Friday, December 23, 2022

Noisy Nation

 Noisy Nation Funky Attack 

Why does God choose the meak, rather than the Righteous and Wise? 

This has been a thing, for a long time, so it is important to understand, when you wanna convert to Christendom or Zen; Tao; other non-meditative faculties, you have to unlearn of using your intellect as your main attribute. 

Maybe its my love for D&D and MMORPG, this kind of rogue-like games, there attributes and gear matter to boost your outcome. For God, that is irrelevant, what your stats are, but what your moral compass is. 

I'll give you an example: You send two people to the casino to count cards. One is really ingenious, the natural born cardshark, the other is fairly average. The first one comes back, having doubled his earnings, claims, he lost all. The other comes back barely gaining 12% which is a big deal. One cost you triple, the other gained you 12%. Which one would be more valuable, to have a huge hole in your tank, for the possible major gains, IF he is loyal this time, or the small increment, what gradually saves the day for you. Also the average guy could fly under the radar and not get barred. 

Loyalty to the order and duty, is sometimes more important, then the intricate ability to be virtuous in your craft. 

I'll give another example: A Band comes together, there everybody plays his instrument non plus ultra great... BUT they can't play together, for lack of synergy, for inability to work out, who is top dog, what is main theme, and what is back-ground. There are plenty of people, who can play main, but not backup. We are basically taught from the kindergarden, to be assholes, and drive over everything, to make our way happen. That's what you get, then you empower the women, while depowering the men. Because now Men cannot play paladin, but have to resolve to play murder-hobo or assassin-zealoth in society. 

This would not be a thing, in a society, there men are required to have discipline and Honour, values; virtues. Not just ambition and guilt; shame, for what someone else did in our past. There was the Curse of the House Atreus in Greek Mythology, what corresponds well about it. If you start judging such things, you gather a self-fulfilling prophecy, there people can only suffer and fail. If those people, who claim to be eloquent in teaching and enlightenment, would love the delinquent and criminal, they would ammend those tendencies better, by letting people fail, but also letting them return to the fray, not deliberating, are you virtues and values the right ones, currently popular. 

It might seem, I am contradicting myself. Wasn't God keen, in seeing through, that we would be loyal, and in accordance to the right moral compass? Its to be understood samefold, then Jesus was accused, of giving account of Himself. If you are genuinely God; Superman, or a Supreme Enlightened Being, you can give account on yourself, and just like Tsunade, ignore her own rules of refraining from combat. The question is about not having an Ego, what could have ambition, in furthering an agenda at somebody elses expence. Without Ego, you cannot be offended as well, then somebody dost agree with you, or makes a mistake. 

Whenever we seek spiritual things, we seek them through the enlarging and engrossing of the Ego, then the Eastern yogis throw that one away!! 

There is no Me; Myself and I in enlightenment, while you at the same time are the "I Am" of  Ehye asher Ehye. If you cannot understand how the Yang of I combines with the Yin of Nonbeing, you cannot understand neither Tao; nor zen nor the Sermon of the Mount!! Its like the bowman, stretching and releasing the arrow. That is the essence of Enlightenment and meditation... After you made the shot, you don't guss, how it went, and how you could have done better. The West fails in that faculty, because we're obsessed with good grades. Its not, that you should Commoncore, and not have any grades, but you should not stress them out. 

Anxiety and Depression is rooted in investing value in the wrong places, just like money is the root of evil, in the physical plane. Fear is not defeated, in winning yet another battle, but knowing, then to loose and leave the audience and stage. I never understood the Easterns, then the Master lost on purpose, while being able to make the killing blow. I also cried with the son. It made no sense to me. You should always hayaku ikee execute your tall order!! At least so it is taught in the west. But then I meditate on the zen and Sermon of The Mount, I think, it is a good thing, then the wise give way, and don't win all. There is no victory, in succeeding all brawls, because people will stop playing with you. If you want to get along, you need to learn to loose on time or play gracefully, there it seems, your opponent has more skill. In Japan its even a tradition, to loose to your oyabun. I saw that in the movie "Rising Sun" which was a turning point to me, because before watching this, I didn't fathom somebody from the black comunity, to be called a racist! I was taught in a post-sovet school system, so naturally racism was only to be done by the white community. It allowed to question my own positions and to not always trust the authorities, because they could have ample reasons, why to obfuscate and edit the truth. 

The meak is chosen, because he is unable to edit; obfuscate and distort the truth. Its not, because he's a fool, but because he is the dull-wise or holy fool amongst the Scholarly Wise Wizards and Witches!! Because, if you relent from your sharpness -- not from your slurs, because such people, just like Amos of Tekoa, could be really harsh, with their "Cows of Bashan" or "Drinking wine on a tap" -- I mean the witty ass-smart sharpness, there you are shrewd in generating stories, there the turtle defeats the hare, because you always account half the distance, that there is between the turtle and the hare, that the turtle is not there anymore, but has traversed farther. You could go this way ad nauseam, while the number gets into fractions. It was meant to show off, how the Greek contemplation was Superior, not to be right and truthful. For the same reason, they never built their temples evenly, but in an angle, you could not perceive with your eye, but you could see it on blueprint. That's the reason, why in the end Demagogues failed, because Veritas was not an attribute to behold. Pilate didn't say thus to Jesus from thin air. Veritas dost not mean anything under Roman Law, if you can bribe the judges and use slander to ad hominem your opponent, because the mob gets to judge the outcome of the trial, not a professional board of witnesses. It can very well happen, that the original sense of Democracy will come back! Then it happens, Rome shall fall a second time!! 

Instead of the courtroom, we just have Facebook; Twitter and YouTube. Its always the same. The mob, who is unintelligible, not because of lack of intellect or scholarship, but lack of ability to think and read. We have in fact more information, what could benefit Mankind, but less people able to make it understandable for the layman. Obscurity and Hermeticism is again the thing, and Gnosticism through Freemasons and other closed sections the theme, how to burn down the Library of Alexandria. There is not an age of Enlightenment, but of Transgression and Darkness incoming. Something, what Zaheer would have loved -- full blown Utilitarianist Anarchy in the blend of Tanya von Degurechaff/ Black Butler/Monika of DDLC. You will go to a phonebooth, imagine that, then we have our cells, to confess your sins, and depending how well you confess, you get a social credit score of hedons to spend, to buy things to like things, to interact in your social environment. If you do well, then your marker is positive, and your networth increases faster as it decreases and your prizelist is more fair, than if you do the wrong choises, in which case, you pay from an convenience store at 30% extra cost, while still paying the taxes. or maybe they are revoked, and only the wrongthinkers pay them... 

This is the cost, for like in Israel, demanding us a Fair and Magnanamous King!! Either through some election, or nonelection, because some UN representatives plot and scheme -- thus cementing the downfall, should a tyrant eventually muscle in. If Man don't take their responcibilities up to their own hands, instead of delegating them away, to let someone else do it, like Homer Simpson, the result will be Anarchy and the destruction of Civilisation itself. You have to always, invest in nurturing Democracy and Republic, because its not the natural state of the World. the moment you let go, chaos comes back to the fray!! May Light guide you on your path, good Masters UWU

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