Monday, December 19, 2022

Forrest Troll named Whiteraven

Psa 75:8; Jer 13:12-14; Luke 23:43; 14:15-24

 I Identify as a Forrest Troll, my pronouns are Lmao; Idk; nvm; lol -- 

I'm here for the Conflict, make it brawl. Let the dogs bark, bullcharge roar! 

In the name, what is Holy -- or Grayskull; numbing the sculldugging gull, 

to grind thralls in their own marrow and blue balls, wounded-knee deep sult; 

warlocked golden Halls, for the Rapuntzel was seen on another smörgasboard. 

Nyotaimori was held hostage on the shores of Lordaeron, a priori elves gored 

on the idea, a white ork, would make fun of their traditions hangmans Yokes bald... 

Whiteraven by name and to the forrest, no Goofy could gump their torrent; 

I lost my V somewhere inbetween 6 and 4 as half-past offended, slightly not 

people, had to Karen their loving-kind way on my path: "This joke abhorrent, 

aint funny, check privilege, some niggers got scared and called blackcurrant!" 

Blackberry and Bluebells merged together, to give some cupcakes slipknots; 

forget me not, as I piss my name on the yellow brick wall, to be shot on hotspot 

on another frame, to send Zeno of Elea my regards, caught in the nude current! 

Candid is my confessional booth, with no camera but allegory and satire True; 

I could not get past the second commandment, so I gave my Lan a blowjob. 

Lipservice really did the difference, to serve the Sons of Eli some L's crude. 

Lex Labora Lamentatio Lasertus Lamia Lacrima Laedere Lacerta... may I Prude? 

I lost my french kisses amongst a latin dictionary, as I was banging the angry mob 

of Wizzerdrix some sense in. They didn't appreciate the rape and converted Cops

to demand I invoke the marital law, for if you break in, you have to buy it!! Hues. 

Who could be more Jewish with their broken circumsision stand up commedians; 

than the News-Media grinding the balls of Twitter, while not even knowing spell. 

No I didn't mean Witch, but Bee -- how to word any kind of ammendment cyan! 

I guess they really are royalty, or just playing Necromancer in Diablo 3 Medians, 

did not get my bloke replies about Kabul, and sent King Solomon the Bill-Shell. 

Oil and Wine is still poured out on the Kingdom of God, for I can see--seethe Hell; 

like the Heilungspell of the youth, who wished to dine at  Yahveh's Supper Meridian! 

Out of Oxygen and Genealogy des Morals, had to be more Gay for Science sake; 

then I traveled to Japan and Kyoto, to see the beauty of Aokigahara to write haikus. 

The AntiChrist snubbed on me, calling out for memes fanning the flames wake 

for the Holy Spirits ascension to the Mount of Fuji and another Quickening drake: 

the Kirin and Kitsune Hime dance on the skies, awakening the dragons Raikyous!! 

All those rabbits there pika-pika picking me up on their pick-up bad habbits ravenous; 

for naming them in vain, but I just wanted some partners in crime, to drink old sake. 

The Rambling holy fooled words of an implored Imp lord-Troll Whiteraven 

finally caught a glimpse back from the abyss. It was Kthulhu, who was MAD 

He threattened me with a cease and decist, if I don't stop UWU'ing craven 

under his Balcony, singing like a stocky Bard ballades; Odes and Taverns 

wish lists, whatever floated under the zeropointmodule in Stargate, full Chad!! 

I took it as an invitation, to bible his daughter behind the Ladies room Bad; 

the door only opened slightly -- then I saw STARS Umbrella-ella-eh-Leven.

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