Sunday, October 9, 2022

The Main Event

 Christians fail in their worship to spread the gospel of lord Jesus Christ -- because they are not spreading it! It might sound absurd. What are you blabbering about, Whiteraven, have you even seen how many Churches and denominations there are or Youtube videos? How can you possibly in good concience say that?! I once read on the internet how a painter of fine internet art expressed, how he did his work. And one of the advices he gave was to be the background. Your client is the main event you are representing, and you need to highlight that. Your painting cannot draw focus on every liddle detail, because that's not how the human eye works and looks. If you upset the band, the show is over -- be a good background! 

All those Churches and Denomiantions, Youtube Videos... just as in the bible did they do this, to proclaim God and build His good reputation or their own? God dost not need us to erect a single statue; movement; church; denomination or make a video, as long our very hearts and souls are the seat on which His Holy Name can take seat, as it once was seated in Israel, in the Temple of Jerusalem!! He dost need a Million followers, but only one single person, who does right and is True to Himself and this Calling... 

When you serve a Master, you need to understand one key component. That your master gets to have the last say, Not you, not the best worker in your branch nor something else you look up, but your boss!! You do the work, as told, not how you think, how it should be done, nor have a lip on the public, how uncool it was, that your good ideas went unheard. 

Then you look at those Churches and Denominations, Youtube Videos -- Who got the last say? Did you think after visiting those: "Wow, This Lord Jesus Christ is Awesome, I wanna be like Him, I wanna serve amongst his followers, because I'm liking, what I saw, and I want this to happen in my life!" or did you think: "Wow, what a selfrighteous selfserving asshole! Your Ego is lighter than Helium, floating you around, not Jesus Walking on Water!!" 

Did they say, look at Christ, or look at me doing this awesome magic trick? It is true, that we are the Gospel of lord Jesus Christ, the letter from God. But God is the Ink on that sent letter, and once the message is read, the paper is disgarded and forgotten, but the Word remain forever! Halleluyah UWU

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