Friday, February 12, 2016

Children of Doom

Nobody likes us; no time to spare –
no body like us!” – running in a nightmare;
playing with daddys gun truth or dare.
Afraid to live open – so scared...

Nobody cares for us – not even the deer!”
when running astray with vivid remorse.
The liquid fears are so tremblingly clear
wanna kneel to you tight upclose.

Tossing the coin on saving the tail for a Head;
Nobody has witnessed us in going to Hell!”
Nobody has given our soul heavenly bread!”
All life is just a hoax so hollow; empty and dead!”

Is this the life?” – Hanging by the neck!
"Countless have ventured before us to there,
no grown-up ever lectured: „What the heck!?”
Why dont give in to despair...”

Leave us be, for we hold no grudge -
to die is a blessing more than holds life;
anyway it was false, it was too much.
We are beyond, Jesus, so out of touch! - Holding the knife...

Holding the empty promises of glamourous hopes;
building up what others may of us want;
Why would you be any better – or nope?
Nobody can save us – Noo, you cant!!!”

I feel your pain; I've been so there;
suicidal and grinning; face so bleak for reason;
til the point there I didnt longer take care,
felt that every smile was like a treason.

Still, Jesus gave me the lift and ended my drift;
my sadness gave way to joy – no longer life to me a grift
Be it Tartu; Tallinn; Tapa; avenue, Fifth –
I will reach out for you over the rift!

So boundless in Jesus, feel it every day -
my happiness knows no limits
all yes He makes of my nay's
my heart knows Gods love intimate.

Dont waste your time in earthen lore
Jesus is calling you – come out of your dusk
there is something for you, the Heavens Encore:
Just raise your hand, dont be afraid to ask!

Jesus is calling You! This is the Truth
Leave your broken shards to past –
for thus lets rejoice and hit the roof -
be Gods loving-kindness unto you cast!

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