Friday, December 2, 2022

What it means to be Human

 Hermeneutic Communism Wiki 

Tranzies take Manhattan Parody 

1Cor 1:12-17, 18-25

Kanye West 

June-8-1977 East and West 

Rath of Ben 10 "Let me tell you something" 

People taking side by side, who is more Tesseract, who concubine; 

transient in all kinds of evil, what was to be the root, money talks.

This Bullshit is made for Walkers -- who soullessly creep optimized! 

"I'm with Ye!" ; "I'm with Jews!" "I'm hungry!" "I'm #Metoo!" lies!! 

"I'm with Jesus!" "I'm with Paul" "I'm with Peter!" Broadwalks... 

Just for show, then Jesters become the whole Opera in stalks: 

"Il Grande Niente" awaiting the decist from del Vento, thanks for the Fine! 

Then Freedom of Speech becomes a pissing and hissing contest; 

Steven Martyrs himself, by seeing Jesus as rightsideman of God! 

Casting his own church asunder, to be the holy seed -- is your feast? 

Why should Superman die before his time, eating Cryptonite yeast! 

Dost he suffer from Akne, or transitioned to be Cassandra in Blud. 

Don't trust demons promises, for they are never real, Etrigan Goat! 

Then you live on edge, the ravine glimpses into your souls confess!! 

There is no value, breastfeeding in public, eating unbought bread; 

standing by Balenciaga, then you just made a Nazi vs Jew pun... 

Oh so Humanist, like Raskolnikov killing the greedy hag in dread; 

for he had to kill the maid as well and become a thief, loose head. 

In Jail he reassembled his Superman grandeur, he didnt fathom stunned!! 

Pride is the greatest sin and drug of them all -- adrenalin shuns 

all reason away -- until you're the victim of your Golden Idol cum led. 

Hello Darkness, my old fiend, I came to fight the Chaos once creed; 

Oblivion, you shall not pass -- for Men shall stand their ground, alas! 

Ye, who you claimed to be born again and baptized in Christ -- defeat 

Yourself and take Yours upon thy own shoulders! Get back the lead, 

and follow the Lord, not Satan, your own accords! What vanities blas 

has conjured in your soul; what deception of grandeur to form such bias? 

You are mortal like other gods, and shall fall like Dagon in his house, Reed!! 

Don't be that bitch, Ye, who has to rip a new asshole every other day; 

birches dont fare well, then whip themselves to frenzy, Butchers hunt, 

dost fare well, abandon that folly punt -- you just shant, Count Delay! 

Remember Lazarus and the offerings he brought on Altars of Decay; 

turn back from your murder, who gives a black name to Luther - Mr. Hunt!! 

Mission Impossible is over, implorable to have a different cover, stunt... 

Or John Wick shall run you down for killing his pooch, stealing his -- Pray. 

I don't want your Cum, like OnlyFans succubi break NNN just listen Fam! 

Be my Hero and the good influence, the Youth Needs for Speed in Trial 

and Error, at the School of Hard Knox -- give em Life, not Heroine Clam; 

That's what it means, to be a Human -- if your Superman, dont let a Tram 

drive over the pedestrian, while you're so busy kissing your muscles; vials 

of intellect pretty!! Be Superman, not Lex Luthor, who edges in Cyan 

and Magenta -- choose, what pills you woo, Red or Blue, you know, Damn! 

Don't play all sides and pry all slides -- just gnothi seauthon and deem Yourself 

the Masters of your Stevens Universe, not the voices under your bed, grifts 

thy Spiritual gifts away -- yonder lies Jezebel -- Babylon, the whores health... 

As you erect your Ivory Tower, know thus -- if you take the basement stealth 

to get a new store on the Penthouse, you wont shoot the moon, but shoo adrift! 

This is not your Mark, hold your couse, Northern Star. Or did you go South-trip? 

Are you this Confederate to Lancaster against New York and Elf-Ona-Shelf!!

But you wanna be the fiery snake in the grass, who black mamba like Kill-Bill; 

listen, Goat, who got confused between signs whether you there Chicago Bulls 

or Cancer Sidelines -- Gemini! Let me tell you something, Rath stile so chill: 

"God will destroy the Wisdom of the Wise, the prudents understand!" -- Thrill 

in the Times of Darkness, there the Libraries of Alexandria burn numbscull... 

dispute this, who you are in a zealous rage, that people pay you no mind full, 

like it used to be, then you got famous, and there allowed to shit bars and kills!! 

But the Righteous shall prevail, who esteem themselves more than Lauderdale; 

launder your dais, while sniffing daisy teen spirits and puffing camels through 

the needle pin. Stand by humble beginnings and cast your light, to help failed 

newcomers; one hit comets, to rise from the ashes, be a True Star ingrained; 

in the pavements of Hollywood and Future contemplation! There's Canye Cool 

not Ye the Edgelord Dork, who has to stumble under every ladder, like holy fool! 

Be Yourself -- betters than your past present future -- better than firesale.


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