Saturday, December 3, 2022

God bless you

Written to bless Elon Musk; Donald Trump; Kanye West; The Quartering; Vee; Styx666; Jordan Peterson; Amy Coney Barret; Slavic Warrior; Salty Cracker; Carl Benjamin; Andy Ngo; ThatUmbrellaGuy; Raging Golden Eagle; Clarence Thomas; Brett M. Kavanaugh etc.

 Korra -- Running from my heart 

Sucker Punch: Fireflight -- Stand up 

Korn ft. Skrillex -- Get up (Sucker Punch) 

Frank Sinatra -- Fly me to the moon 

Top 100 slow Blues 4:13:44

Against all ods, defeating the worldly gods, those nods; 

who like friends of Job and the cursed son of Noah boast. 

From East coast to the West; North til South -- prog.mods. 

The pragmatists, of these days, no chivalry, but rival toads; 

judging for the slight, they take the head, one insult roasts 

an elder to be dead. Thus those Lamechs, killed Cain -- toast 

to the insult and injury, then seven became seventy seven loads!! 

Turning the other cheek, then undercover activists creep, lines 

drawing the free speech, never shutting the fuck for the memes. 

Green days, what never walked a single mile, in others Fines; 

thank you, for the farewell, off the cold shoulders and chimes. 

Christmas is merry silent, while Ukraine is starving-cold serene! 

When will Ruben mean business, there his mouth is, not creme 

the crop for sublime wise mans says -- fast nowhere Neverminds... 

Deborah once more, has to stand tall -- for the Men are on Business; 

Korra and Suckerpunch for the strawman and scarecrow-golem-Krabat. 

For even the stones lay silent in the Broadway under your walk -- chess 

is played in every bed, at least 4D if not trans-zen shameful to confess! 

Where have all the prophets and martyrs gone? Each in their own Mišbat, 

does what ever the fuck their want!! God bless, the knees not bent; skat; 

nor wounded by outrage, as someones edgyologia, Fairy-Tailed the Masse!! 

Your betrothed, who was left behind, then the honest thief, didn't find a relic; 

then the lost daughter found her parents to loose her body and soul, betrayed! 

"God Is Dead!" Yet people still chant, we know the Truth -- Ordeal thus, cherish 

the pain, to gain Arcadia, as long you forsake the elders and old-school parish! 

I shall not perish a single iota, leper, widow, orphan nor booty --  as dismayed 

pele-mele the frenzied zealoths run headless chiks, horsing around Coldplay!! 

The blues inside spanish shoes, and Jazz behind the broken brass pop-cherry. 

I shall hold the line, then the last drop of blood has dried, then the warbanners 

have faltered and gone to greener pastures; then nobody sings Baba Yetu nonce 

to be like the sons of Eli, taking new customes to Church, red light and cancanner; 

while cursing opponents to be ablist, patronising the meek and broken channels. 

Zozo on their paths, and Lilith-Asmodeus-Morrigan on their House! I hence 

decree: "Blessed be, who comes in the name of the Lord, givin cold water, pants 

to the Appoplexian, nude unknowing; to the Samaritan lodging Sabath candles!!" 

For what you done to the accursed forsaken, you have done, for your Lord; 

what you do on street corners Holy Suppers indeed -- your price already Cum!! 

None shall feast, who made a single angel of god cry, leaving behind the cord -- 

claiming to fight Nazis to be enlightened-stunning-brave; where's your Pride-Ford. 

Sold to the highest bidder, who gives food on your table; who dost: Shunned. 

Europe and Io once more, shall be chased by angry hornets fornicating stunned; 

your californication is a foot, dreams Psyoppainauts to jugger in Fanta-Fey-Fjord! 

FFF the new hyperlink decadent avant-garde supreme! I stand guard in Hell; 

to cast up the ones, who didn't give in, to Heaven, there they belong, doing things. 

Blessed be, the Entrepreneurs and Bourgeois; Communist Utopians shocked Shells; 

those with no spoon, spoof their own devil inside, become a warding spirit, Bluebells! 

Then a man couldn't eat niggerbagels, a Molly taught The Game -- Hungover Kings!! 

Benign be your godspeed, challenged your every venture, be the Ufa Gold vs rings 

of power, what World ordeals! The Chosen Silver, purest of them All -- Warrior Kull. 

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