Sunday, October 23, 2022


 Sleepwalking on the broom, my Little Witch game, for the Wild hunt unfased; 

miasmas in the dazed and confused out of place -- then I seethe you, lord Allmighty -- 

commemorating all lost souls, sold for fools gold, then Arons went Alien graze 

for New Torque and Old Lancaster sakes -- thus alien flames engulf and tame the haze. 

Bloody Konoha, your champions are killed by a fox spirit and frigthening

is the despair in the eyes of your scholars, as they teech: "Thou shalt not Kill!" Bling 

telling the sob story on the smallest moe violin, what an angel on a needles eye raised!! 

Lift up your hands not your spirits, ye Warriors of Christ, lift them up holding the Cup!

Bow down in front of the Lord and open like a suit of Armor, receiving your Victor!! 

You are the Shield and Sword, behold, make way for your Lord and Saviour -- Behold Buck; 

may your antlers be broken, be that pussy, you made your belittled brother serve, no fucks 

given, none received, its time to serve, and swerve out of light for darkness -- Doctor 

House, dost not treat the high and mighty but the lows and unsightly, Sarcasm rules, Proctor. 

No Academy, but True Life and no Gifts but the grifts ungiven to your honour and rubber duck. 

May wormwood enter thou and vinegar fill you to the brim, as you get stoned to Brimstone; 

the new family series about a Theologian family, who's son is fucking around in secret; 

while the father does pompous Sermons, while neglecting his dues as Father; little sister honed, 

cuts herself and auditions for a role as Little Red Riding Hoe on an OnlyFans, while boned 

by superstition and Tolerance, hands out cookies and pamfletes, to thiose, who come -- erect 

the next community member, to own up to all the bullshit, what needs to be done in prospect 31!

The Mother is a Karen, who can't stay out of otherman pants and business while too far gone... 

1 comment:

  1. OMG i didn't know different thugs are hired to apply a correction for different corporate actions! X^D idk if to laugh or to cry out...
