Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Safety and Success

 Seek safety in your death, then you shall succeed; 

those who wish well and want to take a rest, wont -- 

prevail in the calamity and be your worst breed, 

Cede your Creed and neglect that greed in need!! 

You are nothing and you loose nothing -- don't 

make Yourself the goal of glorification and runt. 

Fame, as the tides -- the Push and the Pull -- beheads... 

Seek danger and not the Pusher or the Friend indeed; 

for prophets and leaders roar against their own hand!! 

Your right hand dost know, what the left does weird; 

don't marry your parents and expectations succeed. 

You're your own measure and map to the promised land -- 

You, the Only Saviour, chained and ripping do's and can't!! 

This is your lucky day and encore, while drowning in led... 

The limelight and the butterfly -- the warmth, what eats your wings! 

later the little antlings drag you to their hole for the Holy Super... 

Don't be humane and nice; be your own personal Superman, singe; 

as you walk a mile in your dreams and nightmares shoes unhinged!! 

Sing your own anthem and know to believe, what was not there Proper; 

nobody else will bring that light out of darkness, what You could foster. 

You, the imaginary Friend in lead -- Rise up faithful Warrior, be King!

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