Decompose the prose, on the nosedive of Hosea
getting hosed, by in large quantity, eulogies of Amos
of Tekoa, enraged and chosen for the Rose of Košer!
Who dost want to win not loose; driving the devil closer;
while shaming God farther, to avoid crossing Hieros Gamos!
Heavenly Father, forgive them, for they dost know, what Ramonez
they hath conjured upon their stature of hitherto Libreto Mosaic!!
The Natures Morituri te salutant, to be Aqua Mors, unlocking a course '
of action for the discourse, of Sorcery and Norse Viking pride in veins;
as Christian remain vigilant, being ravaged by greed and despair force.
Giving up the Sermon of the Mount for some bodyguards and torque's --
"Didn't Ezekiel saw aliens in four faces, lets go see that vision train
our thoughts school, to be more Prophet than meek servant - no brains!"
Thus ashamed of their lord and master, becoming Kinks of Hords!!
Some other Prophets, raped by theologians underscore, for the search!
Who can make the best veils, tucking Jesus away, to be undermimed;
Cutting Isayah in two pieces, maybe even three for Trinity, enlarged
the lurk for Llyrgoyf, as though it was Welsh, omitting H to barge
in the corny Holio of Duke Nukem without Babes, to save the Rhyne!!
There are her organ donors? One monk hanged itself in the chapel fine;
the other pig tried to ambush before the booby trapped subs Scourge.
What was the saying at the peak of McCarthyism: "Better be yellow,
than Red!" I'd rather be dead, than liberated from Freedom of Speech!!
Fuck your affirmative actions, and politically corrected States mellow
minds, what cannot fathom anything beyond Thukydides bellows --
then Aristotle and Plato wont hold the dying hands of Socrates, en reach
of the poisoned cup, He-Man chose, to not betray His Daimons beseach!!
How scared are the Democrats and Hypocrats today, not even a Hello...
Glimpsing the ravine in Zarathustra, each under his own pillow scared,
while acclaiming, how they would have been the curious cat, how quaint.
"Why so Christian?" As thy Bounty set sail, to make you god, declared
unto the Tahiti women, who made even the Angels blush in nightmared
glee of lust and fervor. Who wants to make some mortals, who be Saint!!
Mutiny against the Law, as the little head decided to rue them all vained;
as history caught with the sinful, lots of holy grails there walking bare.
Art is made for dining in Valhalla with the angels and demons propose;
You are the "I am" or nothing at all. Who dares to bow and pick up
the line of passage, many martyrs before yours, have done, bloody nose
nor cross, nor ridicule, did not stop them! When will you mingle those
bones of yours;, thy flesh and blood, like the vision of Japha to swat
that pesky Satan, who refused to stand behind lord Jesus Christ! Bat
an eye, your Batman will be hoisted by Jokers augmented smite dose!
You snooze, you loose; you grin you whine and sin -- why not sing
in the choirs of Heaven, as you bleed for lord Jesus Christ, the church
of the Marching Saints, who have witnessed on the Crossroads -- Kings
bore witness with their laws and swords, smothering them; wild things
happened to their reputations and excrement, casting out demons Arch
by napkins and starch -- more Tony Stark, than all those embold-March
who lost their April Fools Yokes on May 17th for the phobic gasolining!
Who wants to be more Gay, than a Scientist could ever beem Samson;
let the temples fall once more, to all those, who don't believe Agape!
Make Love not Hate, but why betrayed that fate in the name of Crom
for Conan has told your Doily how a Warrior fares well, wombs
begetting more warriors, then booty was called shoot those sour grapes!
Release the alphabet and runes from the torrent of zeaLoths misshaped
salt statues, who looked back to Sodom and Gomorrah, to Swansong!!
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