Sunday, February 7, 2016


1. When the shadow wardens are building a keep
to hold you in check and you see you'll look deep:
"What you sow, you'll reap - what you sow you'll reap!"
You are ready to take a leak and out of your life leap?
But not with me, says to you, Jesus
I hath allready been there for thee!

Refr: "If that doesnt just fit your bill - Overkill! Overkill!"
"You may just rest; lay down and chill - Overkill, Overkill!"

2. When the mirror says to you: "So dirty ugly creep!"
And your soul is ready to do crack;
like the sand falling out of the hour-glass break -
you want your cool and old life back?
But Jesus is looking for you, dont despair
he has a place in his household for you to spare...

Refr: "If that doesnt just fit your bill - Overkill! Overkill!"
"You may just rest; lay down and chill - Overkill, Overkill!"

3. I'll say: "Go to Heaven!" then others are shouting: "Go to Hell!"
I'll say: "Rejoice!" then my soul rather wants to lay down and rest
Arent you hearing the Heavens, its chimes and morning-bells? -
Onward, faithfull Christians, lets be vowen to Christ's Holy Crest!
Keep it up, be brave, lets dance on the devils grave -
This is the Holy Rave; the Holy Rave; the Holy Rave!!!

Refr: "If that doesnt just fit your bill - Overkill! Overkill!"
"You may just rest; lay down and chill - Overkill, Overkill!"

4. I will bury your sorrows to the end and make them nothing,
from the east to the west you shall Rejoice and be etherlasting.
Take up your banner and loose your sobbing raggs to take the divine clothing,
Jesus is outcasting; Fish with him people; He is with us casting!
If your enemies are having a wild hunt for you for the Thrill -
dont despair thei'll soon be shouting to Jesus: "Hey, stop, overkill!!"

Refr: "If that doesnt just fit your bill - Overkill! Overkill!"
"You may just rest; lay down and chill - Overkill, overkill!"

5. Rejoice, rejoice, you Christians on your hour of need
Jesus has been there, he has all the answers to give
Listen to this holy anthem  of Joyous angelic Creed:
Rise up and live; rise up and live; rise up and live!
For Jesus on Galvary and Cross has payd the bill
so chill out with me and your heart be still!

Refr: "If that doesnt just fit your bill - Overkill! Overkill!"
"You may just rest; lay down and chill - Overkill, overkill!"

6. Make some noise, get out of your box; lets get loud
Jesus is your souls doctor and has something to say
For thus I am humbled and pray; I am solomly proud.
Let me be for you the steping stone, the heavens key!
when your pulse is fading and your conditions are harsh and dire
I shall elevate you to my spire - May Jesus Christ you Inspire

7. I allways live in Hell so you may get to Heaven and be all Holy - Well
Dont be thinking feisty to give in the devils heist allmighty
Are you really not hearing the Heavens its Evening wake-up Bell?
So be blessed by my rhymes  and take up Christ - all righty.
A holy crusade is beginning to start - the world is asunder; apart,
dont fold you hand nor change your cards - its time to play for hearts; play for hearts!

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