Sunday, December 4, 2022

Slander against the Holy Spirit

 This is a controversial topic. Residing mostly on Mark 3:22-30 So people naturally assume, only if they contradict a preacher/prophet and attack his persona, this passage is triggered. It is also triggered, then you attack the persona of a celebrity you dislike, through the turning the other cheek parable, because you're not supposed to escalate your ad hominem, on God, which results in you being stoned to death! Today this is not done anymore, so you would assume, who cares... Spiritually it still has value. God will see and punish! :o

Recently Mr. Elon Musk, who bought Twitter, got into trouble, then he made it public, how this domain has interfered with the elections in USA. Naturally the left has been hounding him ever since, accusing him of being the Antichrist, because he wants to put chips in peoples head. While it is a topic to behold, because internet accessibility for your brain, can make you a liability, what you see and hear, considering, how much that chip regulates, but we shouldn't throw such technology, like the baby out with the dirty water. Not every entrepreneur is the devil in disguise. Also those same people, had no problem, then Agraval led Twitter, or Biden Destroyed the economy of USA not to mention calling China an moral example for the West by some idiot in the EU ... so go figure. :v

Anyway, you cannot connect advancing impairing aid technology for mutes; death people and blind, with the Mark of the Beast. I know, Transcendence starring Johnny Depp 2014 was an awesome movie, but because of that, lets not paint the devil on the wall. Most of the people harping on it, do so, solely because they are woke, and they want censorship on Twitter. Not Elon Musk is the Antichrist, nor is he commanded by the Antichrist! I can't believe I have to actually say that, considering, previously I didn't like this guy, for his relationship with Amber Heard. But I am willing to give him a chance, because it seems to me, things are going better on Twitter, compared to the shitshow, there was, before I deleted my account. Its fun to be back! ^^ 

Elon even showed intrest in Ortodox Christianity, though it comes no surprise, because its alt, supports entrepreneurs better, than Catholics and Baptists would. I hope, he wont do the Putin here... Also its iconography and treating every picture as a form of portal to another dimension. For a person, who has to take care of Twitter, or sending people to Mars etc. I can relate, why these come together. UWU 

Through my short period of 40 years, how many Anti Christs have there been detected, I wonder. Pope Benedict the XVI; Nicolae Jetty Carpatia, the fictional antagonist in "Left behind" what Elon Musk takes great resemblance. though Twitter is no United Nations X^D but still, that could be one of the reasons, why... Nero Ceasar; Hitler; Kissinger/Gorbatšev depending on which side you there; Napoleon; Every American President, Since George Washigton. antichrist 

Every time you call out this wolf, you not only give dominion to that wolf, because you pray to that wolf, but you make the warding effect of that flag null and void. Eventually people will be indifferent and snub you, whenever you mention the Antichrist. Because of that, any Christian or Jew or Wokester or Zealoth, who speaks up against Mr. Elon Musk, without providing ample evidence, which is more than, developing impairing aids, and owning Twitter, be silent now, or this will be accounted as speech against the Holy Spirit and in contempt with Lord Jesus Christ, because this Man has at least given it a try, to be the Samaritan, even though it was none of his business. He is more of a Christian, than many actual Christians bothered to be. People actually ask the bigger questions in every religion and regard now, without being censored for it. How can you be ashamed that every party can speek up, even alt right and stupid edgelords like Kanye West loving Hitler, while claiming to be in league with God. Did Jesus Christ cut the ear of his captor off? No that was Peter, and Jesus mended it back!! So fall back in line, Satan, and follow Lord Jesus Christ, not your bloody murder against Mr. Elon Musk! Good Day, Sirs, and Godspeed!


  1. Look, how the Snowflakes are fawning. Not for the faint of hearts if your inner core mealts easy... :o

  2. The mating call to catch an Authoritarian
