Monday, October 31, 2022

The Devil within

 On the days of prevail, then the desires set sail; 

take heart and stay focused -- hold your course! 

The devil within, allluring with temtation grail. 

Success begets expects; prospects skyrocket hail... 

Learn to be subtle avoid the crowds intercourse; 

for whom they cheer up today, morrow might corpse!! 

Don't trust the Devil, as you shake the Mans name. 

On the days of defeat, then forsaken your retreat; 

banners shattered and oaths forlorn -- hold your course!

The devil within, mocking with bile offers cheats. 

Like bittersweet candy of hopeful glee for the meek. 

Don't forget where you started, its costs and accord; 

giving up easy, while steadfast more raddish hoarse. 

Become your chosen anthem, stand up and Lead!

On the days of silence, then doubts shake your booty; 

then your bosom, makes you feel woman, eats chin! 

The devil within, boasting of wasted time and moody; 

how you could have fared better in sin and yours truly!! 

Never relent and unfasten your belt, for savor the last grin; 

charge ahead and tame your convictions ire defying grim!! 

Heroes are born in the hour of broken hope and executees.

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