Friday, October 7, 2022


 What you reap, you sew, out of the sinews and gores; 

what News but old News of Yorkers and Beefeaters! 

Lancaster shall prevail once more; Red shall defeat White; 

Green shall be the new Black. Then Purple turns Brown 

and the rainbow wears a black dress, lotus shall eat her own! 

No more joyous laughter on Bond Street, just turmoiled distress.

All those belittled Indians by heart, seaking their Wounded Knee. 

Alas Zenon, your arrow hath been broken; the vision dispelled. 

I cast it down thus, and on this stone, I shall pour new skins and meaning. 

Oh look, the White Rider is coming, trouble is looking for thee; 

who shall gaze his navels and be merry go round on the feast of Ravens. 

You say: "I shall await the coming of Christ and his Super!" 

"I say: "He who blesses in the morrow, is accounted like he who has cursed!" 

"What do you know about the coming day or Rupture, if youre chosen or not?" 

"What if Jesus Chooses Seven thousand Gargoiles freshly plucked from the 

vallies of Ukraine, or from church graves and pretty roofs and ceilings, what 

is it to You? Will you call them Immortal as was called the beloved disciple? 

He, who follows Christ, shut up and go on; he who follows Himself, paid already! 

There is no rest for the wicked, because someone hasn't noticed your merit; 

keep chanting oh Great Harlot, to make your name renown, for the people took a piss! 

Why did You go to the roof, chanting "We love Ukraine!" you reek of gas, do you mind? 

The German Irony in its chamber music Halls called Parlament... to be having indigestion. 

Must be the Niebelungenlied or the Parzifal problem. For Germany is Enlightened once more! 

Light up the bogs and boggards, for Bergunt has the next encore and the fat lady sings Parceltongue. 

Once Mother Russia is humbled, Europe shall feel like Io the wrath of Hera and Citizen Kane. 

What you reap, you sew into a new quilt and coat of Arms, to race to Ultima Thule - Arkadia Major. 

Who is a Man like God? Who is its Super? The Servant of Servants, the pencil of the pusher! 

How many John Wicks can you fit on a needles eye? That is here the question. 

Fornicate some more California, ye city of Angels, who glimpsed too many daughters of Eve!! 

You shall be cast down of Heavens, and the Heathens shall see your remains and be perplexed. 

Was this, the Great Unifier, who vowed never to cease and decist? How did its reconing come...  

Redcon the end and say: "No more Super for you, but Superman, Christians!" can't you see, 

squaredance; are you really holier than mother Russia, because you didn't seek Nazis in Ukraine? 

Is that your say, Christian? Better pray, that famine wont come with the White Rider; 

for trouble is looking You, Europe and the apple has already fallen for Newton for the honeymoon! 

Wallow in Canossa, because you shall have three popes once more; to beef; to doubt and to perish... 

God Himself shall go to China and draw eyes on the Dragon on the Wall, thus the East shall give!!

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