Thursday, December 29, 2022

Robin Hood

 I'm robin your doom and gloom, stop sobin; 

Sorin, are you feeling good? Blood, are True! 

Believe me, then I say unto thou: No goblin; 

Cirke off guard, will Kierkegaard, bobbin 

the Fischers and Bobbies, for hubbies, crew. 

I shall loosen your dead shackles and screws. 

No dreadnaught can duress your thought ibid. 

Take faith, never relent your fervor and stand; 

stained by Stans, and E-lans who manhole the can. 

Golfing balls gull, to seagull, a broken Tor brand; 

the red lotus eaters and aggronauts pout-scout hands 

talking, there reason, should have demand for Chans! 

The change you need, then Barak refused to dance 

with Deborah, going up  to the offeringmount, Brandon. 

There's a new Robin in Town, a new Troll in the Forrest; 

clobbin the sob-story of how to be a solitary individual. 

Hard clubbing the trance tunes and traps for the torrent; 

runes for thee, but no itunes for Mahoney, police warrants 

for the Academies of old. Who has not moe-Lester his duels 

for some Crowley and Hannibal Lecherous oncle Fester vials? 

Any other Star, has a whole graveyard, not skeletons in closet!! 

Cumming out of mimes, I confess, like Tyrion, how I could fuck 

the birchwood out of cupcakes. On trial, as my version of Babel 

had to bible the dial-in of ISDN and blast the past-perfect toetruck. 

This Isekai went awol and In Somnia Dei Nostri fast the bricks 

in the templewall, what lamented the fall of Solomon, throw the towel. 

The tower was too big to be pronounced by the children, Powell 

too old to see the promised land! Moses and Mausers shooting hips. 

There is no power beyond Good and Evil, but Superman, and Yahveh! 

Who wants to enter the darkened void and hit my cheeky devil 7up? 

I'll give a discount, next to a gas-station, dissing the Kyle-Haters meh; 

like Al Bundy, the best Ted-Talk on the Block. Rittenhouse me bleh, 

what is the riddle of Samson, then you get Lailah out of Ariel for bucks 

sake? 2 bucks for the price of stun, as the angry hornets paint green ducks -- 

the new mighty party of Ireland and Scotland United, Highlandparty bruh! 

Who is more Claymore, to conjure a Do-Remy for the D'Arcy, Nobody's girl 

and Nomans fam. I scan my plan to clandestine the ham-sandwich for Shalom. 

the Talitha Koum was Salam Aleikum in Samaria, to drink tea with onigiri; 

as Muhammad went to the Sermon of the Mount! The Banner was raised, dairy 

took Andalusia by surprise, to make Cordovain great again!! The CGI was sure:  

#CalifateGreatestImam, to Islam all who haram the Stokers on the Tram impure! 

Those, who escape the sword, shall be trampled cows of Bashan, already Torn!!

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