Monday, December 19, 2022

Spiritual Councelling

I will never understand those people, who want me to become their confessional. To the point, I offended a friend of mine, by asking back to be mine. We don't talk no more...:(( The problem was with my dabbling in witch-craft I had to say no. Because if somebody confesses to you, it is like marriage, and you become one in spirit. One of the reasons, sexual predators like to confess to children, because it makes  them vulnerable and easier to target. Teach your children, to report any adult, who has to confess cringe personal things, they don't need to tell you about, especially if it involves sexual matters. Use Two and a half men as a reference. If something looks like, the topic of revenge sex or pitty sex, then you should be sus and think of a predator. Why should your child know about that, why should a stranger talk about that, without you being around? 
Anyway, I digress, in the bible there is this saying: James 5:16; Mat 5:43; 7:3 how to feel about praying for your brother. Mostly people choose themselves badass preachers, to be their confessional, just like they pick their Planeswalker to be their commander in MTG. It will fail for the same reason. Then you confess, you don't just take, but you also give. It is a relationship. Before the office of receiving confessions was established, regular attendants did that to each-others, but due to doxxing and cancelling events, there people abused the informations gleamed from those, it was made an office, to mind about peoples privacy. Also, like I said about my Witchcraft. In the ortodox church a painting or icon is a portal to another dimension. In respect, your preacher is also that symbol; icon; idol, who can be a portal to another world. You don't know, who else could be tuning in, while you're confessing your soul to another. For that reason, choose wisely, who you confess to, to not give the keys to your soul, to the wrong entities. Also the known parable of not offering drinks to the drunkard, for he could fall. I will never undersand, why exactly those people would seek my guidance, I would advice to stay away as far as possible. Is it some form of torture or punishment? 
I'm a selfish and many times intolerant person, for if you want to compare yourself to Lord Jesus Christ, there can be no compromise with people, who wither away to "You can't be serious!" and think of it as a strong insult. I think of the Fishermans Friend commercial. "Sind sie zu Stark, Bist Du zu Schwach!" (If its too strong, you're too weak!)  I am like strong breathe mint, what sucks all the air from the room, not just two bits. For that reason, it keeps me perplexed, then people want to confess exactly to me and hear my advice. Like the character in Mel Gibsons movie, "The Man without a face" I tried to locate its healthboard clip, there all wanted to be his friends, which is the opposite, a professional board should do. Naturally I could not locate it, probably, because it was deemed too offencive... :o 
I need a Tanya von Degurechaff/ Black Butler to receive my confessions, in order to receive theirs. If you treat the confessional like a cumdumpster, where you fuck that bitch senseless, without offering anything back, then why should that pastor or Christian trust you, that you gonna do anything, he's gonna propose to you? 
It is two wayd, so you'd take it serious, and don't confess your perversions, in order to impress. Its there, to get your shit together, and there lies the danger. We don't think around pretty people, who look like David Bekham; with the linage of David Wilkerson and the oral skills of Dave Chapelle, letting them get away with just about anything. But heaven forbid, you looked like the main character of the movie, I quoted and refused plastic surgery, because you feel responsible, then an autist boy jumped out of your car, and you could not save his life. Then its too sus, perhaps he abuses them. :o I recomment any, who want to study intolerance and superstition or witch-hunting, watch that movie. Its definitely better acting than Lethal Weapon. 
If you want spiritual councelling, choose your school bully, literally somebody you disagree, so you would not feel offended, then he has to call you out on something. For too many times, have Christians tried to bribe God, or like the King of England, electing his Arch-Bishop and giving the world a martyr. The story of the friendship between King Henry II and Thomas Becket, shows, how much we should watch our words, in order to not send the angels of God into outrage, as happened to the noble knights, who took the kings sighs as a direct order. Don't choose your best friend as your confessional, or you'll loose that friend! TwT :o :$ 
Choose somebody, who is an excon, who got nothing to  loose, so he would  not be tempted due to social cohesion and correctness, to tell you sweet lies and lullabies. If you got gangrene and cepticemia, then you take immeditate responce; but then the question is about your faith and life, how to change it to be a propper Christian, suddenly its complicated... Tell me about it X^D UWU :P 
If you can't tolerate Black Butler or Tanya von Degurechaff or Rath the Appaplexian in animation, why the hell would you choose, something like that as your confessional, or somebody who would look forward being acquainted with them? That shit makes no sense! :V 
You only deserve a great confessional, if you can be one to Chandra Nalaar, while not judging her sexual preference, even though it leads to  mass extinction in the lore, because nobody seems to be Straight there, and likes dick as a woman. They should at the very least research amazon lore and start abducting men to have sex that way, if its not ok to have traditional family values. Or do they intent to Phyrexia everything, and create in a pod?? It should be possible to ask those questions. You cannot do that, if you look your confessional to be an eco chamber and safe zone. Your confessional is your warzone, your no mans land, there you put on your armor of God, not take it off to be voulnerable and abusable. If you don't take care for your preachers soul, the same you request for you, then The Father The Son and The Holy Ghost might get salty and move that Preacher elsewhere, lest you abuse those resources some more.,, OVO 
What you give is what you get. You advance in unison to your preacher not alone, like Tom Marvolon Riddle! Never forget that. 
Eph 6:10-18 because you need to be God's Shield and Sword, not expect God to stand on top of you fending the wolves off, because you're too pussy to do it yourself. No! You come to the confessional, because you started to purchase your Navy Seals training, on how to become an Angel of God, and be the Armor of God in and around others. That heals your wounds and gets your shit together!! I don't wanna hide it from you, lest somebody gets dissapointed and outraged; sullen. But it is, what it is. You are, what you eat. Both physically and spiritually -- you cannot receive spiritual councelling, if you're not willing to exercize your own such insights back. Also being able to laugh about your shortcomings with a perfect stranger. If you're all about Sturm und Drang and pathos, how to make your thing look great at the expence of others, always fucking Serious Sam with Anvils and Anchors, then perhaps Christianity and my insight is not the best thing for you... :o :v UWU 
You'll need the Sermon of the Mount, to understand me, I mean, you can read 3 chapters, can't you! Mat 5-7 and then you shall know, how its so fucking hard, and how so many Christians have done fucked up, and why the church is not on top anymore, for neglecting to put this as their memento and not might makes right or the two swords in the bible... :o Take care and have faith, Halleluyah <3 (Y) UWU

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