Ranbows of Tolerance there showing off the pot of Gold;
the Leprechauns there on-tease the appletongue.
The game went South into the Park Ave. I blamed Canada
and started to break the 4th Wall, to have a date with Monika.
The Cuteness level of Natsuki was over 9000, and her balls,
they even rivalled the Mother-in-law of Gagarin....
The poetry slam hosted by the gentle nudging of Sayoris Halo;
I got a shoe on head, then I tried to cut myself into pieces,
to give Yuri a hug and ice around her neck.
Diamonds there said to be a girls best friends... and golden tongue arsonists.
The Bullyhunters there the new Frenzy-streak in GTA:
"Thou shalt not steal the transistor radio and Geto blaster from my Car!!"
I was fisting my cuffs into the scissors sisters, to make it bleed.
Conquest had to give before it was war. Silent and Deadly, the merry gallivant.
Worshiping the devils advocate into Guardian Angels of great Continents indeed.
Washing the feet and the palms of the soldiers and feeding their dark horses...
Fucking around the clock at Amazing, being the Bitch what keeps on giving for the memes;
Fortnite over and over and over, hacking the rhymes iblackout handsdown randomness.
The Uber-Modigliani to oust the Picasso, who settled down and became too civil for Guernica.
Just to give a Poe the nice Try. The cats there running rampart on their own Walks,
broader be thy bandwiwth at thunderous applause Simping the best motherboards...
Maximum velocity pissing on the wall and writing down all divine names and anthems.
Fucking the Good and Evil -- Beyond all Kamehameha challengers and Ultra Instinct Zombies.
Outriding and breaking the habits of expecting the same orc, and not Avant Garde. Aria Stark contrast
Below the counter I was offering meatballs, don't ask the bulldog, there he got it.
The Revenge of Simpsons Jackolantern, then the thanksgiving Turkey was delaying the tall order.
The Toys stored his stories on I-Tunes and was charging 3 Amps at 22 Mhz, at the double storie house;
I was speaking too much French, Excuse moi then John snored the Mount Doom and jumped into conclusions
giving the NightKing the cold shoulder. He was not impressed with that raincheck and called his own Rainman
to be the smooth operator and have his dance of Legion for the blood. You're going down, said Avatar to Firelord Ozai.
Or was that the plays at the nightwatch? DM -- Deadly Meek waiting for Jon Snow to have his encore,
but not at the cost of 2 dragons... Dropping the knife, the Mike left with the K.I.T.T and was knighted by the Queen of England.
Paris deserves its Jean D'Arcery to have their holy Crusade to storm the Bastie once more. Humble is the new Mary Sue.
Copying right in the corner of a dreadmill, as Don Quichote was fighting with the Knightingale novelists having Good intentions
on the roads to Hotel California. Shiping the IceKing with Frozen as Winter Fell in the Spirit and Jaffa was in the Hut
The mantle of Jerkoff was handed down to Crazy-quilt to have at thee.Somewhere Baman and Robin there
spinning off the Grave to rewrite the Book of Exalted Deeds for Witch-Hunters the abbridged version, swearing on MTG
The teens there disavowing MTV who didn't know how to vagina Rian Reynolds, to catch some indigenous people.
The Village was built in the middle of Saint Mary on the Rocks, I like mine bloody and with three shots of coffee
Enough ideas there flashing back to back; Naruto and Jiiraya there gaslighting the tadpoles for the frog-Prince.
Nobody did the kiss for the Iron Maiden. as an Orc Got axe for thee. That White Orc was too much Loki for his birthright
and settled to Bristol drinking Darjeeling and playing Backgammon with Kermit the Frog and Pepe. He ran out of Coffee...
The shots called another one to bite the Dust; and the Last Man was Standing in the Shadows at the Gates of Rashomon.
The Fan was servicing the Fire-starters and Elementals for the Arcane Jinx Main event... calling the name of the Wolf
Stones there cast from the other cheek firsthand Rainbow 6 saw Taking Pogniant led bullets, for the Weres in Wolvesclothing playing Wolfenstein 3D expecting a Patron Saint
Universed spices must flow for the Dunes of Dankness. Universal was calling shotgun
Weird Cyberpunks there drooling on the Cat of Matrix to transition between time and space. The Alchemist was measuring the temperature of Jar Jar Binks balls. May the Sith.com be with you. Palpatable teens voiceacting on the running fridge breaking Sabbath,
because of the spreadsheets falling on the top. Drunkated dealers corrupted the wish of Arab-Bohemian Rhapsodists in B-minor flat. Hung out dry, like a white elephant in the Monika Classroom, the mushrooms there saying high and mighty, but humble and silent.
Rainbows on the Tabula Rasa, forgave me my sins, as I indulged Inuyashas Alpenhouse music, seasoned with Tanya von Degurechaff on the bass and Gray Fullbuster on the drums;
the Lyrics there sang by Haruhi Suzumiya by the Numbers and Final Destination Squidshow
Supernatural Killilng God with Loving-Kindness blowing up my UniVerse defeating Lokis Bitch
The Prophet of the Daily Personel Jesus was a Potter of Jars of Crayons in the head of Homer... The Leviathans had a UWU to Cthulhu Bigger Badder Bolder Gaming for the Trons
Breaking even not Good to be Bad feeling. The depression hung up on me, but I got her number. I need another One, who binds, for the Wits End as the silver surfer was figure scating around my bulldogpiled shit in the jar of a haunted museum. Oh fuck oh God
sarcasming the daddies of the Satire and Hebdo to blow your mind at every Ramadaan.
My writers block striked once again, I opened the box of Pandora, to let the worms out.
Armageddon was up and I had some NPC to drive in my Falcon-X O'Neill and Teal'c trapped in the simulation playing Minecraft. For the Swansongs and Ravenstones No fucks to be given, none shall be received at the Knuckle Bar greenlighting Blaize Pascal, busting some ghosts in the shell murmuring Communist dreams in a Nuclear Reactor as the fat joke spread the ladies around, the Joker knew all about the poor choice of Political Correctors purrs. R Rehashed the lightning in the chicken, what was ordered to be tolled in the Scary Dark Matter. The Alps there imploding under their own pathos, for "here be dragons..." and falling off the edge of the flat Earth. Relevance was owing some Credibility on a Court-Jest for sure. I conjure some virtuous revelries in the dark, as the shadow took the lead from Tokoyami. Silence was Golden and Eternal as the Sounds there scaped by Disturbed, to say Hello to my Real friends... in the zone of Kuroko no Basket, basking in the gaze and blaze of gory guts, spilled for the Beans... Drawing the short strawmen for the tall tales and literary exageration and Homiliis Thus said by Zarathustra and Orange Cogs in a tesserekt wheel of fortune. I favour the bold, who can stand in the heat and still be themselves, the Solitary Individual, having onions and lemons for the knights of Rittenhouse Order. Executing the gloom and doom on 69 Feng-Shui and Yinyang chokeholds of WWA coughing bioweaponsmiths in the BunkerHill of BlackAdder A Ton of Naughty words there putting
the N around the Neck to replace the Criminally Blond Manifestos Transforming into Discepticons Pirate version. Sporadic derogatory shitposts fromaged Markii de Sade for the SAD to kill the Joker with the Noice under the Bus. Beating the Bush of Senators blushing in the yandere simulator, dictating my brainfarts in Calibri who approved the Emperors New Clothes, what I couldn't quite put my thinger on. Android 18 had glowing goauld eyes, killing Kevin McCallister for the golden Rain as the Temple of Zeus blew up with applause. I can still feel the thunder, as the Bear was awaiting for the Trout to start to jump into his mouth to procreate, while the dead ones conformed to mainstream and not Avant Garde the Decadence. Not a singular event horizon surprized my Cognitive Dissonamce amd 17/22 delusional vision, what drove all Jewish Bankers nuts, demanding all sheckels to be 20 each.
I was hating myself with wormwood and vinegar, to eat ravens bread in the den of Eliyah. Jezebel was not having any of it, as she wrote the Vineyard of Naboth to Kings Court.
Looking forward, as I shall not look back to Sodom and Gomorra saltmining the Gray Gargoiles, at the roof offerings of Cathedral Ex Machina, for God was Dead. The Penguins there sharing their wishlists, what should be written down to Santa Clause in order to think of the children. I thought on Overlord punching the ticket of a Cangoroo Court in Canada, to bail out all the truckers, who got caught in the Blizzard. Bending over the rhymes and concubines. Who wants to BDSM me first on the other cheek? Compulsionist Writers cannot blush enough, while writhing shit on the wall. The white noise from that blackboard, had an Rainbow and Unicorn to say, flashing his Monopoly get out of jail free cards, for the Estonian KKK's (FAQ) I recruited myself into Memes to be the funnybones in your closet. Remembering the November Scandals for the Crucified Ostrich-Game to absjurr Baywatch.
"Where are her Organs, cover it up, misagynist big, camoon!!" There is no prostetic Forehead nor game in here, nor a puppeteer and appendix. Just SAD masochist noises.
Casting down the spine and liver, to send Jack the Ripper to Chile as I didn't shed a tear for Argentina. Booty-Hunters there Eldrich blasting all Sermon-mounters with Mene Tekel and "Natz fehr ata infernum nigra."Tatanke Youtake" went back to Wounded Knee, right after going to Canada, confusing the factcheckers, for how can a sitting bull go anywhere?!
I did confess, but the Priest purged his memorybanks to have plausible deniability, that I wasn't even there, if he would Totally Recall Tobirama Senju waterbending with Katara, to be a proper Feminist in Training. Korra promised to give him some heads up for showing the true spirit, of dying before the ladies could tell: "Where is no spoon" jokes to fed up Matrix fans joining in the threeletter words, to Wikileaks and judge the sour cream sause in Assange -- the sage of Christmas Past. The Tongue was cheeky again and overtrumped the devil, to roam free in the desert, he was tossed for Milf and Canabized Cookies. Baptizing all the sharingan and byakugan eyes with Bleach and other -shinigami deathnotes and reminders. "The 80's are coming back" to Eurovision song contest remixing with Lutheran Chorals for the Hammerslams on the Pulpit and the -wooden doors, which there open and shut cases, rested in the pieces of Lord of the Flies ring-a-ring a roses The 47 ronin took a lead by one headless horseman to Tai Chi the insult on the angry murderhobo. Then I was young 30 years ago, I was thinking on the Summer Olympics and not anything else. While Mercury was falling down and singing Barcelona with Caballe... the warvets patting the stray bulldogs on the head, as they there put on the short leash. I leased some headstrings and conundrums for a Hale-Mary and Silvester for a bottle of Rum. Some men just wanna see the World burn in the hideous laughter of satirical hangmans jokes to eat all crows of Brandon Lee, who came back from the Grave to be the Next President of USA. Just need an Ouiya board to C- on your CAT scan. Copyright or Copycat, that is here the Pelagian Plebeian Pleiads and principalled Petrified Percy in my purcy for the Griffindors Win snatched at the mouth of Slytherin for the underline of hufflepuffian values, nobody ever redeemed. Suspending the suspence on the cliffhanger of Nietzsche, to let it glimpse one right back.
The Terminator was going after Judas Iscariot and Priest, to save Christendom, but was somehow missing in action. D&D was accused of casting too many devils out and the pope wrote a bulla to make them cease and decist the Exorcism. For it can be only one Highlander with a Doublezöllner sword vowing to give one half for the meek and fourscore for each wronged orphan and widow between Syria and Sidon. The Samaritans there salivating on the fundrazer of earlydayblessers who wish to eat at the table of the lord, but forget to take the leaf off the shoulder on Sabbath day. There is always enough room for the Futanari if you got enough balls. Let me cum in your parade of Justice and Mišbat Academics of Oscar Star-Whores, who roll their eyes and clap their footlockers like the cows of Bashan. Let the real 777 please stand up, to counter the Mark of the Beast, then Mark went home SAD, for he had a lot fucks to give up, for Christ and his Follow up, not even St. Paul could understand, being rainchecked to Bar-Nabas and the tables of discount Greek Offerings to the Lord having no Bible in it, to parce through the Gospel. The Living Word cast spells and scandals for the booby-trap ambush. Salem sent his Witch-hunters do verify to catch em all.
Valid pointers there handed out on the 4th wall as the writing was not having It as cohost.
https://youtu.be/Er9vsALL2X8 shoutout to the Critical Drinker who's Open Bar inspired me... I never felt so steamed and pumping of poetry, pure gold. You should listen to their stuff, ^^