Friday, November 4, 2022

Time and Perfection

 Brothers War trailer Dawn of the Phyurexian Invasion 

Wake me up, then September ends

Its not the concept, that kills me, or the fact that Teferi is a nigger! A Mary Sue Nigger of the First Kind, to say the least. The entire franchize of Red Alert is built on the same premise, that you cannot chang time without consequences. The problem is, then your Game mechanics don't echo, what your lore disputes and thus says! Teferi, being the living embodyment of Kalevipoeg and UBW colour alignment, what is there not to love and hate! Whenever I see him, I have to cringe, and remember the 700 years of slavery and folly afterwards, what Estonia and Younger Estonia or Siuru or other Romantics had to endure at the First Estopnian Republic... maybe its that reason, the Brothers War and Phyrexia is so salty and stings so hard... not to mention Mark Rosewater accursed be his black name, who has to double and triple every effect, forsaking sanity; common sense and the past rules of engagement, then creating cards for Magic the Gathering. 

This led me to spark a conversation, like many Communists do, on the theme of Time and Perfection. 

There is none in Time and space. Whoever s somebody one the streets and has some weight on his name and can call the shots, knows; you cannot do things perfectly, unless you die. A Legend and Myth can do things perfectly, as: "Saul killed his thousand, but David killed his ten thousand!!" The silly chant of the old hags,. what made King Saul hate his most trusted Captain and Son in Law... 

If you don't make good cards have real detriments and fatigue, there you cannot flood your deck with Mythic Rares and such; trying to make gameplay faster, while taking fun out of the equasion, for that does not compute and showcase how to monetize it... Infinite Turns and a ecurring Teferi-Chandra Gatewatch combo is not fun. Who cares, that I would love to be stepped on Chandra Nalaar or Nissa, who shakes her booty; or Liliana Wess, whos corpse I would like to be, if there are no tangible ways to enjoy the gameplay. How about a new and fresh storyline, what dost fuck me in the face with wokeness and common tropes, which propels my Don Quichote and Sancho Panza to attack your windmills as evil giants who oppress the peasantry... Maybe, just maybe, I might come back to the game, I started to play on the First Kamigawa set; while leaving after the seconds made me despair... Who ever thought Japanese steampunk in the Edo period is cool should be banished into the shadow realm! Why would you drink Coffee and Rootbeer altogether, ruining both tastes. Coffee is cool and Rootbeer is awesome. On different occasions I drink this and that, but not fucking together!! 

When does Teferi die, wake me up on that September date ends, please... Thank you for receiving my rant, have a nice day, Godspeed, Wizards of the Coast... UWU 

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