Thursday, November 17, 2022

Here comes the Unicorn

 Who wants some Trouble, for I am looking for You; 

behold my Unicorn, as I charge over the Jordan to Kabul! 

"What is this Court?" Hiram askewed King Solomon, though 

the hatchet behind the back already knew the Shibboleth dough!! 

Alas, the Streams of El Shadday have broken til Irminsul -- 

no Charlemagne can dispute thus Discuter the Genshin Soleil... 

Pardon my Chinease, as japanese becomes new-latin, crude. 

Who wants some Trouble, for I am looking for You; 

who don't die from Jehu, dyes from Hasael- Elisha!! 

How long are you on the rooftops as a dream come true; 

though the Event Horizon is on Fire of El Elyon - rue 

that day of Yahveh, Ariel, for you havent set your Mišna 

Free! While Precept is upon Precept, Isayahs lips can't kiss, nah!! 

All is druncard folly, amongst the old-young Meneh-Tekhel protrude. 

Who wants some Trouble, for "I Am" is Looking for You, 

Ariel! Have some green November Leaves on thy shoulder, 

as the gentle shadow of the lord goes Sabbath, like He did too -- 

Even Eliyah had to cover his face, as he looked upon God. 

The Words and Presence of Jezebel proved too harsh a boulder; 

he could not cast it behind Adonai, for loving too much older: 

Elisha did, what the teacher could not, slaying Baal-Ashera cool!!


  1. My fav Beyblades theme <3 ^^ UWU I had a happy childhood, they don't make em like they used to... :o

  2. FearPsychosis and the Cult of Fear
