Monday, December 12, 2022

Principalities Empower

Jinx Paralyzed Arcane 

Demons AMV 

GMV Electric 

Prodigy -- The day is my Enemy 

So you chose to become a steppingstone; 

ye who seek Enlightenment, ye Kings, Angels! 

Thou shall perish, like mortal men, picking bones 

for their own pyre, they thought to be honed 

for the salutation and remarks for the Maker -- Angles 

spark condensation in their Lithium merged Mengles!! 

Stoned in the want to pick thorns in eyes, mocking Home. 

Woe ye, who molest a mother or father or son: "Why breed?" 

Who gave you permission to speak up, hens take no piss!! 

Behold, the white raven, who shall peck on your ladders feed; 

your bandwith shall crumble and foil in Meneh-Tekhel creed! 

The sharades of pompous Famfares, who talk not work -- hiss 

like a steamwent all your might, Kamigawa shall be Maidens kiss; 

before your heads shall become tails and nat. in one Masters heels!! 

Light my fire in the Heavenly Court, who wants to judge my sins; 

Simmons; Simpsons or the Sims? Shamaz on your deviled grimes; 

Silco or Vander, to "Bild dier deiner Zeitung", hustling on Jinx skins, 

you never went out to the desert, to hunt your own Nimrods *blins*; 

as mat's are checking your inmates of dolce & Gabana Matvei rhimes 

well with Holy Fool, you tool of monkey wrenched fork on Times 

squared with a Tesseract and Tarrasque for the Transcendence I-Wins!! 

Principalities Empower themselves at your peril, for why should those, 

who chose to awall with daughters of Eve, forsaking their rank, redeem! 

Like upper classmen, they in full Schadenfreude, will teach you to blow 

your stack and get stoned, to go home in Hell! Make your Altar of Cows;  

the House of Lordy Flies and Bashan Spirit, for the Nirvana medley Beem! 

You do well to listen to Lord Jesus Christ in the Sermon of the Mount, gleam 

as much of Agape feromones no Omon-Ra can Recept upon Precept crows! 

Those who do good, do better; those who do evil, in wicked covetous glee -- 

Principalities Empower to make stunning and brave; shunned and beraved! 

As your revolution comes upon revolution, the cog and the wheel surreal, 

shows off its fourfaced Unreal godlike killingspree, no frenzied pissingtree 

can support nor oneup, as silent is the Night, so merry and serene whiteravened!! 

Ask the daughter of Trigon, how she got to it and forsook the past craven 

exit wounds and vicious vitriol, beviling her forgiveness -- as Raven got Freed! 

Fear is the only enemy of Man, who can mar all sight and psyche of yoke 

and bastard! The treason, why angels become demons, and forsake their deed; 

you do better and humble yourself, put that elf on a shelf, and Alp on a bloke -- 

oozing nightmares on your bosom Garzum -- don't make youself Woke!! 

Invoice your power and choice, resist the easy reprise of judging in mob led 

Reeds dancing in the wind, like dust and shadows on the walls, streets, bled 

dry and dirty by the fornications and ascentions of Jezebels bedazzled Broker!!


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