Monday, October 31, 2022

Why does Hollywood concept of a Jedi suck?

 Hollywood concept of a Jedi is either Rey, because of female empowerment or Ben Solo a broken cuck with daddy issues, who'd rather become a Sith than to other his teacher Anakin Skywalker, and btw. Skywalker has to piss himself otherwise you wont notice female empowerment. 

Why is Rey so bad as a Jedi. Because her feats defy the laws of gravity and nature what good story building insists. If a D&D Character would be Ray, your friends would hit you with a Kitchen Sink and sell your soul to Kthulhu! You cannot write stuff like this, because its too boring. Why should you invest youreself in that?? Its like a streetpreacher ranting about being bron again; batherd in the blod of the Lamb and preparing for the Ruypture, while not even bothering to make a connection with you and the vocabulary. Whenever you tell a story, you teach a new song or language!! Why should people care about your new language, then it dost not care about its predecessorsa and context. 

This is how the story of Jesus Christ was written and told: 

1. Jesus Christ was born to a virgin 2. Joseph got upset, because this is transgression, and not his child, so he decides to abandon Mary, lest she be stoned to death, but if people where to assume, he did it while being just engaged, its good. 3. God sends an angel, to explain the situation that sorry, it was the Holy Spirit, who fucked your bride, no worries, hang in there! 4. Joseph accepts his fate and the shame with that, as though he's a cuck, though hes a chad in disguise. 5. They go to their hometown to be counted for tax collection sake. 6. They are not well received in Josephs parents house, because of cheating Daughter in Law, thus lodge in the barn. 7a. Meanwhile 3 wise men come to the local hierarch and congratulate him for the newborn son, who shall rule the world, for they have seen the sign 7b Everybody is shocked and in disarray, because Herod has no newborn son!! 7c The Shepherds see a vision of an Angel who tells the gospel of Jesus, and they tell it in town. Joseph and Mary are received into the house henceforth. 8 Herod requires the excact date of birth, in order to slay his adversary and sends the foolish wisemen on their way, tracking them back. 9. Both the family and the wisemen are warned about Herod and make a run for it. 9. Herod gets mad and kills all 2yr old infants and younger, to make sure, there will be no Future King of this World!! 10. Everybody who remembers the slaughter of Rhama thus hates Jesus's guts, because he survives. 

See a difference between this kind of story telling, and Rey jumping from victory to victory without paying nothing in return? 

Lets take Molly's Game for start, because it ahs a Female Heroine. 

1. A Young overachieving girl, has a bossy father, who wants to make her get on top, so he trains him like a machine til breaking point and further. 

2. Things are looking good, and she's about to win -- but stumbles on a fern and falls on his already stressed and injured back and can never ski again. She starts to work in a bar to make it for her Law degree, which needs a lot of money (sub plot -- she wants power over men, because daddy issues) 

3. She's invited to tally a gentlemans game of Poker and she also learns all the ropes and terms of it and makes it more efficient as it previously was, while working for an asshole racist, who cant stand nigger bagels, because they don't scream: "Look how rich and successful I am" while suffering from the dperession of the economy which eats him alive, because he built houses then real-estate was expencive, and is selling them, then the prices drop!! 

4. She steals the show from her boss, who tries to throw her under the bus 

5. She gets really good, slaughtering fish, while dscending into darkness, because she really dont approve this way of lfe and gets backstabbed by the poker kid, because she refused to axxept his cheating and raising the stakes all the time. 

6. She starts her own game elsewhere and reinvents herself leavingt the others in the shadows.

7 maffia takes an intrest of her and make her an offer you cant refuse. 

8 The Girl refuses the offer, because she likes her clients too much

9. The maffia pays her a visdit and teaches her a lesson, as she waits for their secxond call, the maffia is taken down by a sting operation. 

10. The Feds take her down over a bet and Bad Brads gossip and snitching and empty her funds, so she would testify against the maffia and throw her clients under the bus. 

11. She has an existential debate with her black lawyer and her daughter about fair play and just rewards. 

12. She accepts her fate and is commended by the Judge, who has been near spitting range of the Wall Street and the Justice Department has long Picachu faces, for not getting their way. 

13. Molly's victory lap with Family, while fully knowing she have to pay the taxes to the goverment, for the money they stole from her, which she legally earned, as vengeance!! 

See the fucking difference already, Hollywood! Its not so hard. Why do I care about Fucking Ulamog/Eldrazy in female form, then there is no narration to support that. She just enters the set, kills all, and leavs, woopdido; wheres the duress and existential drama between either or, what made Kierkegaard famous! Also the fucking drone buy out scene, (Insert Kill Bill 2 Buds Boss reprimanding him for being 30 minutes late and wearing a cowboy hat meme) where Ray does the moral thing and don't sell the drones, for more food she has ever got for her work. And the obvious mobster just takes her no and lets her leave. Why, don't know, guess he's a cuck and forgat how to send a mob after her or use a laser blaster or arrest her for Uranium smuggling as was the plot in 5th Element. Spmetimes I think, Hollywood is as useless as Bud, who don't know what day it is, and gets bitten by a Black Mamba, then he counts his big score for killing one!! 

And then Hollywood has the audacity to screen the battle of Good vs Evil, the concept of letting yourself being possessed by the Force and doing it the hard way (Jedi) or forcing yourself onto it and raping your soulcristal inside the lightsaber (Sith) Just be a young female, and it will solve the problems the last Jedi couldn't like a parody of the green new deal fan hastling a boomer and getting her own butt handed back on a silver platter. Movies and concepts like that, are the reason, why we roam back to Patriarchy there women will be again bitches and slaves, because men will be grossed out to give the entitled ones any chance for dick time. Isa 4:1,2 Smart move empowering Feminism of the first generation by killing it in the 3rd!! See the difference in those examples provided and you'll be able to tell a story, people are willing to give their money and time for; refuse to do so and loose whats left of your dignity and soul, while giving your name as a meme like the Demagogues; Pharisees and Zadokite before you. Have a nice day and Godspeed UWU

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