Monday, December 26, 2022

King Troll

 Tom MacDonald No Lives Matter 

Tom MacDonald Fake Woke 

Tom MacDonald Cancelled 

Tom MacDonald Don't Look Down 

Tom MacDonald Hourglass/Who I Am/Bout it

Then the Kinks enrolled in your mind, escaping, 

the scatebored, while other gores are implored. 

Kafkaesk Igor Karkaroffs Demiroff on Vodka sting; 

King Trolls on the bling, want to sing picturesk raping 

for the strafing on the gender of pronouns galore... 

Controlling the gull, then the malls are dull-tujour!! 

Sidewinding the winged effects of cringe neighbouring. 

Who is more outraged, the pros or the Cobras: Bros 

bruhhed some Borš for the remorse Coda endorsed. 

Who could concent on this rape-track to trap Hoes.? 

Then Scandal can-selled the telltale signs: "Anything Goes!" 

People wanting to be Children of God, to goat on Lords 

and Ladies, while not understanding, how the borders 

grow closer and nobody wanting to do work Samaritan shoes!! 

Blessed are the MacDonalds, who havent grown old, Animal 

Farms can't touch his Beer, nor beefcake, to garbage the Prodigy! 

No Medeia can conform his true colours -- stay Real cannibal! 

Here's some Christs Blood and Flesh, what feeds the Hannibals; 

making the default into dreadnaught, the nay to thought and synergy!! 

The Orgies of fake-organists screeches for the Best Waifu elegy, 

on how to stonewalk the fair maidens into churchfloor and Cardigan. 

Godspeed, Superman, born to Redeem, make your happy endings 

better beginnings for those, whos chin hosed the Moses in Moes. 

Bringing the kids to the promised land, then others offer pretendings;  

Loving the tender flesh and spirits, to grift the gifts out of pre-teens!! 

Selling cool-aid, while the mood aint, Moose stained, moves-loose. 

The cannons of shattered glass; clayjars, who wanted to aspire, no truce! 

Peck or choose, then the Ravens are circling the carrion bloodfrenzied... 

The Servant of Servants Sergeant, Sir giant, Rhapsody Surgeon, MacDonald! 

Stand up and raise your kite. For God needs a motherfucker, who gives 

no fucks on public opportunity and tolerance fatigue policies. Be the Trump 

card in His Stack, to hit people up with Heaven; the Wild Joker, who Thump 

the Bible, while never stepping inside a church! Blessed are those, who live 

free and bleed for the Truth, never relenting the prudent Temperance, believe! 

Be The Sword of the meek; orphaned-widowed unholy, fairhaired Harald!!

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