Monday, February 8, 2016

Shackels of regret

Shatter the shackles – dont give in to wallow
Shatter the shackles – youre not alone..
Shatter the shackles – God will not that allow
that any of His meek shall perish and be gone.

I may be empty and have no clue hither;
I may be anxious, so lost and so scared.
Even when primroses next to me wither –
even then my lips say: „I dont care!”

I may be darkmooded; gloomy-sarcastic;
reaking the latest of philosophers taste:
Girls are so naughty – I think they're made plastic!”
freaking out on barren real estates...

I wont succumb to injuries gathered;
I wont lay down to wait for the kill.
I still got Jesus; my Faith; Bible – rather
than givin up on you who might will.

Take my hand, brother; and lean to me, sister;
I will reach for you out of the blue -
Even then devil says: „Shes bad, she kissed her!”
Dont worry, I wont forsake you!

Jesus be witness, I will brake through the mist;
not by myself, bolding, but in God I trust.
I am holding around Jesus's wrist –
so dont you worry, we wont get lost...

Come out of this sickness, that festers your body;
Come out of this hatred, that torments your soul!
Dont you know Christ – the One who is Holy -
He has allready made for your atone!

Dont pass over; dont sigh for resign -
Youre not alone; you'll be safe and fine.
Look at the Cross and its soothing shine.
It will remedy all your banes...

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