Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Reality is a choice of Words

 Reality checked in on meme; 

sorry Me, stuttering, frisk it -- 

for no bisquit. As Alps had a 

Nigtmare party, at my chest. 

Commemorating the holy 

matrimony between Loki and 

Swadifare, to break the vow; 

for gods love to tell the truth 

in lies; while mortals lie, telling 

the Truth!! Birch me, when you can -- 

as I Abort/Retry/Fail to comply... 

The fabric of Uni-verse una-Bomba 

dress-rehersed chill. A Kill-Bill for 

a knife on edge, seeing a bride beaten 

to deaths door; the shots of hot irony, 

still burn in my Athelstan'ed hands! 

Who has not omitted History or sacred.

txt for the sake of Cinematography 

and a Yellow Star, at Broadway: Keep 

those curious kittens trotting @WellMint 

Alas, Noooh Thus is the Roads to Hel!!

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