Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Consolation Price Award

 God is not for those, who console themselves in Branded Pity; 

not for those merry, who only share successions success. 

God is for those, who though broken -- still press onward 

to spite the devil and fuck his thunder to the marrow and bone!! 

God is not for those, who judge sinners, who only have lightning 

to thee, if you're in the gutters unworthy -- but who kiss the boot 

of flee Queen Bishiop and Knight Gallavanting as they flaunting... 

God is for NInth Milers Anthem who in Gatefindings, keep their promise!! 

God is not for parachuters, who gild their cojones and Idols; 

but seeing the Abyss-gazers, spit fire and brimstone second-cheek misleading. 

God is for the trespasser and the grifter, who knocked on Heavens door; 

and stole Life for thee and gave thensome on his streets and corners... 

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