Monday, December 12, 2022

Trick or Treat

Pro 30:17; Isa 1-6 

Cyberpunk Midtempo E.T 

Dark Techno EBM Industrial "Visionary" 

This is an awkward topic having to dispute between Dr. Peterson Sama and Mr. Vee Sama, two Senpai, I deeply admire and respect, coming to argue about freedom of speech and thought. Its like, in DDLC the dispute between Yuri and Natsuki, what Sayori ended up negotiating, like her own version of the Beirut movie (2018) On the Democrat side, and Blue team, we have Mr. Vee, who advocates for Anon, or Where is no spoon. Because keep our bullshit Peter Pan spam and Hentai with senpai free, while we UWU to Kthulhu! Free Speech, RawR! On The Red team, we have There is a spoon, no nonsence no bullshit Dr. Jordan Peterson, lecturing on taking your responcibilities in growing up and standing behind your word and name, like Martin Luther once did! I personally liked Monika as best girl, who ended up breaking my heart, because she wasn't real, and I had to pull the plug and delete the game file. :o 

Why do I think, that this conversation is meaningful from both perspectives, that you cannot really take a firm side of either/or like Kierkegaard would put it. Because both sides have their own mob rule, to dilute the solitary individual out of the conversation. For first, there is the Estonian saying: "A feud cannot resolve, then both sides are a little bit of right!" because in this Post Modernist world, we have already given so much, who's to tell, which side should be the smarter and make way for the other. 

First, Vee is right about wanting network Anonymity, for its not the Wild  Wild West anymore. Corporations are known to dictate the conversations through their claqeurs or outright banning the comment section. People have been harrassed for their ideals, if they leaned to the right or even to the center, to affirmative act on behalf the left, the Rapuntzel in distress and protected by a Tower from Chad, who wants to fuck her pregnant. Which is really ironic, because in so doing, the left has become the caricature figure of MacCarthy they so much despise!! Instead of Communists, they hunt for Hatespeech and edgy teens, who could become school-shooters or other terrorists and serial killers... the obvious stretch of this is widely accepted. We need Freedom of Speech, to shitpost and escape from reality, while we're bombarded with so much meaning and pathos. Who's to blame, especially facing Christmas, the season of Die Hard! then we want to disconnect in playing Hard mode on our own Heroes Journey!! People wanna rather watch hentai, than have a political debate, which could cost your job... for things you said and did 10 years ago. Or even today! In the dark ages Christians also unearthed their popes and chopped their thingers off, for doing the sacraments the wrong way, depending who was at charge. A full blown court was held to account for that, for they there #concerned this was not done orderly. 

People wanna play video games and other fun things and be edgy, not held accountable, what their alt did or said in character. For this was not irl. We also don't punish Arnold Schwartzenegger for bringing about doomsday as the Terminator. Look how many people and much property damage, and the fact, that he forced a guy back in time, so he could fuck a waitress pregnant, who would have to tell her son, to find his dad and teach him, so he could go back in time, and fuck his mom!! Closing the loop! Wouldn't that be pedophilia and inciting of, then you couldn't tell the difference in real life and fiction? Mainly it has become a problem, then Kanye West loved Hitler too much and was banned from Twitter. This is one of the reasons, why Freedom of Speech activists, don't wanna use their real name. They even took his Honorary Art Degree, for Crying out loud. You might not agree with that asshole, but some things should not be taken away, because it would take too much. It would throw the infant out with the dirty water, so to speek. There are other ways, how to punish someone, suffering from political fatigue. Give him anger management classes; detention etc. but let him come back to the conversation later on. I can't see that on Kanye's case. This is the reason, Vee advocates, that the right to say Lmao as scullfuck47 should not be taken away. it might lead to narcissism, but it could also lead to something good, which can only happen, if scullfuck47 doesn't have to show his ID and wear the yellow star so to speek. 

On the other hand, I can understand Dr. Peterson, having to recant his tenure in the University, due to the campus being overrun by would be Communists sipping soy latte and claiming to do it for our own common good, to save the planet and the soul itself!! By swatting the mosquito, who rests at the sleeping masters nose, with a boulder, thus killing the master, while the mosquito flew away! The narrative taken from the childrens fairy tale, the Master and the Domesticated Bear! You cannot speak up, because of the white noise on campus, what prevents free speech, where we need it the most. Its understandable then, Dr. Jordan Peterson comes to the Internet, he has no more time for fun and games, for he needs that space to educate and give lectures! He's not the youngest anymore. Every day he takes, is against his time on this planet left, Thus he needs a formal space, there he can have declamations and forms of conduct between real Men and Personas, not between Scullfuck 47 debating MossRuler13 on whom should be cancelled for which insult and slur or edgy take on Sakura-Hinata being best waifu, as long Tanya hasn't entered the chat etc. It is irritating to see the same trolls, who usurped the discourse in Universities and on Campus, having their day on the internet as well. It is relatable to wanton punish such people, who probably also swat other people on the internet for their takes, and put the responcibility on their name, to make them see the error of their ways. Everything is fun and games, and no real discourse takes place, unless you isekai to Nangijala through the help of friendly truck kun. But Dr. Jordan Peterson is too old to Peter Pan into the Neverrealm and have his happy ending. He is in the real world, giving his insight and collected experience. And what a marvellous feat it is indeed, to educate people basically for free. 

The Communist in me must salute him over this matter! That makes it so tragic, like the mentioned Beirut movie, how to have the Samaritans inside the house, while not allowing them to burn down the Jew's house!! It was like me coming to faith at the age of 6; helping out at the construction of the Pere Raadio (Family Radio) station at the age of 16 and finally getting baptised at the age of 21 (2003) on my first year studying Theology. Back then my sermons had fervor and power, but I was empty inside, always looking for the next fight, to prove my worth. I would challenge whatever demon in the spirit world and pagan on the internet. I even read the AntiChrist and Nietzsches Zarathustra to prove him wrong, but found a soulmate instead. I also had to note, that there was more Hegel and Marx in Theology, than lord Jesus Christ! For that reason, I  botched my studies, allthough my scolarship was half my own funded loan and half my pastor paying for it, for being such a promising and gifted child in the arts of oratory; old testament and conversion. My Old Testament score was second to none, just like a Saul/St. Paul admirer should. Being the fundamentlalist Fire and Brimstone Christian Baptist. 

At that time, I started studying hentai as an artform, though anime/manga in its nonero form would have sufficed, but I didn't want to be a coward, so I took the devil headon. They tackle the topics, what you cannot discuss on the internet or at campus anymore,.. For I wanted to meat up with the Real Jesus Christ, not some watered down version from Schleiermacher or Lohse. Even if I had to commune with Harlots and evil spirits to do so. Now I write my stuff, through nine channels of persona into one discourse, like my Ravens Eye allows. 

For that reason, I don't rush to condemn Dr. Jordan Peterson in wanting to know, who he is talking to on the internet, even though, the next moment, the corporations and moral zealoths would run with that information to do their thing. That problem needs yet to be resolved. I just hope senjor Elon Musk will be the real Don Quichote and make Twitter into the Renaiscance of Free speech, also then Donald Trump comes to power as POTUS, that this war in Ukraine will be over and Russia defeated, we can actually have a brave new world and not the dark ages coming back, like the difference between the Nubian and X-Wing in Star Wars, for one was crafted at a time of Republic the other at War!! Get along Peterson Sama, and Vee Sama, for you're fighting on the same side! Both of you, hold your worthy course in Godspeed, for we need staunch and worthy debate under your Name, like Martin Luther once stood but we also need the assassins creed and alias, to say that the emperor is nude, there you cannot, like did a priest, who hid people in caves to escape the kings ire, for not recanting their faith, as Eliyah was in the ravens den. Have a nice day, Halleluyah UWU

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