Thursday, December 1, 2022

Sakura vs Hinata

 Sakura Haruno 

Hinata Hyuga 

Jiraiya -- the toad sage 


Yokai -- Kitsune Tsuki 

Kitsune Wiki 

The Sky Crawlers 

Molly's Game 


Mojo Jojo stealing candy from the Power Puff Girls

Since the Sakura Lovers on Twitter have given me grief, lets settle this once and for all. Why I think, Hinata Hyuga is a good Waifu archetype and why Sakura Haruno is not. It's also to be read as a homage of the evil genius, Masashi Kishimoto, for writing Naruto. May your lamp before the Lord never extinguish and always have insence on it!! Godspeed! 

Then I was first introduced to Naruto, I was like, another ninja anime? Hell no! Being an introvert, I always say no first before I can say yes. I still remembered the Power Rangers adaptation of the ninja theme. TwT Digimon also did that... :o Anyway, I digress, the reason, I like Hinata more than Sakura, is that she was the first person, who ever acknowledged Naruto as a human being. I know, people like Iruka Sensei, but he was the homeroom teacher. He was bound to. hinata was the heir of the Hyuga clan, so she had every oportunity to snub Naruto wearing the Demon Fox Kurama inside, being the culprit of the deaths of Narutos parents, Minato Sensei and Kushina Uzumaki. Not to mention all the other casualities, then the demon fox rampaged in the village, controlled by the sharingan. nobody wanted to touch Naruto with a ten foot polearm. Yet Hinata in her shy manner gazed at Naruto in the sidelines, watching him grow up, and growing up in unison. Its not because she lacked character, but because she got grit!! And then comes Sakura (Cherrytree) totally oblivious to all that, wanting to be independent from her parents, who there war heroes, missing out from both team members calamities. Because both of them lost their parents because of war... 

It is a great Deus ex Machina, to write your story like that, not misagyny. Because you want your readers and watchers to invest in the story arc, not just get psyched in the main protagonist. For that you need the Hero, and the Anti Hero. Unfortunately, Sakura Haruno is the Anti Hero. The hurdle Naruto has to overcome, being his first crush. I would have loved Sakura more, if she had Hinatas breasts and vice versa, because then Sakura would have been the perfect embodyment of a tsundere american chick, while Hinata a Kuudere japanese waifu. But Masashi can't go easy on me, ah well. :o Back to the story at hand. Sakura was the Juku joke in Estonia, who bluntly put out, what the village was thinking in average. 

To fall in love with the class loverboy and bad guy, the prodigy of the deceased Uchiha clan. The last of the Mohicans so to speak. What was there not to love. I wanted to be like Sasuke too, then I watched it as a teenager. Nobody likes Naruto, then they start watching his show!! That is the literary and cinematografic genius of the author. <3 ^^ UWU 

To make a Ninja manga and anime about the life of a ninja boy, like Cervantes wrote Don Quichote taking a dump on contemporary knight novels he so loathed, because he could fuck it better -- and how well He did indeed!! (Y) Naruto is basically the anime and manga version of what Don Quichotte or Evil Spirits (Dostojevski) is in Literature! How does Masashi Kishimoto start the story. By letting the protagonist put graphity on the mount Rushmore of Konoha and the village former great leaders, and piss on some kids who made fun of him, he captured in a hole. The author basically took the type of delinquents who poured soup on fine art these days, and made that to the main protagonist -- and made a coherent wholesome story about redemption. About a kid, who was possessed by a ninetailed fox spirit, to be the village nuke in a cold war between villages, who each got a tailed beast of their own... You could see the Война и миръ here, written by Lev Tolstoy (War and Peace/World sic, for russians, there is only peace, then they rule everything. Similar concept by Chinas emperor and the concept of Middle Earth) Sakura Haruno is the Gen Z while Hinata Hyuga is the Boomer who still clinges to the old ways. This is the real reason, why Gen Z loves Sakura while hating Hinata and calling Naruto fans and the author out as misagynist... :$ 

I love the Edo period of Japan, though the teenagers of today not anymore, wanting to be progressive and turn a new page. I get it. blatnoy culture and worshiping the elderly is not easy, but lets not throw the infant out with the dirty water. There is a lot of beauty and grace in Japan worthy to mention. With that out of the way -- also the steam punk of England is cute >/////< lets continue... ^^ and the Jazz of America, I digress again, argh. :o 

Sakura vs Hinata! What was the goal of Naruto Uzumaki -- to make himself Hokage, so he would be recognized by the village, without being even able to do Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! Sasuke wanted to avenge his dead clan and kill his elder brother. Sakura wanted to fangirl Sasuke!! See the difference -- X^D 

Even Hinata Hyuga had an actual dream, what to do with her life, being the heir of Hyuga clan. She had more rights to be Emo and just piss it away, but she worked real hard, to get out of the shadow of her elder more gifted brother, who btw, was from the side branch. She understood quite well, how the branches should have faired, but because of politics, she had to be mainline. It corresponded with my own family there I was born first, but outside of marriage, while my handicapped little brother was born second, but inside marriage! He also won me on heighth, being 2.08 cm against my 1.82 cm TwT I always had to carry his old clothes. We both write different styles of poetry, him being a pagan, me being a Christian Communist. Like the Sun and the Moon, totally different. What else would you want from me the Taurean, and Him the Leo!! :P 

Anyway,... can I fucking write this, without these interruptions?? I got eight channels open in my head, or was that nine, of different personalities, to write my content. :o 

The main criticism coming from a Sakura-Stan "Hinata was cheering for Naruto, while his nephew was dying!" It was the war. Neji willingly sacrifized his life for the main branch, while having feuded against his duties all his life. That was all his arc about, and now you besmirch it, by showing your ignorance? Hinata by gently not mentioning it and crying about it, honored that. Japanese culture is not American culture! In the Scy Crawlers, there was a scene there the investors cried over a killed fighter pilot burning on the ground in the plane, angering a female senior fighter pilot, who exclaimed: "Enough is enough" becuase it insulted the honour and memory of the dead. You honour the dead warrior, by moving on not crying over his dead body, or he has died in vain. That is the reason, why the smiling Hinata cheering for Naruto Uzumaki, the now village Hero, fighting against the entire world being engulfed into Mugen Tsukuyomi the 1984 brainwash of Narutoverse -- there was a lot to be happy about there!! UWU In a way, Sakura Haruno was the female counterpart of Obito Uchiha... to contrast Naruto Uchihas development into the gutsy ninja, the novel written by his sensei Jiraiya, answering the Philosophy of Pain, the first Pupil of him. 

The same theme repeats over and over, how to grow up and kill your heart so to speak, like in the Zabuza arc. Each arc corresponds the perils of growing up, and how being a Kekkei Genkai, is not good enough, to make it. Ask the boy Hakku, dressed like a girl. The old tradition in Japan. For many feminine things there done by men, including acting, while women had no place there. That may seem cruel, but you have to earn your place, not complain and snuff all over tradition. No fight has been won over complaining. If you want to be heard, learn the language -- and this is there Hinata Hyuga comes in handy. The language you'll need to use, to make yourself heard in a male dominated society! Also do look up Molly's Game there is no point in complaining about the "nigger bagels" then you want to climb the ladder of society! Are you taking notes, Sakura-Stan? OvO 

The refined strength of not being annoying and in your face, and lead behind the scenes like a Kagemusha. Do watch the movie, its refreshing to see the thief cosplay the dead daimyo to give his child another year to live.For that a woman, has to first listen and then contemplate, what she understood and then further her goals through those channels. It might seem a worthy enterprice to be stunning and brave, but what grace does it bring you, if you're the Bellatrix Lestrange in Azkaban and not the Severus Snape in Hogwarts. See the difference in following your path. Both served Voldemort, but one achieved something of his goals, the other did not... The same was between Sakura and Hinata. One almost lost his soul, while seemingly winning, while the other seemingly lost all, while winning everything. Knoking on the housewife from the business woman stance? 

What low hanging fruit! Is that the best you got? Do your CEO's send you Christmas gifts and cards and birthday memos? What about children. A Womans point in life is to be the supporting beam of the House, what keeps all together! Figure it out already -- if you have no husband and children, you don't exist in this world! You may have a career, but what does it matter, then you turn 65!! Will your CV keep you company and give warmth?  Hinata Hyuga is muy Tsugoi, keeping her family alive, while Sakuras stunt with her parents, almost killed that linage, not wanting to take them seriously. What if Sasuke didn't let himself saved by Naruto, the Jesus Christ of Narutoverse? Because nobody else in the real world gets so many second chances, as does Sasuke Uchiha, who literally wanted repeat the mistakes, previous villains did, to be the ire of hatred for all -- which propelled him to be a forever diplomat, while being married to Sakura, for being such a dick. 

Even in marriage, they had a distance relationship..... so much so, they very daughter, fought, her dad put mom under a genjutsu and had her with someone else!! Let that sink in. This is not to disparage you, Sakura-Stan, but respect you. For I never bother to write so much, unless I care about somebodies opinion. Just don't be so shallow, like your idol Sakura and sniff the roses! UWU  Do give me worthy criticism, there I was wrong... I enjoy convercing with witts not with brawn. Strong female characters are my favourite, then they end up married, not in the obituaries. And Sakuras recklessness just does not fit that bill. Its like she did not pay attention in Tsunades class about the Three rules of the medinin, or was that, she mastered that special jutsu, what allowed her to break all those rules... That made her character week in my eyes. If she hadn't possessed that jutsu, I would have loved her. Its already bad enough, that men waste themselves in war, but seeing that drive in a woman is digusting. There now I said it. I'm jealous of Sakura, that she's the warrior type. A Woman should rather be the support and healer type!! The Man is already the Tank, why would you need two of them on the same team. I studied theology and didn't go for war, because my mother didn't approve and was on my case like Cercei Lannister on Joffrey. I was too feminine, and my mother didn't believe in me suffering it through. TwT Now I just write poetry and motivationals, so others could have that life, I craved... :o 

I thank and pray every day for Masashi Kishimoto. I hope his next manga and anime will be as great. I don't want to give anymore spoilers on this, because I want people to discovever their own Naruto blend. Hopefully people had the courtesy watching everything before they read this, ah well, too bad if they didn't! X^D

There is a lot of pride and resolve, in letting the Man lead, while yourself tending the household and raising brats. Sure a medinin, who can make the earth shatter like her sensei Tsunade -- who never married Giraiya btw -- looks awesome-sauce, no denying it. If I wanted to win the battle, both Tsunade and Sakura would be first pick on my team, while Hinata would be in the rear. *BUT* then I want to marry a Woman, I shall still choose Hinata Hyuga!! Who stays at home, and don't die in battle, because she got Neji to die for her and others to protect, and don't have to sac herself on the altar of progress. Because I don't want to be that guy, who one day opens the door, and sees an army leutenant or general saluting me and saying: "I'm sorry for your loss, but your waifu thought bravely and fell in combat!" giving me the flag and good grief with terror! That is not why I marry my Waifu. I want a waifu to hug and kiss, to fuck her brains out and get my 22 children to have my dream of a great family, I never could experience in my childhood, being a bastard. If you want to grow old, while serving some company, you do you, but thats not my Mojo Jojo stealing candy from the Power Puff Girls. ^^ (Y) Let go of your hybris, Sakura-Stan, or you'll end up an Antifa member beating up the bad monekeys or "actual nazis" of our world. Don't choose the candy of Stunning and Brave Female Heroines, choose Motherhood and being a Household Wife!! <3 For that is the True Strength and Virtue of a Woman and the Essence of Feminism and empowerment! May light guide you on your path, young padawan! Godspeed! UWU 

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