Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Take Your Life

 Heroes Journey 

How Many People Will Die During The Tribulation?

Lets talk about a controvercial theme of the Bible, what is called taking your Life -- or more often to take matters in your hand. Its then one core principle of faith is violated through another, forcing you to make a decision between public safety and prophetic duty/ invoice. For instance, it is required to respect your parents, and then you disrespect them, ravens should pluck your eyes out (you should loose all sight, which makes you incapable to take attendance of an elders meeting and be proper adult yourself) The same respect is reflected towards the governmetn and leaders. At the same time, you should be criticizing your parents, then they are adulterous, or introduce foreign practices to your cultural environment. Before you say anything aboiut intolerance, we have the same groundrules about importing or exporting animals/plants what could take over and break the natural balance of a different habitat. 

What does it mean, to be alive and to follow your groundrules, what makes You Yourself! Sometimes being in the equilibrium and status quo is the opposition of Life and the reaffirmation of Nihilism -- also the reason, why so many youths turn to satanism or conventional revolutionary tendencies. Then the rootbeer is diluted with water, and the real thing is only there by special edition if at all, then eventually people will turn to raw and spicy products, you can have without pardon nor buts. You constantly fight between "Ignorance is Bliss!" and "There is no Spoon!!" People didn't turn away from Victorian or Puritan cultural settings, because they there wrong and didn't work, but because people stopped believing and following it. People didn't take their lives to shine up that Matrix anymore. People cried out and created another one, who could give them that blessing and curse of be soundly asleep while eyes wide open. People want both sides of the coin,, both darkness and light. To be able to be in blissful ignorance and to eerily be aware, that there is no endpoint to your journey!!  To see what your grandfathers and fathers have done wrong while you are doing right -- the green thing springs to mind, as though the boomers never went to Woodstock having wild dreams and aspirations -- People make mistakes, and people make up, to learn from them. When it happens, they take their Life not excuse themselves with da Rule. "Oh I'm sorry I couldn't give you that councel and mend that wound, because of da Rule that you shalt not lecture on Saturday!" "Oh I couldn't listen, because I was lectured by a Republican!" "We could solve the heating problem of this Winter, but lets be enviromentally aware and solve the oil problem first!!" I wonder, how many of those activists will enjoy this brave new world, once Humanism and all its devils mark has taken its toll. The First Beast: "I am Right!" the Second: "Everybody thinks that!!" The Dragon: "This is politically correct." Once those teachings have taken their fill, how many of those activists and woke will be left up standing!! The answer will not be, that you go diamerically opposite, and assume "I am always wrong!" "Nobody ever thought that, but I feel like it!" or "Its absurd and incensitive but atleast I didn't fake it!!"  The question is to be open to the possibility, that you don't know, what you really do know... Mark 4:25 Being sure, your Truth is Right, can make you rigid and prone to failure, what makes you lash out to critics and opponents, for loosing your face and reputation. Being open to unexpected circumstance, can save your bacon. Humility is the rhemedy, there hot blood and harsh words want to burn down the house and every bridge left behind. How does the green deal look, then in fact 6 B will die, because of War and Famine; the shutting down of heating and the processing of sewage water etc? Who's gonna bury the dead and how? Maybe the WarHammer 40K way, there the dead there worked into corpse-starch to avoid disease and loss of valuable ground and feed the remaining. Remember, you cannot use fossil fuels!! How do you do that with solar and wind?? Also the workforce problem and shutting down of businesses, because there literally not enough people to hire!! Unions will cease and we all would work in sweat shops. The work load would increase to 16 hours per day every day etc. Eventually things get better, then the remaining companies start reestablishing all farms and businesses, but it would be like escaping Hell and reaching the Promised lands... (assuming the Heaven will be on earth not somethere else) Who knows if it would be Star Trek or some other Utopia or nightmare... But You should know, who You are and what You mean! 

Accept the Truth, that You are the Yourney and the point of your Quest. It doesn't matter, what virtues you adhere, as long you follow them honestly and don't change midplay or -shot. If you live your Life and die, finding out, that there is no Heaven, would your life still be it, or have lost its true meaning? What if the rupture, will not include you? Will Gods such decision be just to you, or will you be offended? What is it, what drives you to do good or evil? Which way would you choose, to be navelgzing awake or something in between? What ever your choice may be, You have to take Your Life -- and learn to live with it every step You take, not excusing with god or devil or something else, people use, to avoid responcibility. What is Your Life, and how do you Take it? Take Your Life now!! Ready. Set. Go, Action! 

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