Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Knowledge and deeds

 Why German history is different? 

Terror Omi arrested in Germany

What does it mean to know something? When does it start? Do you know something, then you agree, that something is right or wrong? then you actually live in accordance to it? Could you also obtain this, being emotionally and mentally aware, while being detached from the mundane -- the so called cosmopolitan Man, who cannot be trialed by the plebs laws, because you're the lord or lady of this time! 

It has been the reasons, why philosophers and theologians fight and debate. In the church there has been a lot of problems with people, James 2:18 who separate faith from their actions. What is shame and pride in that matter? Is it a deed or is it Wisdom! Then you take Germany for instance, who lost WW2 supporting the politics of Adolf Hitler after being the birthplace of much of the culture and spirit of Europe? How do you cope with that shame and pride? What to do next? How long must a nation suffer and atone for the sins of one Man? I purposely word it like that, because then Elon Musk got offended to an Ukrainian diplomat, such was the argument. Is Germany also eligible for such sentiment, that they should not suffer, because Adolf Hitler happened!! Its not Germany is even able to agree with Fascism being traumatized like a woman suffering from an sexually morally and mentally abusive father, who is also your husband and son. How do you cope with reality, then all the boxes have been checked, like you're experiencing an acid trip or had too much coffee or too much bible reading with fatigue and sleep deprivation etc. 

When does Germany stop paying? or is it like Teal'k put it in Stargate, that you never stop. Others might say, you are forgiven and changed to a better self, but you never stop paying... 

Who does your deeds and holds your Knowledge? Is it you as an Individual or You as a member of the whole! This is an important topic and conversation to be had, because soon, it might have been done behind the scenes like Kristallnacht or Molotov-Ribbentrop. Is cohersion and goading somebody to commit a crime also a crime, or an useful tool to do agency work? Where does the border of treason go? There the thought becomes the crime! How does that define our realities and Morality... The Terror Omi worked all her life for a pension, but because she held to a thoughtpattern, she was no longer eligible for it. When does Germany stop paying and can be something else than ashamed, trying to prove, they have the right ideals about this and that? Would this kind of thing happen in America or Estonia or Europe... Who takes a grannys pension away? Even a rapist in jail has pension!! I could literally rob the bank; rape 20 women and go to jail for life, and the district atorney would say: "No no no, the person who did the labour is not the same who did those crimes!!" But then you're in Germany, and somebody has the wrong think, we have to probe the government and the whole had nothing to do with it -- she looses her pension!! All of the sudden, the person, who did the labour is the same as the person who did the thoughtcrime!! How does that work in a free society and in a nation inheriting the philosophies of Nietzche; Kant; Schoppenhauer etc. When does Germany stop paying? People are still mad about the Holocaust, then mother Russia does the Holocaust right now, while hunting for Nazis in Ukraine, and nobody threattens them with a Nuke or does resolute things, because they wanna fuck her after war, as the saying goes. You don't call a lady a lying backstabbing cunt when you wanna have a date and fuck later. It probably has something to do with the aging of the populace and the aliantion of the pension concept, which is funny, then Bismarck used it to unify Germany. To make the people tend to lean on the government not their individual selves. It would be too sad if the future Germany would revert to its ancient roots and each state fend for itself, for lack of tolerance and pension politics. Then again, politicians have never been the far reaching of intellect. Ask the comedian, who flushes the toilet too eagerly. 

There is very little required, to convince the people, that freedom is lost. Bullying an alp Countess, is one of them. These kind of people, are a missed opportunity, to show democracies defiance and superiority towards Totalitarian regime and governmental outreach. You don't defeat and remove the enemy who is wrong, but give her enough rope to hang herself every single day on reality TV, having a free inoculation against her beliefs. Too bad they don't teach that in school anymore... 

Whenever you lean on censorship, you make your people dumb guarddogs, who cannot win arguments in a debate, because they have toi wait for the government to vet the conversation and remove the traitor. Civilisation has moved in circles from Romanticism to periods of Middle aged blind zeal. Too bad we never learned and need another round. The more a state wants to remove anarchy or the forces of chaos for the sake of order, the less actual and meaningful order they actually possess, because all is preocupied with the dissent/crushing of perceived current foe and not the generating/emulating of democratic freedoms. Safety has always and will be the arch enemy of Freedom. Didn't Israel go to Egypt to find shelter from famine? It is the same every century to millenia, and people still don't learn...

When does Germany stop paying and becomes the cultural vantage point it once was? What is your Knowledge and what are your Deeds? Jesus mended the ear of the guard who came to arrest him; we take our grandmas pension away, out of fear, she could be a terrorist. How very Christian and Democratic indeed!! 

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