Friday, February 26, 2016



Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap;
they neither plow nor heap; neither row nor weep.
Consider the ravens – their mind a steadfast keep;
they neither bow nor sleep; they neither cower nor creep.

Not from this world and not for mercy's; mouth spats out only swears and cursies;
all unhinged and rebel in statue – got no idea, what that word means: “Virtue”;
All men on deck and lighten their pursies – we're out of mercy's we're our of mercy's!

Always in the way and on the wrong mood; got some axe grinding for ya soon;
When others go crazy on builders boon; guilders loom – so thrilling doom.
Counting the stars and asking for dollars, strangling with collars – not in the mood…

Aspiring on the latest verge, let the souls go merge to a velvet-serge;
The mind goes haywire but who's asking – he should really be called: “Ass king!”
Twinkling the tears to hope for betters not relenting til' Hell, or on its verge!

Having no clue, or abilities aspired – seeking the others reflection to be admired:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall – who is far worse to be a rotten gnoll?”
That's why building our Ivory spires to seek what can't be yet aspired…

Hollow the hopes and shallow the dreams – like Alice lost in Nether-realms;
Twisted our faiths and forsaken our conscience; blabbering bull-shit and haughty non-sense;
burning with intense; medieval incense for heart to grope, don't loose your hope!

Naughty by nature, so caught in the action – the mind is just a tormented fraction
of self and pity and daydreams so shitty; some facts so witty and relationships nitty;
When someone says: “Boy – you're so pretty!” I shall lunge him/her with carnivorous nature.

Not yet so mature and not anymore a child – seeking a place like a lawyer his case filed;
the judge is in contempt and fucks his own assholes – one in the belly button; the other in his shoes.
While wearing a tuxedo and hats of hybris – don't loose your mind; your inner child…

The time so flies – no one wants to die, casting the hair in dye for a far-cry;
No extent of gratitude to yourself – like an Oskar on the shelf, disregarding health!
Warping your looks and choosing the crooks – while the insides in hooks flies…

Consider a way out – this passage is horrid; even when scared to be looking any worried;
have you already said all your sorries? Or just a “Don't worry – I'm gonna win it with glory!”
The Heavens doors are opening thus – from your current decay get the hell out!
1Consider the ravens: Luke 12:24

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