Thursday, December 29, 2022

Manifest this!

 I don't pray: "God, cut me some slack; 

I got backpain and head-ache, I'm lost 

behind the track!" I do: "Break me, crack; 

all my Vanity and Pride, like was Barak, 

who didn't feel worthy, to lead the Host 

of Israel, like did Deborah. Spread a toast 

of bread and butter with mead, to enemies Cock!" 

I don't sway left; right and center: "Is it real time, 

to tribulate for the lord, tabulate Numbers score?" 

I Manifest Wormwood and Vinegar, to put fine 

garment under the servants of the Lord, as kind 

soldiers of Jehu did unto him, after Elisha implored: 

"You are King of Israel!" even Eliyah could not hone 

that say, loving the land and its people too much, fined! 

I ask for the Cross, for blood and flesh, here to atone; 

for the sins and transgressions, what I have not done -- 

for the misgivings and grievances, I have not undergone! 

Just like my Lord and Master before me, was prone 

to be possessed by Harlots and Taxcollectors; crowned 

with ridicule, never having a place to rest his head down, 

save for Golgatha, the scull-mountain, while praying alone!! 

In Gethsemane; Bethesda and Cana He was the same, My Lord; 

may I fall among Boanerges, to be Left; Right and center outrage! 

Conflict is the middle name, ready to serve the wolves accord 

and the deers needs; wherever a Satyr may walk, or Nymph afford 

to see the Stairway to Heaven. I shall open it, which none may cage; 

binding all their enemies, which none may release encored on stage!! 

One way, shall the children of God come, nine ways part, clothes torn.

All those, who wanna convert Sadhguru and offer bibles to Iron Maiden; 

there is you such fervor, then an orphan or widow is coming your way! 

Alas, they are not on crossroads, and offer you no blue checkmarks Braiden; 

I got news for you, lassy, no leprechauns gold nor silverlining, Sir Aiden. 

For those, who cringe on the unworthy, as though, Jesus can't save!! -- 

No Supper for you, but Nietzsches Superman from amongst Samaritan, gave 

the Salmon his faultlines and scisms as forgiveness -- are You his Honden? 

Thieves dens; pits of venomous vipers, have Israel and St. Peter become; 

in which covenant has your councel not fornicated, like Ruben, your forefather! 

Simeon and Judah replaced him, just as Shiloh and Bethel, before the throne 

of Solomon was seated and the Arc went to Jerusalem, just because some 

nude dancing and humble service from David, the Just, who was righteous rather; 

but not you, who in the minds of Michal, want to snub on, what the Lord gathered! 

You shall be scattered, written Milka, people wont find you in the Bible, humm.

Manifest This!: "Break the unjust yokes, amend the unfair laws. Make Way 

for the coming of your King. blessed is He, who comes in the name of the Lord!" 

Proclaim the Sabbath Year and become enthralled in the spectacles of Mayday; 

the Sermon of the Mount as your guide, the Cross as your anchor, thus Pray! 

"Who is Like You, Yahveh Sebaot, Jesus Your Christ in Holy Spirit as told; 

Thou art Holy, the Whole World is full of your Honour and Exaltation, bold! 

Let the Attributes and pillars of Heavens Tremble, for your Words stand Firm!!"

1 comment:

  1. Ye Banished Privateers & Umeå Musiksällskap Symphony Orchestra: Capstan Shanty
