did they do to deserve that, next time, you have an urge to complain, you have it hard. If you can buy yourself coffee for 2 dollars//euros you have it well off. Be thankful for what you got, because the Bible gives its eary warning: "Those who have, shall have more; those who don't shall even loose what they thought to not have!" You could be an Ukrainian tomorrow, what you gonna do abouit that, whyning about your unfair life and not getting your extra special toilet acomodation or pronoun check? Learn to grow up and shut the fuck up about othermans dicks in their pants, stroke your own, if you like it and sit on it!! How true is this wisdom, that we sit on our own cock and balls... That we always relieve ourselves from our shit in the toilet, and not have to relieve somebody elses. So why is that, then I take a dump some wokester complains about diarhea or having anal pains?? I could sure as hell be happy, if they could verify, that they can take one for me, because it would make my work as security a lot easier, if I don't have to go while on duty. Just let others do their own piss, and mind that you don't piss in the well, while lecturing others, how to live a better life. How about even having an actual Life for starters? Some people don't have that, because of abortion or because housing is expencive or because of legal bullshit. A man in Estonia, served his whole life, and is in danger of becoming homeless!! It was the news on "Pealtnägija" (Witness; Observer) but nothing ever changes. You can only hope that it dost happen to you, and the officials are more vigilant, then your number is up. 

Enforcing positivism, is like complaining about the colour of your flagpole, that its not the right pane of white. You people have flagpoles? Some people live under the rock!! Better pray you can keep what you got, before it is taken from you, while you there busy complaining on the internet. Real action has consequences and results, not small talk, which is cheap. Whenever you're doing real action, you're notice, that there is always competition to your action. Its not like you are gods gift to earth and mankind, captain planet to combine the powers of all good to fight for the environmnet!! Sometimes people raise your Cpt. Planet with their Cthulhu and put some spells and abilities on top to make their moves, like its a trading card game... Expect to be defeated and dismantled, especially if you doing all right -- because your opponent might be a sore looser, or even worse -- a sore winner!! I have learned, that people don't judge you, because they there right and you there wrong, but because they are asking themselves and you: "What's in it for ME!" once you have established that, you have mastered most human and public relations. Some people need persuation checks; others intimidations or encouragements. Sometimes you just have to hit the nail, because its as simple as that. Sadly you cannot hit the nail with enforced positivism, because you are supposed to give solutions not have problems. Enforced positivism means, you will sit in your recliner molesting the others with passive aggressive shouts, like Ron Weasly injured from the teleport spell. Don't be that guy!! Be that Ron Weasly who destroyed the horcrux and married Hermione Granger!! Be that Man. Then you are overly positive, you deny the journey to the victory and not even playing cheatcodes in your game, but buying someone elses entire speedrun and claiming its yours!! You need the failure, to finally enjoy, then you manage to solve the puzzle and defeat the badass boss, what was mopping the floor with you for hours and days with no end to come. Relish the challenge and respect your dark side. Learn to live with your dark wolf, without becoming it. That's the essence of a True Superman or Superwoman. 

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