Friday, December 9, 2022

How to utilize the Ravens Eye Gifu Odal Sowulo

Gifu wiki 

Othala wiki 

Stargate S4 Ep. 17 "The music dost possess the Mugician" 

Sowulo wiki 

Elder Zion wiki 

Mojo Jojo wanting to rule the world in Bulgarian 

Mojo Jojo ruling the world in English 

Dragon Ball wiki Journey to the West 

Sun Wukong Journey to West 

Lucious the Eternal 40K wiki 

Jason Todd wiki 

Jason Todd Short "Why is he still alive?" 

Arith Härger wiki 

Yosemite Sam "I blew my stack!"

 Let it be known, that I am Christian Baptist with Communist tendencies, so before you do anything, take three grains of salt and consult with your spiritual guide or guru. It was really hard to craft it. ^^ *criminally blond moment* Like really, really hard -- Sowulo didn't like me at all, and Odal looked at me, as though I tried to mate a Tesseract with a Tarrasque and Gifu was just cringing dismayed. X^D In order to understand, how a bindrune works, you have to understand the intention, behind crafting one. For the Christian quote, we'll come back later. First, lets talk, what, the corresponding runes mean separately. UWU 

Gifu stands for Gift; Generocity of God. It could also be seen as Agape, as long you mind, that this dont exclude storge and eros, for God is not human, and is not limited to our feeble attempts of equality and morals. Thus if your interpretations about morals are somewhat sqewed, then the gods (principalities and powers for Christian readers) shall have a laugh opn you! You get exactly, what you dish out, like the fairy-tale about the man who had a magic whip, which could force about any wish, asked for the Sun to only warm him, and was burnt to a crisp, while running pel-men in a fiery landscape! 

Odal stands for Dominion or Possession; it could also be translated into Priority, the most abused rune by the Nazis and Adolf Hitler. It stands for your mind and attention span, or channel, you want to allocate for your craft or deed. If you don't mind, what you're about, your craft will take possession of you, much like Daniel Jackon of Stargate S4 Ep. 17 with his "The music dost possess the musician!" making the son of Apophis giggle. For normally you would be right with that assertion. But if you bring runes or other mystic powers to the equasion, then some people might be getting drunk with it and corrupt themselves!! 

Everybody knows, what priority in D&D or MTG can mean, if you have too much of it. If the day has dominion over you, then everything will be scorched in your life, like the background story of Wesnoth: Under The Burning Suns. (I liked the original art, there Kaleh, was depicted as a white arab, not the blackwash it is now... :((seeing all the characters in clothes hurts my eyes. The pinnacle of woke pandering... :o) Odal is also the name and title you use and cherish. For instance, if you call yourself something on Twitter, you're using your Odal... the reason, why Jesus adviced not to call anybody mother; father or teacher, because he Foresaw, how the Christians and the Jews start abusing these, to gain dominion over others, while not being kings in their hearts, for they don't want to serve the people, but to drink wine on a tap, like the belittled cows of Bashan, they really are!! :o :V 

But enough of this... Odal corresponds really well with Yahveh, lord of Hosts, being El Shaddai! The God of Attributes. 

Sowulo stands for the divine Light or Lightning breeding the ground and bringing forth Life! It stands for the Sun, having the shape of an eye. Its normally referred as victory and success -- but really you should take it seriously, because its the incarnation of the arab curse: "May you have what you desire!" and Godspeed in the morning. What do you know about your future or the board, to boast about your victory sign. Though I don't wanna give credit to the woke. The hatred towards the (Y) is partially founded, for it can ruin your life, if you don't mind too much. It's just not on the grounds of it being a Nazi salute or dogwhistle. We should always mind, we don't give out more promises, we can later put our money, there our mouth is at... You can bring forth or execute a nice artpiece; poem... or something really vile, like Mein Kampf or The Protocols of the elders of Zion abominations of literature, what should have never been shit out from the quill, what spewed this ilk... :o :$ For the execution key is neutral, and does not do good nor evil, like the gun or the katana. It does exactly, what You Will!! And You take responcibility for the Good and Evil begetting from it... OvO 

So, what will you get, then you put three Powerpuffs together, like Moyo Jojo stealing candy? ^^ You get the Ravens Eye, looking to the West! You could make it look to the East, if you invert Sowulo, like with the Swastika. Then its not anymore, Songoku going to West, but Dennis Rodman going to North-Korea or some other naive Celebrity pulling the Kanye West, for cheep clicks and thrills... but I wouldn't recomment it... :o 

Only a monkey King or Joker with a Master Number 22, who is the divine Holy Fool incarnation of Nietzsches Zarathustra, while not being Dostoyevsky's "Idiot"! can wield it. 

I combined it with Lord Jesus Christs saying about the eye being the lamp of the body. Mat 6:22 but if your eye is in darkness, how great is that Darkness!! UWU 

Aside of that, I don't discriminate between race; gender nor creed. Anybody can wield it, as long you don't want to rule the world and others. You can only wield it, to find out your gnothi seauthon!! If your telos is drugs, you get your OD; if yours is compassion, it gives you exactly, what you seek. Wisdom -- go for it, Fam!! But if you so much as sneeze towards ambition, like the emperors son in Gladiator 2000 you will die, like the Warrior defeating Lucious the Eternal, feeling pride!! Becoming the Tyrant and abomination of your virtues and values... 

There is no Pride, in defeating the wicked, for they have been created by God as well :(( Its a necessary evil, what can't be helped. If you don't feel that way, you're like Jason Todd, lecturing Batman over, why is Joker still alive! One step before the abyss, there the Arkham Knight becomes a self-righteous vigilante, only out for blood, not for Justice. :$ It always starts with the same argument, how you don't hate on the Penguin or Two-Face or some other lesser evil, but why not kill The Joker?? Why not get rid of Kanye West, for loving Hitler too much? 

Because it would be too easy, and there would be no turning back for freedom of speech. Little by little you go further and wager-deliberate. Today Kanye, tomorrow somebody else, until Midas struck gold in his own daughter and himself!! Its not by accident for me, that the Arkham Knights initials correspond to AK47 or the Uzi being the instrument of death. Or the peace rune. If your Justice is like that, you are the bringer of death not Life!! Why should people listen to your pointless exorcize in replacing the Nazis or some other enemy, with You? "If you kill a murderer, then the number of murderers in this world, remains the same!" Batman. 

You are, what you watch; what you eat; what you mean! Because from your heart comes corruption, not from the outside!! Clean the cup from the inside, then it becomes clean from the outside... Mat 23:26; 6:33... 

I don't mind, then Arith Härger don't believe in Christians being according to the Sermon of the Mount, for its an accurate historical depiction, and reasons, why we fell down from Grace, like Lucifer from the Heavens, struck down in pieces, for the Heathen Kings to behold and bewilder!! I am happy, that such Supermen, even Nietzsche would have been proud of, exist. They don't make em, like they used to. :$ :o :v 

This essay is to be taken as a belated birthday gift to Arith, though we're not related nor friends. ^^ (Y) <3 I just like to watch his content from time to time, to see, how the pagans think. UWU Of all the people, I think only Arith being worthy of wielding the Ravens Eye, and not being corrupted by it, because he already represents its positive meanings! I can't say, I am the same way. I have my moments, and I come around, but its like Jason Todd or Yosemite Sam, because I like to blow my stack, from time to time. And Hey, it gives nice poetry... X^D All my poetry has been written through that bindrune, which I summed up my spiritual journey with. "Here I stand, I can do no other, God help me!" Martin Luther 

Have a nice day, young padawans, in aspiring to be future Sith-lords or Jedi Masters! Halleluyah, Godspeed.

1 comment:

  1. Earthbenders -- Warriors Avatar -- Who I Am Korra -- Unstoppable Airbenders -- Industry Baby vs E.T. Firebending -- Play with Fire
