Monday, February 29, 2016

Rebase neidis

Rebase neidis
vaikselt kõndimas välul
heljumas murul.

kimono lehvib
tuul ehmatades vaikib;
punastab päike...

Kaela pöörates
silm õrnalt mul' naeratab
Poiss, mis sa siin teed?”

Mängime kulli!”
ulatan naeratades
käsi jääb üksi...

Kirsipuu õites
lehvimas juuksed puhu
vihuri taktis

Mine siit ära!”
pöördub rahupalg' sulnis
Sa pole öhe...”

Aas on nii kaunis;
päike paistmas ilusalt;
oleme sõbrad!

Vaikselt seiramas;
vaatab enese ümber:
Kas paistab nõnda?”

Oleme sõbrad;
naeratan joostes ringi;
siin on nii lõbus.

Rebase neidis
ohkamas nii tõsiselt –
Kust alustada?”

Päikese lapsed –
hundid rebastel sõbraks
mitte kunagi.”

Kuu nukrad lapsed –
ei tule sul' mängima
surelik inim'!”

Oleme sõbrad,
naeratan sundimatult
oled nii ilus!

Tulega mängid”
naerus kõveraks õelus
Kas soovid surra?”

Miks küll siis mitte?
Ulatan uuesti käed –
Oleme sõbrad!

Ülestõus' päike;
langemas täiskuu loorid;
tähed säramas.

Rebase neidis
nopib tanumalt lille,
ulatab mulle

Lootose õites
ulatab mulle käsi:
Kasva veel pisut...”

Pole üldse aus,
juba suur täisealine

Kasva veel pisut,
vaimus tõsiselt mõtle;
kivid allikas...”

Kuidas vaigistad,
lained hingede peeglis,
visates kiva?”

Rauge kavatsus;
heida endast kõik soovid;
vaatle ainiti.”

Sa oled nii õel!
Ei tahu kivides;
kallistan; paitan...

Miks mitte kaaren
rebase neitsil sõbraks
ei suuda olla?

See ei aita sind!”
kaastundlik naeratus suul,
laugleb minema...

Rebase neidis,
loojumas haldjavälgus
kõrkjate taga...

Närtsimas aasal
puud; põõsad ja kõik lilled;
linnud ka surnud...

Kuu tõuseb palge,
rebase neidis naaseb:
Siin oled ikka?”

Hoides lootosõit;
nutan pisarad palgeil;
astub mu ligi.

Rebase neidis
hingamas minu peale
riivatul pilgul.

Vaata, mul silma! –
Mis on kannatus kangeim;
surmas sügavaim?”

Armastus kangeim;
liblikad tulelõõmas;
otsimas oma...”

Suudle mind, kallis;
joo kurbuse allikaist;
tarkuse vardjas...”

Head lapsed

Head lapsed – need kasvavad vitsaga, tarm sünnib seal, kus lõpeb neim!
Head lapsed, need iial ei kisenda, sodimata jääb korteri sein...
Head lapsed, need oskavad austada vanurit tänaval; vanemaid häid!
Head lapsed – need ei sünd' tasuta: vastutus on parem kui tonn võid...

Head lapsed – need kasvavad vitsaga, armastus kibe toob magusa elu;
muidu poeg võib ühtida litaga – võrku langeda maailma võlus.
Head lapsed – kui ei taha piitsaga elu lõpuni kõndida kõrvu –
tuleb hakata käituma viisaka mehena, vältides hinge mõrvu.

Head lapsed – austavad pisarais, vanemaid häid, kes keelda vaid võis'
Kui ei löö vanem, siis kubjas õpetab, mis kaagile maksab kui põlemas mõis!
Seepärast lapsed – need kasvavad vitsaga – ära sa ometi vihka neis hingi;
sohilaps vaid kõike võib lubada ja aeleda vabalt maailmas ringi!

Fat girls

Pax tibi1

Fat girls are beautiful – so much more to hug;
skinny girls – their beauty is dull;
they always mean waring on tug
of themselves to anorect' to Hell
and they don't even feel so well!

Fat girls are beautiful – they got the Fat Love in their hearts.
Skinny is grinny, so shitty full;
her head is a king in solitude – apart.
Is this sane, or at all smart; if their like dolls
put out for envision in Wall-mart?

Fat girls are beautiful – they always smile with theyr eyes;
skinny is winning – hallmark lullabys singing;
the heart so empty and only kisses from dye,
no real knights are holding them or longing;
they don't know to what they are belonging...

Fat girls are beautiful – they give birth to thousands;
skinny is ugly, it can't lift a cauldron; nor teach a boy;
how to respect parents and not listen to brands;
how to love yourself like is and not with his foreskin toy;
to not himself and girls with dirty talk annoy.
1Pax tibi – kr.k „Rahu olgu teile!” kuna see kõlab eesti keele lausega „paks tibi” sarnaselt, on selle luuletuse pealkirja inspiraatoriks ing.k. „Fat chick aka Fat girls”


Kuidas küll on unustatud Haagar;
tema pale naiste seas saanud teotuse alla?
Aabraham võttis oma naise ümmardaja
ja tegi talle lapse – Išmail on tema nimi.
Oma naise Saarai pisarate ja pilke pärast –
et see ei võtnud uskuda oma nime.

Tema nimi on Saara, kuid tema naeris Jumalat!
Seepärast on lahkheli tema soo ja Haagari soo vahel;
Iisaku ja Išmaili vahel – et naine naeris Jumalat!
Naise uskmatuse pärast, pagendati Haagar kõrbe surema
ja ta pidi Egiptusest võtma oma pojale naise...

Aga nüüd vaatab Jahve Jumal tõesti Haagari pisaraid;
ta läkitab oma püha ingli teda lohutama!:
Ära nuta, Haagar, vaata su poeg elab!”
Eks ole Jumal sulle öelnud: „Su pojal saab olema oma õigus!
Tema käsi on kõigi vastu; kõigi käsi saab tema vastu!”

Vaata, su poeg, Išmail elab! Ja Muhamed on Jumala prohvet.
Tõsta oma sõjalipp ja valluta Euroopa rajad! – Kõigi pisarate eest,
mida Iisraeli sugu on sulle teinud, et nad pole mitte järginud Jahve Jumalat!
Seetõttu mõtleb Jahve Jumal eneses seda õnnistust häbeneda,
mis sai esiti Juutidele ja siis Kristlastele:
Kes austab Jumalat, seda austab Jumal; kes Jumalat kohtleb uulitsa porina,
selle soolagi mõtleb Jumal maha tallata, et see on mage!
Seetõttu valluta Euroopa rajad!"

mail, Išmail – Muhamed on Jumala prohvet! Nõnda nagu Jumala nimi hingas
Jeruusalemmas, Juutide templis; saagu ta tõesti hingama moslemite templis!
Miks on see teotus sündinud? Mis süü on Jumal oma rahva ja kristlaste juurest leidnud?
Et Kristlased häbenevad endid ja valmistavad endile loore1...
siis katab ka Jeesus oma habeme kinni ja unustab ära nende nimedki –
et need on olnud tema jalgade juures õppimas Evangeeliumi;
sest nad pole lõbupoisse korrale kutsunud, vaid on neid õhutanud.

Et lõbupoisid nõuavad endile abielu ja tõstavad oma kanna Kristlaste kirikute vastu,
et neid Jumalalt röövida, siis teotab Jumal ise oma kojad ära,
mida kristlased on häebenenud kaitsta.
Ja teie kojad saavad rusuhunnikuiks ja kurjade vaimude kohtumispaigaks.
Sellepärast, et teie lubasite lõbupoistele abielu – mida Jumal pole teile mitte lubanud!
Et te seal vait olite ja häbenesite oma au pärast – siis minge tagasi maailma, te paganad2
sest teie südameil on eesnahk!

Nii tõesti, kui Jahve Jumal elab, Tema Kristus elab, Tema Püha Vaim elab;
kelle nimel walgekaaren seda räägib: „Ükski neist ei maitse püha õhtusöömaaega!”
Kuid Jumal on oma kaarnad välja läkitanud, et kutsuda kõik lonkajad ja vigased3,
kellede pärast Jumal mõtleb oma kutsutuid vihata;
et need armastasid oma põlde ja härgi ja viinamägesid
ja kodasid ning naisi rohkem, kui oma kutsumist.
Ja Kaarnad sunnivad sisse minema, et Taevariik saaks täis,
nagu Jeesus oma tähendamissõnas on lausunud:
Tõesti, ükski kutsutud Juut ega Kristlane, ei maitse Taevariiki4

Kes iganes on Maailma ja Mammona ees kummardanud
ja oma kaubalauad kirikusse üles pannud5,
et jumalalaste kilkeid vaigistada...
Eks siis Jumal vihastub ja vaigistab oma Ainitist Raevu
ja Püha Viha selliste sulaste peal?
Aga teie ütlete: „Taevas hoidku, ärgu seda sündigu!”6
Kes olete teie, ja kes on Jumal – et teil on aega,
muretseda oma kodade pärast ja oma kangelaste pärast,
keda valida või hüljata foorumitel ning parthenonil?

Ons Jahve Sebaot terrakota kujukese sarnane;
ons Kristus ja ta rist puust ette tehtud ja punaseks värvitud;
ons Püha Vaim „Viru Valge” pudelis müüdav?”
Sina ei ole mitte parem, kui Eeli sugu, Kristlane ja Juut!
Sina lähed minu ristiga välja moslemite vastu,
nii tõesti kui sinu Jumal elab, keda sa oled teotanud,
Jumal paiskab sinu maha moslemite ees
ning annab sinu risti neile sõjasaagina oma templisse asetamiseks!

Ära nuta, Haagar, vaata, sinu poeg, Išmail elab!”
Et mehed irvitavad naisi endi hulgas ja ütlevad:
Kas need võivad rääkida Jumala sõna?
Kas need võivad valitseda riikide üle?”
Siis ütleb Jumal: „Naine kaitseb meest!”7
Kuid mina nutan oma soises padrikus;
põgenen oma hinges kõrbe tanumate radadele;
et selle linnu piin ei kostaks kellegile;
et see rästikute sigitis võiks oma urgu tagasi roomata!

Jumal lähetab teie meeste sekka nihukese vaimu;
Kurja vaimu, nagu Sauli päevil, et vaigistada teie kandlehela;
siis te ei või püsida naiste ees, isegi kui põgeneksite Een-Doorini8
mina ei lase teid enam süüa inglite leiba!
Ma muudan leiva teie suus sõmeraks;
sisikonnas koirohuks ja ajan rasva teie südamed;
kasvatan eesnaha teie kõrvadele ning kae teie silmadele,
et te kuuldes ei kuuleks ja nähes ei näeks ning ei pöörduks,
et see sõna teie kohal tõesti täide läheks, ning teie rajad saaksid moslemite kätte antud!
Aamen! Aamen! Aamen! Hallelujah!

1Valmistavad endile loore – Schleiermacher sks.k „Loori valmistaja” liberaalteoloogia üks verstaposte ja aluseid.
2Minge tagasi maailma, te paganad – kristlased on eelkõige pagan-kristlased e. Roomakristlased, sest Jeruusalemma kogudus ja juudikristlased surid välja, jäädes kristlaste ja juutide tagakiusus kahe tule vahele. Samuti, kuna viimsepäeva ootuses, et juudikristlased oma hauaplatsid ja maise vara maha müüsid, siis see kogudus pankrotistus. Aga siis ei tulnud viimne päev nii ruttu ja nad sõltusid paganate annetustest, mida nad uhkusest vastu ei võtnud, et nende üleandjaks oli Püha Paulus, kes oli juutide meelest oma kultuuri ja usu reetur!
3Lonkajad ja vigased – 2Sm 5:6-10
4Ükski kutsutud Juut ega Kristlane – Lk 14:24
5Kaubalauad kirikus – Jeesus peksis rahavahetajad templist välja, et need ei lasnud paganatel välimises õues palvetada, kes nad ei saanud oma ümberlõikamatuse pärast templisse siseneda ja Jahvet austada. Jh 2:13-22
6Ärgu seda sündigu – Mt 16:22; Lk 20:16
7Naine kaitseb meest – Jr 31:22 „Kui kaua sa kõheled, taganenud tütar? Sest Jahve loob maal midagi uut: naine kaitseb meest!”

8Een-Door – 1Sm 28:7,11,15,19,22

Friday, February 26, 2016



Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap;
they neither plow nor heap; neither row nor weep.
Consider the ravens – their mind a steadfast keep;
they neither bow nor sleep; they neither cower nor creep.

Not from this world and not for mercy's; mouth spats out only swears and cursies;
all unhinged and rebel in statue – got no idea, what that word means: “Virtue”;
All men on deck and lighten their pursies – we're out of mercy's we're our of mercy's!

Always in the way and on the wrong mood; got some axe grinding for ya soon;
When others go crazy on builders boon; guilders loom – so thrilling doom.
Counting the stars and asking for dollars, strangling with collars – not in the mood…

Aspiring on the latest verge, let the souls go merge to a velvet-serge;
The mind goes haywire but who's asking – he should really be called: “Ass king!”
Twinkling the tears to hope for betters not relenting til' Hell, or on its verge!

Having no clue, or abilities aspired – seeking the others reflection to be admired:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall – who is far worse to be a rotten gnoll?”
That's why building our Ivory spires to seek what can't be yet aspired…

Hollow the hopes and shallow the dreams – like Alice lost in Nether-realms;
Twisted our faiths and forsaken our conscience; blabbering bull-shit and haughty non-sense;
burning with intense; medieval incense for heart to grope, don't loose your hope!

Naughty by nature, so caught in the action – the mind is just a tormented fraction
of self and pity and daydreams so shitty; some facts so witty and relationships nitty;
When someone says: “Boy – you're so pretty!” I shall lunge him/her with carnivorous nature.

Not yet so mature and not anymore a child – seeking a place like a lawyer his case filed;
the judge is in contempt and fucks his own assholes – one in the belly button; the other in his shoes.
While wearing a tuxedo and hats of hybris – don't loose your mind; your inner child…

The time so flies – no one wants to die, casting the hair in dye for a far-cry;
No extent of gratitude to yourself – like an Oskar on the shelf, disregarding health!
Warping your looks and choosing the crooks – while the insides in hooks flies…

Consider a way out – this passage is horrid; even when scared to be looking any worried;
have you already said all your sorries? Or just a “Don't worry – I'm gonna win it with glory!”
The Heavens doors are opening thus – from your current decay get the hell out!
1Consider the ravens: Luke 12:24

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Vengeance is mine

I was on a cemetery at nightfall and bright-lit moon;
a boy wearing a goaly mask was sitting on the cross.
Like a raven he sat, having but pants to groom.
Do you mind?” I asked the delinquent when a smoke he tossed.
Wha', you like that cross so bad?!” he spat out pissed...
No – the clothes! Gray Fullbuster cosplay is so gross!”
He laughed with a sinister undertone and was on his feet soon.

So you don't like a good Fairy tail, eh?” he spat smoke in my face…
Get a breath mint, son!” I gasped in resent.
Oh, I forgat, you don't smoke… Why are you on my case?”
You're Vengeance – I came to convert you to present
my fullness of heart to God. Mercy is thy name – so rise my gent!”
But Vengeance kept laughing without relent.
Boy, how can you charge ahead, when you haven't fastened your shoe laces?”

I don't wear shoes, but a shining armor – behold!”
And I presented my knightly pride unto him staring.
Ah well, a work-out is really in handy...” He scold'
And he took off his mask, so I could see a scarred grin.
He looked like me, only of opposite color – black hair; in whim
so long, like a girl and he was so slim, eyes dead-dim:
You can't convert me that easily, boy!” He told…

I will never love Jesus, like you do!” He hissed in disgust.
Don't knock it til' you tried it...” I glared back drawing my sword.
He took out a “morning star” – “I shall grind your bones to dust!”
I charged ahead and we exchanged blows – he was bored:
Is that all, liddle paladin?” – He snored.
Sir, what do you mean?” – “I don't feel honored!”
He yawned at me and morfed into a raven to fly away so just!

Truesome came to me unhappy: “Stop bulling my brother!”
If I don't convert him, you'll change back!” I replied
Don't pretend like you care!” She shouted and ripped from the bible a cover.
Why did you do that?” I was surprised, when she sat down and cried:
You're always bible this, verse that, Jesus, Gospel, Sermon – you lied!”
When I stood silently she concluded: “Why did you make me that shy?!”
Because I like my Joyful side you represent!” I gave a hand as an offer.

What did you say?” She looked at me blushing.
You're my Joyful side – Truesome – I'm sorry...”
For what??” She gave me the cold shoulder, while dusting;
she held a broom to dust the cemetery dirt. – I felt no glory…
For hurting your feelings all these years, when I was gory:
studying witch-craft and forbidden arts without any worries.
I never asked what you want instead...” She stood there without rushing…

Accepting my hand, she let me move hers to my face.
She smiled pleased, when I fell down on one foot:
Don't give up on me – I like you very much...” She radiated with grace.
I peed in your face, remember?” Beautiful as she stood,
I sighed, blushing: “I deserved it...” and then it changed – the mood.
Meek-youth came along starting to swear crude:
You always liked her better, snotface!”

You are my playful side and curiosity!” I replied
She kept on hitting me, til' she wore out and huffed:
We are of same age, but you didn't change me – Good-bye!”
I didn't let her go, holding both girls with a hand roughed…
I'm sorry for being such an ass, while acting grown-up.” She laughed.
I try to contain myself while rediscovering the child in me!” She coughed.
Would you accept my deepest apology?” I sighed…

Only if you play with us hide and seek!”
Truesome nodded to that motion: “I would like that!”
I don't know...” I tried to find a verse for a peek.
No bibles allowed, sir – It's quality time or no chat!”
So we played hide and seek for days and chuckled a lot .
Vengeance clapped his hands while watching us fall out
on the field – the cemetery started to take color neet…

Aren't you goody-good, this is not how you play a girl!”
He growled and jumped at Truesome, converting her back.
When he yanked off Malice's shirt and revealed her surreal
breasts and started to caress them; the girl didn't held back moans to stack.
What you think you're doing – she's your sister – you're out of luck!”
I grabbed my bible, but he didn't care, meanwhile converting Meek-youth back.
You never liked us this way!” in accusation they swirled…

Daring licked Malice's pussy, while Vengeance was fucking her ass.
It's ok, I don't mind that you watch...” She sighed and looked down.
Enough!!” I shouted while jumping at Vengeance en masse.
I pulled him out while converting the girls back and frowned:
Respect yourselves, you're betters than this show-off clown!”
Aren't you righteous now, white raven, you down?”
Shut up, black raven, and tell Red: “He shall not pass!”.”

Oh, so you know something? Red is more cool than Jesus!”
Vengeance started to lick his fingers, still entrenched by juice…
Give up your murder and forgive your dad!” I exclaimed thus.
Never!” shouted Vengeance back: “Not to a drunkard-wuss!”
We are one and the same – I shall forgive your transgress';
like two opposite sides of a coin – have mercy and confess!”
So you finally admit, that Vengeance is yours – Jack-ass?”

And Vengeance started to glow and crackle to the core.
Tar oozed out of his wounds and escaped the sight;
when he fell down to his knees disintegrating, still sore.
At least you know, how I feel now!” said Vengeance in twilight
converting to Mercy... – And I found myself at fullness of might.
I was standing in cosplay like Gray without clothes – out for a fight.

Jesus came along and looked at me: “Better?”
Much better – now that Vengeance is mine in Mercy!”
You have a long way to go, son, next stop is on this letter.”
He handed a scroll with only two names on frenzied.
Pride and Hybris” and I looked at Jesus in plain sight:
I have always been proud in you, my lord – what blight…?”
But He just silenced my lip: “Hush now, morrow is betters!”

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Naked (Darkness and Light)

Sometimes I hate myself, sometimes feel creepy;
sometimes am like a serpent in hiding.
Sometimes go radiokill, in the morning when sleepy;
haven't got coffee – can't let it go sliding...

Sometimes I don't wanna breathe, feeling so guilty;
alone in the dark, disgruntled and moody:
All thoughts of my mind feeling so filthy -
If I just could wear the other side of the hoody...

Sometimes I cut myself with my desires;
feelings go nauseous, and crumbling my morrows.
Looking into the mirror – nothing to admire...
Glaring at the monster and all hidden horrors.

Lying so nakedly in myself scattered;
hoping for nothing and endlessly drifting.
Hoping to see the light to be fading and shattered -
is the darkness gonna end, the veil be lifting?

Sometimes feel dense and slow in reaction;
wanna see someone – wanna see nothing.
Dismayd in the corner, not ready for action.
Painting all black and white on my clothing.

Sometimes wanna be alone; only to see the moon,
its shadow is so soothing next to be dreamy -
hope to be ended and get to there soon,
there the pusher don't chase the needy...

Sometimes wanna bleed away the pain to see,
if its realy red-dripping or poison green...
Looking my fading self with disgust in my glee,
surprised how far can hatred in self breed...

Sometimes seek friends to only swear mayham;
to "Shut up!" all voices in my head talking.
To dismiss all maybe's and may have's
feeling like a dead man walking!

Sometimes am clingy and so sick of myself;
exhausted of life and happy-go-merry's.
Got left in the closet, like a dusty book on forgotten-shelf;
like a tourist who missed the last ferry...

Sometimes wanna scream myself into submission,
to whip my shackles of wants on the thorns of donts.
The devil inside asking for his comission;
bruising myself to my darkest haunts...

Sometimes am happy and feel like refreshing;
everything is possible to my dreams spire.
Like a paladin of old – charge in crashing,
feeling no regrets no fears of any dire.

Sometimes can laugh beyond any reason,
while having lost something so precious.
Standing on my watch like a soldier who's seasoned.
Not trembling on any stains so vicious.

Sometimes can cheer up myself and the others,
like the sunshine who dawned on your realm.
Like a knight in shining armor with no covers.
Like despair could never take me or overwhelm.

Sometimes go berzerk and rise above the action;
relentless in Joy – so full of God.
Rising every time I fall down to a fraction -
making your time holy and good...

Sometimes even chilliest of hells wont snuff out my flame;
feisty to the core, when keeping the line -
puting all demons inside into the corner in shame;
Emanating brightness more dazling as any moon-shine!

Sometimes cheerleader is my middle name;
the highlight of any party and discussion.
Even the devil by me could be tamed -
when looking at my face and confessions.

Sometimes I smile and that is enough;
contagious my high-moods and smirks of good gestures;
even then you can't hold back a laugh,
on some silly mistakes and postures...

Sometimes go dancing like the elven-king;
the whole world my audience no shy in the way.
Like I had a token of Love a powerful ring -
what could bright up any darkest sky...

Sometimes go dandy and style my own fashion;
"One day I gonna be famous!" should be on my shield.
Hammering with excite like Heavens percussion;
shouting louder with amuse than any on the field.

Sometimes can silently hug your sorrows;
be your best friend who waits and listen.
Await your longings and walk your tomorrows;
wiping off the tears on your face what glisten.

That's who I am – so Dark and so Brightly;
both sides in me have an endless turmoil.
Never taking anything so lightly;
to make any devils plans to go foil!

Darkness and Light – so naked inside;
trusting over any trust, that faith shall be revived.
Nothing be forgotten, nothing go slide;
to make you see your life also revised.