Sunday, October 16, 2022

How do children suffer violence

 On the debate of a defaced Van Gogh painting, let us think of the children. For that we cannot get past of the topic, how children understand and learn violence and suffering. What the wellmeaners and Alltoohumanist thinkers don't understand, even a mob of children, who burns or cuts open a pregnant cat to see its guts, understands the error and horrors of its ways, while boasting about it. Children just have to learn, there is a vantage point there they can talk about that and be safely condemned for their actions, not just safely argue. If children don't receive their safe condemnation they are looking it elsewhere and turn to a pimp, then they become whores or turn to a pusher, then they become drug addicts. Just because you make the moon go away and make the Sun and daylight reign supreme, dost mean, there are no negative thoughts and melancholy in the night. People still have darkness inside, even if soft light makes the shadows disappear. You just cant see and talk about them. I have learned, that if you couldn't talk about something as a kid, it was more horrifying than if you got scolded about it. People may just understand, that the reason, why you didn't call them out, is -- because you don't love them and care for the topic enough!! 

Sometimes children do edgy stuff to be reprimanded, because they want moral consequences to their fuckups to understand their moral actions, as did I then I got corporeal punished by mom for trespassing at my neighbours premise at the cottage. The children learn more from the things you don't say, than the things you do say. For instance, a girl who gets to wear a boobs; ass and pussy dress, what shows everything, while not making her daddy hit the roof, will understand, that her daddy don't care, if she fucks around, and will never ask for moral guidance again. The vorced violence is not done against children, then we don't let them speak their minds, but if we don't respond to it with true honesty and without filter, as we would do to the same act done by an adult. Is not that treating a kids political debate worthy compared to patronizing and condensation? I learned the most from those adults, who dared to rip off my head and shit in my neck, if to paraphrase duke nukem, than those adults who only gave me candy. The first ones I still respect even if I dont agree with them, while the others don't matter, because they deemed it that way. They there just candy and money vendors not rolemodels and teachers!! Children want to be schooled -- failing to do so is an act of violence! 

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