Sunday, October 23, 2022

Why Gods have always hated emancipated women, and why this is a Matriarhical thing.

 Its more of a random thought in the dark, than a coherent essay, thinking of the origins of Lilith in Judaism and Christian theology. It makes no sense, to create such cockblocks, unless you want your husband to have second thoughts about having  woman on the side. Its not very masculine to do such a thing, but very childish and feminine. If a man has a loose cannon, hes gonna blast anyway -- demon or not. Only women, would worry about loosing their offspring to the sluttening. 

If a man is successful, He can have many women, if a woman is succesful, she could have your Man!! Isn't it irroneus, that woeness is so feminine, and putting the woman on this sickly sweet smelled pedestal, there only sanctemoneus access is granted, in a language, which always is shifting and turning, like the tides of a void ocean in the dark. Also the insistance that everything should be gay and nonbinary just as previously in the book Crime and Punishment by Dostojevski they couldn't be a man, to crticize the Philosophies of Nietzche about the Superman. People have always craved for something not them, but safe!! There is no safe gold digging or discovering the frontier. Ask any historian. But then everything is discovered, some people, want to play Indiana Jones or Tomb Raider for fun or create demons for the same thrill, to see others have a panic attack and give all to the thright mob. There is something alluring and yet obnoxious about an independent woman. You don't marry someone, to find out on Saturday, that shes gone with the wind, like that woman in Shocolat. You want all women to be fragile and dependant -- women want that, because that is less competition!!  Because a married woman, don't compete for yours, but an independent emancipated one might. Or your man might drool for a something something, what the ordinary dont give... A song once said: "Good girls go to Heaven, bad girl go backstage!" it rings true. And because all the girls want to go backstage, demons like Lilith are created, so not many would dare, because there are bad thing like miscarriage and drug overdose; ghonorhea etc. Once a mans dick kicks in, he stops thinking, but a woman is always thinking, especially then her pussy kicks in... Maybe I should change my coffee... too stronk? Ah well :v 

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