Sunday, November 13, 2022

This is the Miracle of God

 Don't ask for Miracles of God, be that Miracle Yourself; 

in Japha, then the Heavenly Apron came for St Peter. 

Where he should eat what ever roamed the earths shelf! 

He couldn't do it, for being kosher, but listen bottomfeeder; 

what God hath bestowed His blessings, You shall not tether!! 

Pagan; Jew; Christian -- whats the difference? as long commonwealth 

is your goal. Pistis Christi Semper Pietas! Sermon of the Mount, Heather! 

Then you see something to give, Believe! Breathe out your means; 

and the opportunity will present itself unfold, like a bitch legged akimbo! 

Don't talk and know about doing the right thing, do the right thing,  beans 

are meant to be spilt not kept in the jar! How could you settle without a mar, 

then you're making a fuss, on how much blood was spilt on dinner table gumbo? 

Sin gracefully and take your cross upon your own shoulders, swipe it clean!! 

Then Jesus could do it for you, You can do it for the rest of the World, Jimbo... 

Be that locomotor mortis, to keep evil at bay; say no to the neglect and blue! 

The only Miracle of God, is You!! I want You to do it Yourself every living day; 

Then you wake up, you pray; then you fall down, stand up while becoming True. 

Nothing ventured, nihil gains; you shall be your own Superman saving the cruise; 

do your thing and expect no rewards, for your journey is its own booty and pay!! 

Learn to pray with every take you breathe; every motion you bleed, be the fuse, 

what lights on fire, starting the Gift, what keeps on Thanksgiving -- Ready. Set. Play!


  1. Introduction to Christian Mysticism

  2. God bless Jurgis Zalitis, these are great words, to listen to. UWU
