Ok, now I watched the full podcast, link in the previous post. I'm always so lazy, that I can have a say one half through the podcast, sometimes only suffering the first 30 seconds, and already having made up my mind, what I'm gonna say about, for cheating by glimpsing into the future, which is a dick move, and I do apologize for that. Also it was the birthday of my IT guy, well my Mothers IT guy, and being so superstitious, I didn't wanna jinx his parade, so to speak, to write this, before I watch it fully on Sabbath day, to breathe like God did, after having created the World. So this is sort of laid back Sabbatical talk, but I have to give trigger warnings to Christians, because I shall walk many miles in Jesebels jackboots, so try to understand and comprehend. *Prepare to be Triggered, for Whiteraven is in Office* UWU
For reference and easier parcing, I will single in on the ending of the podcast at 1:15:40 shoutout to all the Canadians, for during this say "Ich binn ein Canadier!!" as JFK did say to the Berllin Wall, and we have another such wall to break. Well then ^^ Let us begin, shall we.
I will not give passages, because you can look it up yourself, if you cannot find the Wineyard of Naboth and understand what black cat crossed the paths between the Court and the Prophet, then you don't know much about Christianity at all, because its Sunday school material really. Well I enjoyed the best of the best Theologians available and have to grade the quallity SSS but that's neither here nor there, that not all the widows and orphans get to be saved, as Jesus said to his villagers and almost got tossed off the cliff,his hometown was built. Because in a way I'm gonna be speaking against the Christians with the same voice, and there shall be no mercy bars and no Hersheys kisses available.
The short version was this. The King, who married Jesebel because of political reasons, to strengthen the moral and political authority of Israel and the Court, had to also accept the Progressive tendencies of the Court of Jesebel at her Home Kingdom, because such are the rules of engagement, that a Bride dont marry nude, but brings her religion with her and can do, what is prohibited to normal Jews and woship according to her ancestors!! So then Jesebel married the King and brought her Priests of Astarte and Baal with her, she didn't break any laws with Jahve lord of Hosts. That was allowed.
What was not allowed, was the thing that the King did, being a total pussy and trying to buy the Wineyard of Naboth in order to elongate his gardens, because they there adjacent to each-other. Something, what today is a nonbrainer move, that you want to buy out the owner of the adjacent property, and the King was fair and let Naboth name the Price!! Isn't it fair and Honorable? Halleluyah.
But the King was not allowed to askew about the Wineyard of Naboth, due to the borders of each parcel of land being handed down by Moses and the Elders, to each tribe their own. Because that would have erased Naboths lot from Israel and his lamp from the face of the Lord Allmighty. :o
It was, like King David walking on his Manors Roof and gazing Uriah the Hetites Wife, bathing her monthly blood off, and asking the forbidden question: "Who is that woman?" Following the invitation to Court and fucking her, because from Lord Jesus Christs Perspective, the Adultery had already been committed in his heart. The same was with Ahab, who got triggeed, then Naboth named his price:
"God forbid me, if I give the inheritance of my fathers to you!" And by Law of Israel Naboth was allowed to use this say even against his own King, without dishonoring the King, because the office of the King was only the steward of the Real King Yahveh Sebaoth. And the King was offended, for he was rebuked by a commoner.
The King was so distraught about it, not having a say in this matter, that he went in his quarters and started to sulk, not even eating, like was the proper etiquette set in the Court. And Jesebel took notice and came to visit "the sick King" because that is not normal conduct for a King to act thus. Jesebel had to inquire this, to protect her honour. To be fair, nobody really dared to tell Jesebel, who was like AOC/Harris and totally oblivious about her duties in the face of the Law of Israel. As I mentoned before, she didn't present herself nude to the Court, nor shave her head bald, as is a custom common to Israel, why I pointed this out, what should have rather happened, before this Marriage, but due to the diplomatic endevours, that would have been a big nono offer to make, causing instant war.
So Jesebel dost not know the context and sees her mighty King, who was a hansome warrior and chad sulking in his bed, like that Son of David, who made himself sick to fuck his sister. And then she finds out, that some peasant, adjacent to the Kings high-gardens turned down a most generous offer of some other vineyard elsewhere or its value in Gold. And this bloke of an asshole dared to say no to the King, which is a Nono in Jezebels culture and Rule of Law in her Home. So Naboth broke the Law of Phoenicia, while upholding the law of Israel!! Because Ahab the King forgat to mention the context and be such a pussy about not getting Naboths Vineyard -- so the Queen hands her Naboths Vineyard, by signing letters with the Royal seal, to gather a fast, which was the common denominator, if you wanted to Honour somebody for his great deeds or punish for his imudence, and they put Naboth at the GOAT spot and two wicked men in front of him. And those there tsked to cancel Naboth: "We have heared Naboth speak out words agains the Lord our God and against the King!" which was a blatant lie.
Now the right due diligence was to single those two witnesses out, to verify, if its true, that Naboth has done thus and is worthy of the death penalty and thus forfeits the rights to his Vineyard and the King can get it by offering the proverbial sandal in the Gates, and walking all the roads of the Vineyard to claim it, then he meets the Prophet, but that comes later. -- Because, the hungry peasants, who had fasted and thought that now Naboth shall receive some kind of badge of honour for his remarkable deeds in Israel, for he was a renowned man. The moment, those wicked men said thus, it was game over for Naboth regardless what say he could have there, and got immediately stoned to death!! Because he was denied defence in Court to answer for his crimes he did not commit.
Lets flashback to the challenge of Eliyah, there the prophet called out ALL the priests of Jezebel, both of Baal and Astarte, to see which God brings fire from Heaven, and Jezebel with-holding the Priests of Astarte, because she had a bad feeling about this, and her champions got slaughtered by the peasants, then somehow it was Eliyah alone, who could do the impossible task, then the other party was offered so many Super-Mario boosts to make it a fair fight. After this defeat Jezebel had a lot of Crows to eat, and a lot of egg on her face, so she woved to Kill the Prophet as he did to her Courtly Priests of Baal,
Because, although, Eliyah did for Yahveh, the lord of Hosts, in a matter of speaking, he did the same oopsie, as Prince Zuko in the War Chamber. It was not his place to Critique the Court like that. Basically he ripped the royal garments of the Queen off, and was about to shave her bald (If he had also killed the priests of Astarte for the mob moved in the prophets moral guidance) The punishment for this was death, so the prophet voluntarily exiled himself from Israel, leaving even his pupil behind at the border he had to cross. So Eliyah the Prophet went to die, because he lost his face, for stealing the face of the Queen, who had to condemn and disavow his actions. And now there was a death-sentence in between the Court and the Prophet. And remarkably both sides there right in their own regards. Halleluyah.
So this Prophet comes and teases the King, who is about to receive his booty, the Vineyard of Naboth, and tells him, because he did thus, his Kingdom shall be pissed onto the wall. Its much like in my hentai book, I write in my other blogg, called "Kaarnakivi" because Estonian allows to have this dichotomy between two states, the sacred and the profane. Then the Custodian was commending Tiffany Ülemiste as "The Vineyard of Naboth" which is a mighty slur indeed, he was able to do so, because he was kinda half russian and didn't understand the language. I guess I have to still write the brackground story, anyway. The sentence was "Kas kuseme Riigi seinale" which in profane states: "Shall we piss on the Governments Wall aka Get back to work, you slacker!!" but in arcane terms, the runic shaman, who alone called the custodian out, then no scholars dared, because an uneducated excon said thus, so it can be forgiven... Because it also can mean "Shall we piss the Government to the Wall?" because that was the curse, the Prophet put on the house of Ahab, for doing the abominable thing, and circumventing the Law, to eraze Naboth from Israel and gather his lot. Basically Ahab erazed the boarder between Boston and NewYork, stating its one state with only one law not separate legislatures. It didn't matter, how big or small was the Vineyard. The precedent itself mattered, what the King generated, making the contract between Yahveh Sebaoth null and void, just because Ahab let his wife do the talking, as he was too sick to handle it in his bed, for getting the Fuck You from Naboth, for wanting to break the Law!!
And that in turn generated everything else, what the Prophet was too good to follow up and had to augment his pupil Elisha, before he was taken to Court of Heaven, to not have to suffer any more, because his embassy was closed. Now the Court of Heaven and the Court of Jezebel was at war, because there was no Ahab anymore, for doing the Adam sin, of listening to his wife in accepting the primordial sin. It was his duty as husband and King to uphold the Tradition and explain to his Wife and to himself and have his food, not sulk like a child being denied candy after 9. in the evening.
For the same reason, I am so pleased with Jordan Peterson, who is also the Vineyard of Naboth. Whosoever speaks a single word or action against this Man, this Great Canadian, speaks it at the same price, Jezebel received and Israel and Three swords shall plow over him and his court, as the Prophet said unto Jezebel and her Court. And Yahveh shall vanquish all who piss on the wall (all the men in this families linage, killing this family name off, like happened to the Black Family in J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter) ^^ UWU Swallows the scroll, llike Orochimaru To Sasuke Uchiha and puts his thinger under the eye and pulls the skin back to show the white. You want the second cheek, eh -- well come and get it, ye faithful Christians, because if you don't repent, you shall suffer the same fate!! Because, while it is hurtful to be denied your agenda, Mr. Peterson didn't break the Rules of Engagement, then he was upholding the 2 genders. It was his stance, and Democracy allows that. And the Trans-community needs to verify, on which chair they shall sit. Will it be, "My body, my choice, I create my own Morals fuck you Tradition!" which you can do, or "I am helpless and have to submit to my DNA and cant choose it!" You can't have it both ways!! Because the other chair is even Anti-Democratic because you claim to be a mental patient who has to get special treatment, thus forfeiting the privilege of College and University Education!! That is here the Problem. If the Law has to patronize you on this, you also loose all the privilege of choosing yourself. Its either on Courts honour or Your honour, and if its on courts honour, why are you being proud of being trans if you cant help it and still cancelling Christians and other rightwingers, because they cant help it either. Also I deeply appreciate this Test of Beliefs, because this is what I tried to achieve with my Nietzschean Filosophical Test, what I posted on this blog and almost deleted my account. because it was too hentai. Because you need a certain amount of moral authority as a student, there like the borther of King David, you can call him out, then your King is doing the wrong thing, without of fear of consequences, because you do it in the Court of the Most High, like was the vision of Isayah, not in the Court of the King. And if the Stweard fails, you have to put him back to his place, or Dagon shall be beheaded and handless in the Court!! Because writing IS thinking indeed, for that reason in The Simpsons, Bart has to write those sentences. For that which the mind dost understand, shall understand the hand!!" I never respect those students, who don't call out lectors on their bullshit, but immediately cry foul, because the 2 genders thing. Its like being offended, because somebody disregarded the rib-story and sullied a Christian with it. Give me a break, Trans-sexuals. Is this really your moral high-ground you can muster? Or is your Anakin Skywalker trying to Badass-jump Obi-wan Kenobi to Become Darth Vader. That is here thequestion! Peace and Prosperity to you all, May the Light shine upon your path and have a nice Sabbath Day, Halleluyah <3 UWU
https://youtu.be/Ro4r-qC7Cwo And another pissing contest, to write on the proverbial wall, Youtube?! :o
ReplyDeletehttps://youtu.be/MTTFwZb3o68 Indeed <3 UWU Preach it Brother (Y)
ReplyDeletehttps://youtu.be/vaoqo31KIl0 X^D Indeed, how can you possibly say no to such luscious venom sacks, the satire. This man should be a Preacher, he would definitely take Wilkerson's mantle, I'm sure <3 UWU
ReplyDeleteWhen I become sober again from Spirit, how close it hits home, that a Christian cannot say that from a pulpit and make us Repent... :((
https://youtu.be/W-s-zN9A3pE Oh look The Shovels to Bury Internet and potential revenue for independent art are here... :o