Sunday, December 4, 2022

The Dangers of Moral Panic and Outrage

 People want to be emotional and give a fuck. People want to take care of their surroundings, and be responcible for it. That is the reason, why a common trope in gaming, like in Diablo 1 Lazarus goading peasants into the dungeons, to be slain by the butcher demon, after he whipped them into a frenzy, to retrieve the very kings son, he himself captured. Not to mention, the narrative, to drive the pious king mad, because he refused to become possessed by Diablo. Later being the sceleton king in various expansions, which have drawn out the good will of the fandom. In the moral perspective, its no different, what Isayah had to suffer, in the hands of Christian theologians, seeking for Deutero and Trito Isayahs, out of doubt, one prophet could survive three kings with his spicy takes!! The problem with that, once you start doubting, the scripture was entirely truthful in corresponding agency correctly, and who the author was, there's no stopping it. Whenever there is preaching and prophecy, there are always two factions interwening. The Loyalists of the Crown and the Edgelords, who are always against, no matter what. I don't see, how its any different, then you shout "penitentiagite" becuase you're illiterate and havent learned to say "penitentiam agite" or repent from your sins, basically get woke! or its opposite -- get corporate and fascist! Though these days, both sides are played by the same party. 

What is the danger of moral panic and outrage? Ask the Satanists and gamers, mostly D&D enthusiasts, how fun was to explain your trade in the 80's and 90's I don't mind, then there is a Bathomet statue in an Atheist school, allowing people to practice Satanism, because the next moment, I want Christian youths to be able to have a morning or lunch prayer place with a crucifix on the wall! I also have no problem against religious symbols what correspond for Buddha or Krišhna or something else. Being a Security officer, we have to constantly guard places, what have stickers marking, that this place is warded by that company. What are those signs -- for instance, if the Roman Empire tried to put his standard into the Temple of Yerusalem, the local Jews asked the prefects bowing down and showing their necks, that they would rather die, than allow such blasphemy! Because the name and Stewardship of Yahveh was upon it, and not even Rome, who conquered Israel, was allowed to put his standard there. Let that sink in. In a way, working as a Security officer, 

I have to constantly attone myself, that I am under the standard of my company, not the Cross of Lord Jesus Christ! Seeing myself as a slave and bastard, just like Obed-Edom, the Gittite, had to take in the Ark of the Covenant, which previously was too holy to be touched by Usha, then the oxen tried to cast it down, because it was carried by cart not by concecrated priests shoulders, because that would have taken too much time. David wanted it in his city NOW! Thus the House of the gentile was blessed and not the King. Later on the King got further punished, then his wife didn't like his cheers, bringing the Ark to Jerusalem and dancing in front of it like a raving lunatic, and jumping up more than the youth, so much so, that his dick showed out!! That was a great NONO in Israel, so the wife had every reason to be aghast, but the way she addressed that, was disrespectful to the crown, and thus, being the daughter of Saul, the latter king, her sons there given as payment for her fathers crimes. Only Jonathans son was spared, because he had a separate contract and friendship with David. To the point, this bromance was culled "too gay" by King Saul -- because Jonathan refused to hand his friend over, then his father sought his blood... This all happened in fits of moral outrage. 

It is not wise to call out the King, then he appears to have acted out like a brat. It should be called out through diplomacy, to avoid sullying the Lord Allmighty, while you try to slap the first cheek. For this reason, try to avoid inflamatory words, such as: Mat 5:22 "Raka" -- You Fool (which smites the first cheek) or even worse "You Retard/Abomination" (I tried to find the corresponding word the Estonian Bible uses, because the English ones have already been omitted to double down fool. Also the offered translations by Google translate as gross; discusting and attrocious are not sufficient enough, because you want to flavour something, you blame God for. As in: "why did God create such an abominable creature?" Yes, that must be it. the word I am looking for slapping the second cheek...) 

You can only use such words in 3rd person, as did the daughter of David, who was raped by his brother, while not heeded, and later that son was killed by another son of David, resulting the alienation and later insurrection of Abšalom the Gregarious, who in his moral panic and outrage, that David didn't wanna kill his raping son, nor him, is unfit to lead Israel and Judah. For that he himself had to rape all the concubines of the King his father, to make himself vile. Let that sink in... Whenever you listen to moral panic and outrage, you are in danger of doing the same things you just condemned. I purposely don't list the passages for that, for I want you to read the wholeness of the Chronicles, the books of Samuel and the Kings. If you can find the war scrolls of Yahveh, that could prove handy as well... 

Always know, where you lead yourself and others, and what your point of origin is. It is easy to get confused in the heat of battle, like vengeance in Kill-Bill or John Wick. Also Detective Conan and SAO in regards to AI is a good topic to behold. Has a genius the right to hostage his audience to make moral demands. Has he the right, to fry their brains, then they try to escape or fail his trials, in a hunger games scenario! It regards the labyrinth of the Minotaur, so its no small favour to heed. How do you kill the Minotaur, and escape the Maze without killing the Father-King Aegeus, who awaits his son Theseus home. What if there are no white sails, like there is no spoon in the Matrix -- or air to breathe while fighting a simulation? What if you are Alex James Murphy, who is made to Robocop. You wanna be a Christian, but you are also a Cyborg! What now? Who are you to your friends and loved ones? Are you the same or are you the "Statue of the Antichrist"! 

I mean, we all saw, what the prime directives did to him, and while the movie plot had a happy ending, just like in the Terminator, a restart always saves the day, what if you can't reboot!! Its the ancient old question, what is our Soul, and where does life begin! For the same reason, one faction advocates for abortion as a fashion article for any reason, while the other absolute purity in holding any life even then its clearly doomed to live in a wheelchair and screem internally, without giving much out. Or the same about marriage, there one faction wants to divorce as soon, a woman gets slapped or disagreed on and the other states; await 50+ years and maybe then your grandchildren are adults!! Can't we have reason and tolerance in here, there we understand where we come from and don't kill each-other for having differing world views? But that is hard to do, then you have moral panic and outrage -- oh no the pear fell into the pond and made plump, the hare run away, and didn't care that the fox captured him, so the fox ran away, and didn't care that the wolf captured him, so the wolf ran away, and didn't care that the bear captued him, who ran away, and then the Lion roared and everybody saw another pear plump into the pond, and the animals laughed at their folly!! Don't follow the rabbit, follow yourself! Take your actions upon your Cross and take responcibility for it, such is the way of a propper Man and He, to assume Superman status. Halleluyah, May the Light guide you on your paths, young padawans! UWU


  1. Jordan Peterson being the Holyman of our times.(1998 Eddie Murphy )

  2. Bad Brittain, for "Legal but Harmful" you just legitimized the V for Vendetta narrative. Are the northern lights burning now? :v
