Friday, December 9, 2022

Holy Supper

 Prodigy -- Firestarter

This is the Blood of the Lord, then you do His bidding, 

forsaking your Name and Possession, but the Cross! 

This is the Body of Christ, His Flesh and bones -- no hiding; 

from the spit and ridicule of Medeia; the scorn of Io, riding 

angry hornets to Europe, while claiming for mossed Hugo Boss: 

"We're for the common good, not our profits, goods!" -- Daddy lost 

in translation, like Richie Rich Martin on the Game of Thrones Bling! 

No time for the lazy, who don't tell their own stories, like vowed. 

Dismissing and dissing, what is approved or allowed in a joke. 

Those new-yokers, forgat the R what Jason Todd had to bow 

and pick up for the Arkham knight ride to avenge his death-row!! 

Who could be the next Tolkien, and stand up in the crowd of blokes, 

who only stare at their screens to spew hatred vitrioled in wokes -- 

invoking Khtulhu, for the sake of an Indigo wave, but Erza crowed!

The mold was heart-broken, like Scarlett O'Hara, to reign Crimson;

who could release the Holy Spirit, to make Twitter in their own image! 

Black Ravens still bickering, that Whiteraven had a pottymouth; Simpsons 

slandering the Prodigy for don't spark the conversation, while Simp&Sons 

hath not corrupted thou, for there's no other Communism than NYT grimace, 

grimoiring the Moirai anima mundi -- mam! No offence to you @Metoo pace; 

as the maker didn't touch my heartstrings to embrace hatred in sheeps Samson!

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