Sunday, November 6, 2022

Translucent Love

 Rumi -- I'll wait a thousand years

You want to be Enlightened and exalt thyself in God's Love? 

Love in kind and learn to become possessed and abused -- 

Isn't that called Loving-Kindness, then you make your back available; 

sheltering people in your heart, like an mighty oaktree does birds! 

Possess your time and skills, to throw them on the water, like bread; 

become like water, and the mist --nameless; boundless; formless. 

As you vanish, God becomes more inside of you, and loves in kind! 

Stretch your soul farther, to the outskirts of the underworld... 

What is a life, but pain and suffering; a fleeting moment of despair; 

fill your cup to the brink with tears, and make them nourish the soil. 

Die and be reborn; come forth as the fruit and replenish the spirit; 

bring forth your justice and reckoning; take responcibility of your cause!! 

He who dies with God, shall live again; he who runs from it; withers and burns; 

fear will haunt in the day; calamity devour in the night -- always darkness! 

Even if you would light a thousand suns around your world, still it would become; 

there is a time for grief and the time for misery -- but the world hath forgotten,.. 

If  you love only good things, and only favourable winds, what purpose does it bring; 

you don't shave your mustashe bigger, nor cut the fabric of silk longer! Behold -- 

Death and suffering, is an integral part of Enlightenment, your mirrors will always growl; 

should you not relent, in seeking only the choicest image to watch!! Seek salt not sugar. 

Vinegar is better than honey; wormwood sweeter than mulled wine. For Love is Translucent; 

he who seeks too much, is forsaken; he who takes a Sabatical and contemplates, shall bestow 

itself through her Grace! -- be vindicated and tempered with Gods Love, but be warned... 

May your wishes come true, and in Godspeed, but in then end you'll be judged by the outsome!! 


  1. This is the best "Our Father, who art in Heaven" I have ever heard ^^

  2. So heartwarming to hear people, singing from their hearts and souls UWU
