Saturday, December 24, 2022

On naming your child Angelic names, and Christian

 Christmas is the time of giving and peace, thus I'll be nice, to tell you about, how my name impacted me spiritually. Because naturally, at this time grandparents are either stupid or wise enough to quip their advice, which shall equip a lot of fervor and terror on the way. 

I was named Kristjan Räst, which is a really proud and popular name, for 1982, inside a very proud and rich family -- in the Soviet Union. You could compare our family to the Gaunts, that's how proud we there, though most of them would have belonged to Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, not Slytherin, like me... X^D 

What's so wrong about, naming your child or grandchild Kristjan? 

My Grandfather was a very proud man, who didn't forgive anything and didn't belong to anything, much like the attitude of Išmail. Being an ingenius architect he could afford it, though, it was the reason, people hated his guts, and he had no friends around his grave, to honour his stature, but the inner family. 

My Grandmother was also proud, and worked in the Library of Univercity of Tartu, decyphring the hand-manuscripts of scholars, to save them for History sake. Because of that, there always was plenty of debate and books to read at our house, or appartment. She never went to church, because her husband didn't approve her such moral weakness. Out of fear, the locks would change and the appartment burn down or what ever bla reason. I loose all respect towards people, who don't suffer for their faith and convictions... :o 

My Mother was a promising student and street-actress, who due to her depressions and low self-esteem fell in love with a hot shot loverboy, whos face I now share. It was a great shame getting pregnant at the age of 19... it closed many doors so to speek. 

And then they had this frivolous audacity, naming me Kristjan Räst or as I like to translate it Christian Vip(er) because my last name is the first part of the serpent (Rästik), probably coming from the bird Rästas or from Saulkrasti which means daybreak, in Latvia. Its irroneus to make fun of God like that, and give your grandchild teasingly such a name, because he can't pronounce it. I remember how amused Lord Jesus Christ is around me. Just hysterical. It was very funny then the Soviet Union collapsed, empowerishing my family into worker class, then previously we there upper middle class. It was very funny, then I couldn't have friends, due to my grandfather designing half of Tartu, and since those plans there not heeded exactly, due to corruption, a lot of things didn't work out. 

So I had to hide the fact, who my grandfather was at school, or risk being pummeled to a pulp. It was funny to be meak, and quiet, while having the Naruto Uzumaki mouth, then addressing between Tsunade and Terumi, I really hate google making it so hard on me, finding propper names, to quote... :o I just can't help it, either I have a silver tongue, or a potty mouth. I also ended up in my childhood, complimenting the Terumi's at the expence of the Tsunade's though I have to respect the character of Tsunade Daimyo, for not snapping at her subordinate, as was Her right. Sometimes it shows true leadership qualities, if you disregard a direct offence. Naruto just could not help it, having no intellect about the face, what is so important in Japan, the reason, why the author put it there. Naruto has no face at all, being the true expression of the Monkey King, driving the Jade Emperor mad. Because of the connotation between Kong Fuzi and Lao zi... :o At least, so I understand. ^^ 

If I had any kind of worthy intellect of the Neji Hyuga or Sasuke; Itachi Uchiha kind, I know for sure, the angels of God would have decapitated me the same, as they did to the statue of Dagon in his House! But, since God sent me so much calamity, they beheld me, like the people of Konohagakure looked at sobbing Naruto, sitting at the swing, for failing his genin exams, because he couldn't even Kage Bunshin no jutsu!! Mostly, because the sealing jutsu didn't let him use his chacra correctly, but still. The life of a jinjuriki is hard. And I felt the same, bearing this godly name. Thus I call myself Whiteraven, out of shock and awe. I'd rather not come in contact to some holy angel, seeing my name. They might snap... :(( :V 

Don't give your children Angelic names, unless you want them to be Holy Mecha Units like Power Rangers or such like. Because every time you name your child; Gabriel (God is my Strength) or Michael (Who is like God) or Raphael (God has Healed) or Uriel (God is my light) you don't do your child any favours. 

Let me tell you something, smartypants adults and parents; grandparents. This is how God reads those names! Then you curse your child with Gabriel, it is not, that your son will draw Strength from God, to do his bidding. Oh no. He draws it do do Gods bidding, for His agenda, not yours!! He will be like a sword, but not in your hands, but in any hand worthy or unworthy, what Yahveh Sebaot and His Christ and the Holy Spirit, deems right and fit. Please remember, what Lord Jesus Christ told about it: Luke 4:16-27 So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. As His custom was, He went into the Synagogue on Sabbath day, and stood up to read. He was handed the book of Isayah the Prophet, when he had opened it, He found that place, there it was written: 

The Spirit of Yahveh, is upon me, because He has anointed me. To preach the Gospel to the poor; He has sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim (Sabbath year) liberty to the captives; and recovery of sight to the blind. To set at liberty, those who are oppressed!" 

Then He closed the book, giving it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of all, who there present, there fixed on Him, thus He began to preach: "Today this Scripture is fulfilled unto you, upon hearing it!" And all bore witness to it, marvelling at the gracious words, proceeding out of His mouth. And thus they said: "Is this not the son of Joseph?" but He said unto them: "Surely you remind me of the proverb: "Doctor, help thyself! -- What we heard done unto Capernaum, do also amongst your kind!" Then He said: Asuredly, I tell you, no prophet is love in his own country. Thus I say, in the days of Eliyah, then the Heavens there shut for three years and six months, then the great famine was throughout all the land, neither of them was Eliyah sent, but to Zarephath, in the region of Sidon, to a widowed woman! Many lepers there in Israel, at the time of Elisha the Prophet, but none of them got cleanse, except Naaman, the Syrian."

And hence the Jews wanted his blood, for spitting in their face, like Kanye West! You don't cast such a name in vain, because you want good tidings, but alas, sometimes God might accept such a generous offer, and really make your son the Shield and Sword like in Supernatural both brothers there the swords of Luciver and Gabriel. that's what you wish unto your son or daughter!! :o 

This is how I read the quote from Isayah, what Jesus read: 

The Spirit of Yahveh, speaks through God is my Grace (Hanael 37 the number of my appartment and correspondent to the planet Venus.) Because Uriel has anointed me. To preach the Gospel along with Gabriel to the poor (meak); He has sent Raphael to accompany, and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty with Michael to give sight to the blind and oppressed! Can you see, how many archangels are even on this passage, and you want your son or daughter to start seeing them on each doorstep and needlethread?? Like for REAL?!!? XwX TVT Bruh, why though? 

God could give it to the next Nebuchadnezzar for all I care. What's stopping Him, definitely not You!! :o I can give you a hint. Ask me, how many Christians I have been able to bless with my gifts, because I actually can Nat.1/Nat.20 a lot of things, most of the times I bless Satanists and Atheists or Prostitutes and total nutjobs... :o 

If you think, you can rent your son/daughter out for a Church, like in Japan it is with the Geisha culture or such like, don't get your hopes up. If its the real thing, you will cry your eyes out, like the Virgin Mary, the mother of Lord Jesus Christ and chase him/her around with your elder siblings, to bind him/her, lest he/she shames your entire family and your face in the society!! Your such child will be like Inuyasha, a half-demon. Everybody will be on his/her case. He/She has to mind all the time, like in Sailor-Moon, that people wont push their heads into their soul-mirror and not steal the shine of their crystal, making them abominable... :V :$ :o God will not be your friend. The Church will not be your friend. the community will not be your friend. The country will not be your friend. Because you repeated the same sin, what the brothers Boanerges askewed. To sit at the right and left side of God Allmighty. How did the Boanerges accomplish that, drinking from the cup and being baptized via the same crucifixtion? How was their martyrdom? Do you wish that upon your child? Then don't name them angelic names! They wont be the Tony Stark wielding or creating the Iron Man suit. They will quite literally be the Ironman suit, and everybody else will wield their time and business!! Do you want them to turn Communist?? :o

Choose; Bud; Cliff; Dawn (Koit in Estonia); Terrence; Chad; Steve etc. for boys and Mercy; Sage; Amber; Dusk(Haemarik in Estonia); Mary etc. for girls. Why must it be a special angelic name?? Are you people mental? That was my rant, and have a nice day, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! Godspeed and Halleluyah! UWU

1 comment:

  1. And since it was the 37th post this Month. Hanael is quite pleased ^^ Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for the Angels in Heaven, and to all, who have to work at Christmas. Medics; Fecalists; Administrators; Clercs; Maids; Tellers; Security; Accountants; Shop Vendors; Truckers; Janitors; Police; etc. You are blessed, for you are doing Gods Work, and everything is bestowed Divine Blessing and Godspeed-Advance. Raise your chin out of your chest and be proud, Angels of God!! <3 (Y) UWU
