Saturday, December 31, 2022

Thank you for your Service

 Clerks and Maids, Servants and Spades; 

Vendors and Mentors, Officers and Medics. 

Thank you for your service, on the Holidays! 

Truckers and Builders, Custodians and Welders; 

Plumbers-Firefighters, Early worms All-Nighters. 

Thank you for your service, on the Holidays! 

Soldiers and Clerics, Lawyers and Interns; 

Librarians-Accountants, Jurors and Judges. 

Thank you for your service, on the Holidays! 

You are the ground, Society was put to place; 

the Rock, what God bestowed His blessings. 

Behold, on this New Year, may it exalt thee! 

Draw strength, walk with Pride -- Salt of the Earth!

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