Saturday, February 20, 2016

Breaching the borders

Though you are far away; though I don't know you,
I may not hold your color nor your philosophies;
what is so righteous; what is so true -
when religion is a slipknot to philantropists
of governements and money –
like tar in my honey;
like Freddy Krüger not rabbit-bunny;
when fat was called ugly and beautiful skinny -
I couldn't more be in my head grinning…

When smart was called best; above the rabble, the rest –
what does it say of us, if calling: “I am a Christian!”
Faith shall be put at best to the test,
when you shake hands with the devil and wont jest;
nor snicker nor frown to show how low he is:
has more to be of stench as such Christian and cheese –
who trample on the wicked to scold their wrongings; pleas:
to hope that culture to everything is a remedy…
Did Jesus unto them also punched in the ticket? – What Comedy!

When beauty surpassed the beast to arbitter a better choise;
knoledge was given counsel, women got their rights.
But alas, by being so justified – strife also got a voice:
Like thousand and one arabian nights!
Madness and despair bestowed upon our leaders;
even the mothers don't dare to be among the breaders –
abortion considered a right, but killing is wrong? - weird yes?
How should an infant not born find its path – heirless?
When his right to be born is rendered speechless!

Governed by virtue and status of best choisest minds;
still the hobos are among us; not all find work;
the mashinery of Democracy like feeding pigs and dogs with meat-grinds
to play with people chess, and move to a fork…
To say: “I am Christian!” - “Let others accept aliens!”
When once we there in that spot on the courts of high and Forums together with Gallians;
our blood entrenched the fields by the gallons;
and no cross was spared from us no gallows -
But now the pope so speaks like a Roman Emperor without Gods Alliance!

Faithful is to be merciful but what mercy is this -
if you load a ship over its capacity and let it sink;
Is it really Christian or the deathly last kiss,
to bring a healthy state to Hell or on the brink?
To usher words of guilt to those who dare to oppose
haughty are the hats and too picky is the nose;
is this the Heavens Encore or the Devils applause –
to vote against senators as the politics disposes…
were we on the side of greeks or Jews?

Which side is this on the toss of the coin? –
Heads or tails when gay-marriage the church don't avoids;
is this the finger what is so thick or the loin?
To put up yokes of ivory on muslim groins…
Who's side is the pope – is it really Jesus Christ?
Is he at all Christian, when he into politics wrests,
covered by atlas and choisest garment on his chest;
gold and silver, not so poor as was Peter the fisherman – just?
Is this really so needy to be on that side a must?

No Body of Christ judges the rich when a nobody is pushed aside;
no hisses and snarls, when schools get downgraded to hide
how cheaters can't learn to respect teachers and be on the righteous side;
but the pope takes a stand for muslims and honors his pride?
What if you're not a muslim – does that mean you can't be homeless?
When you arent black – doesn't your lives matter as well or clueless?
Or you don't have something what on the shields and banners is confessed?
Does that make you non-Christian to want more from less?
That folly of mania grandiosa renders me motionless!

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