Tuesday, November 29, 2022

This is my NoNo-Sign

 Critical Mass Extinction, to think like barbarians; 

then Augurs of fame and fortune, claim to be base. 

Gnosis parkers, Ferraris blvr. while Mr. Belvedere trials, 

err in Denis and the Misty in the dungeon of Arcadians! 

Wild Broncos possessing the trainers of Femme du L'Eglice; 

the solidarity, we serfed in courts of gender-race... 

Manhattan knows, where we buried the wounded friars! 

Weaponized Urtear, to chase after the Fairy Tail; 

five minutes to the future, while blasting the Past! 

The Present, like Nod's hand, choking-derail; 

the Bayonetta x Kratos, for hanged Sayori's holy grail -- 

to imposter Zozo, the New-Zorro, in the atheist Fast. 

Going nowehr macht Furious Live onlyfans could aghast: 

The O'Neill and O'Brian, who Nobody curtailed... 

Liberated from value and skin, the sickly sweet 

putrid smell of worming a clicking party spectacles. 

Idealists more worthless, than a thief in Elm-Street! 

If there is no spoon, why should I enter or creep, 

into the Matrix, not lift the veil, like Alice's testicle; 

while Xena became He-Man and raped Les Miserables!! 

The Spirit of Zeit wants to nut on Novembers trick or treat. 

Evangelical terror in Digimon Agite Ut Gracia Entelechiou; 

to evolve past the Revolution, churning beings frowns. 

There is Calumons Innosence and Zarathustras Aletheia; 

to smite the Bock-Pack with Thor's Hammer to Crayon! 

May the Nibiru embrace them dull, Rashomons clowns... 

As the Transcendent game goes on Wild Hunts renowned; 

Cunts the new duchies, to make the pound of Cafeteria!! 

Our Father in Heaven will be God amongst the Heathens, scum 

like Hegel-Marx, the socialites Monarchs, will be kissed to death 

by Iron Maiden and "Nevermore"; like demagogues pun... 

Democracy shall bow down to the Blessed One and Run; 

More Absolutist than the French -- for Christian thus am I Chef. 

Stand by memes -- the ordeals of Joker redeem the left; 

as the right hand path knows not, what gives Fuin! 

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