Friday, February 12, 2016


Then the darkness comes after devouring you;
all faith is dripping off like watery paint:
You seek guidance and bible it, but no confort – just aint:
You know, you are a wreched fool, not a saint!”
Shine your sorrows to the Cross; give it all a hellbent toss
In Jesus leep – the abyss is so deep – like an endless sea so blue
Shine your weakness to Christ – so He might shine strength into you!

Then the wisemen have dismantled your head and laid waste;
you came to learn the Truth but ex nihilo nihil all gone sour;
You feel like in Hell your paths gone sojourner;
all sugar has turned into rotten eggs on mount-flour.
Shine your fears and disgrace to the Cross; dont make yourself down-fuss;
In Jesus creep – trusts rewards so reap – dont eat that vinegar paste!
Shine your calamity to Christ – so He might shine valor into you!

Then all your fellows have abandoned you – and your girlfriend,
when your family is broken and dead, you see no end to the haunt:
Like a wraith of despair to ooze-step the road facing gaunt
Feeling like Betty Whites decrepit deaf aunt...
Shine your anguish to the Cross; that pain is not there for your loss.
In Jesus seek – to Heaven steer – dont follow the worlds hollow-trend!
Shine your lost fortitude to Christ – so He might shine resolve into you!

Then the enemies ranks seem void of reason without relent;
when you lost your shield and sword and are ready to run for it:
I am not ready to die for Christ today – no freekin shit!”
You feel like your stomack is trembling and filled with spiders-nit?
Shine your cowardice and regrets to the Cross; The life with God can be beyond-Gross
In Jesus be still when you weep – Christ is your steadfast keep – for you are lent!
Shine your quests to Christ – so He might shine vigilance into you!

Allbeit were die-hard and allbeit unseasoned;
the church feels to us like a lunatic prison;
we feel like a chick without a bosom
Jesus Christ can be our salvaging reason!

Shine your light to the darkness – empty yourself to the void;
for youre not alone – even broken I stand corrected by Christ;
in His Cross I gather all my zealous feist;
and cast away the foggy shadows smite!
Shine your soul to the Cross; get rid of the devils moss;
In Jesus Tick – and give the world a good ass-kick – no troubles avoid!
Shine your soul to Christ – so He might shine God into you!

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