Monday, November 7, 2022

Anger management and Witch hunting

 Why do I not like anger management? Let us imagine, a boy wants to fuck a girl, but the girl said: "No!" If that boy would accuse the girl, of not managing her anger, and being too hostile against him, we would understand, that is bullshit. However. if  a person starts using dialectics and first says: 1. The Society has systemic racism. (What it is, you don't explain) 2. We need corporations to safeguard inclusion (because who would be against then everybody gets to take part in the discourse! but that is the same as the Holy Inquisition, without the limitations and transparency of the church) 3. Some people are racist without even knowing (wouldn't that make you angry and frustrated, then you are accused of stealing spaces; rights or something else or being whatever, you are not?) 4.Advise you in need of Anger Management, (because you didn't understand right, what was talked and lashed out) But how do you take it calmly, then your language is getting not only raped but actively groomed like a hostage in a yandere dreamstate? I do love yandere, but something tells me, most people dont...

How does a person, who has an entire logfile of Taodejing amounts of Terabites, in his eye, is able to contemplate of even seeing lest to remove a splinter in yours!! The problem is about the infallibility of dialectics users, who claim to possess, the real and genuine blend of Communism. How did the Pope do, being infallible? You cannot manage anybodies anger, unless that was even your intent, then you use language, which is confusing and which dismantles and disables the way of life, of people, who live differently, than those people, administering dialectics. 

The other problem is, gaslighting, because wouldn't it be more angry, to see enemies and gatekeepers everywhere, while excluding and gatekeeping them out of the conversation! Wouldn't the dialectic left himself, need his own medicine, and heal itself from its anger, before they can come to teach others. How about teaching by example? That is the reason, why I don't understand and trust anger management. Because it is administrated by people, whos language barrier constantly sifts and turns, like Precept upon precept (Isa 28:10) and thus Communism cannot ever arrive, for you didn't manage your Anger!! 

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