Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Be the Leaf

Believe Me, then I do say unto You: 

Be the Leaf, that fleeting moment. 

Embrace the Wind, forgetting the Road, 

you hit all day long; radiant Sun 

and soothing Moon. Be the Leaf -- 

En path to find the forbidden fruit 

at the Gates of No Gate, with the Family 

you never had. As the Chipmonks are 

bulletproof and the sage is colourless, 

tasteless, without any sense of odor... 

Amazed in the maze-minds Tome; 

undertoned; undergrounded; inbound. 

Be the Leaf, and Fall for the Winter, 

to Birch a new Spring and Summer. 

Ragnar wants to Rock your Midgard -- 

Ragnarog, then Fenrir ate your right hand; 

Nidhogg your roots and ancestry. Loki 

took Hel with him, and chased away your cattle. 

Then Fire and Ice dance around, Inside and out! 

Does your mistletoe and wheat know, what begets 

Baldur at your gates and Freya at your House? 

Stabbed by your own force of Will; gourded 

by your own desires and aspirations... 

If the One dost not die on his Cross, giving his 

flesh and blood to the Ravens, and his eyes 

to the wise crows, he shall not see Jacobs ladder; 

nor have the councel of Joseph nor Samuels wits. 

Become like a child, like a young maiden, 

who knows not, what a Man is, nor wicked 

covetous glee. Who has not sat down at the seat 

of the Teachers nor at the councel of the Priests!! 

Have no Name, No Face, No Sound! Be like Tao. 

Be the Leaf, what fell down, and became the Earth; 

Rain watered its grave and lamented his departure. 

Oh look, a young willow-tree sprang up. All its 

thousand leafs rejoiced, like a full nation; like 

the waves of the Ocean! Be the Leaf, move on. 

Don't hold Wisdom; nor Councel, because thats 

what foolish children seek. Do nothing and move on. 

Mow the lawn, play shogi or chess, sniff the flowers; 

fuck your gf and make yourself rooted in this land! 

Why should you float between Heaven and Earth 

becoming Kagemusha? Respect your elders, Respect God; 

change the World, by leaving it be; walk by enough times. 

The river will change its path. Bow down in front of the Mountain; 

your presence will make itself known and carve a path through. 

Offer no resistence, no points to return, move on! 

Be the Leaf, today your thought about Yourself, then We forgat. 

Was it Me Myself and I or was the wind, the journey the sky... 

Become the vessel of all might and meaning, the servant of servants; 

possessed by virtue and nothingness. The Light and Darkness -- 

then meaning meats silence and oblivion. Alas, how could a mortal 

tongue, ever sing praise, worthy of what is Holy, Holy, Holy! 

Even then I say: "Yahveh Sebaot, His Christ in Holy Spirit" 

what would that mean, my thoughts and contemplations; 

all what I have learned to this day. Aren't those like rotten haystacks? 

Haypope fucking Sly-Jack and begetting Old Nick who fucked Buthead! 

The outcome of any wizard and sorcerer is more folly in vanity; 

more sadness and despair, to fill another book with ink, to burden 

the worker and worry the merchant. What does it bring, in the grand 

scale of things? The wind still blows, and the seas still roar; 

mountains grow up and fall down, while forrests come and go. 

Everything has its time and presence, his proper place and passage. 

Be the Leaf, and that will be good enough, to gain enlightenment. 

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