Friday, November 4, 2022

Don't raise Love

 Don't raise love, my dear friends, if you can; 

dont raise the Love of God, for you don't know 

your own reflection from God! 

Isayah was dismayed in His presence; 

Job judged, lost his sons and good health... 

while being hustled by his friends, who asked 

for his sins and could not find, was vindicated. 

What do you know about that? 

Are you the deer or King David, as you long 

to bathe in Bethesda and eat the Supper of Heaven! 

Look, even Balthazar, that Daniel, lost face; 

Ezekiel could not prepare his food on human shit; 

Peter could not eat, what was prophane in Japha; 

he needed the scolding of St. Paul, to feast with the meek!! 

For whom God Loves, He judges and reprimands; 

as the rod and the whip makes you loose all sight; 

as your house shall forsake your black name , 

rejoice, because you have stopped sinning, hold fast!! 

Still beware, if you can, don't raise the love of God. 

Not in any Name, nor on any Title, don't praise 

the morrow and good luck with Godspeed, lest 

thy Lord may change your Fate!! For you don't know, 

what the future hold, what is behind the next streetcorner. 

Thank God, whenever a camel spits and a scorpion stings; 

when a cow pisses your face and a hobo drinks your Kefir, 

vomitting back to your cup for you to drink!! Remember: 

Jesus died on the Cross, while the Elders scorned and even 

one on his right side mocked His departure, while He prayed

on their behalf. So don't raise Gods Love and cast out Words! 

Know, that there are no Wizards and Warlocks in the presence 

of thy Lord! You shall not let a Sorcerer live. 

Anybody who judges wrong, and goes against the word of God, 

is like a Sorcerer, an affront to the Lord Jesus Christ!  Selah. 

May your Words be few, in the Court of the most high, 

Silence is golden; put a knife to your throat, if you lust 

for great knowledge and insight! Many wisemen went out, 

they had to go home in shame, as their rods got eaten! 

Aye a great serpent of the brood of Vipers ate the Egyptian Pride!! 

As you cast your lot and hold your staff on your people, behold: 

Even Dragons bow down in front of El Shaddai, and Dagon 

in his house, beheaded and dismembered in front of the Covenant. 

There is no councel from Baal, he could not bring fire against Eliyah; 

as his Prophets there slaughtered in the valley, Asheras priests hid 

in the royal chambers, not worthy to see the face of a true Prophet! 

Don't raise Love, if you can, For Our God, is a Vengeful One; 

Zealously and Callously He covets around us, like a Bear guarding her cups!! 

His mercy is everlasting; His vengeance fares 5 generations; 

even if you would do a covenant with Sheol and hide in the belly of a whale; 

God would find you there, always follow, what you have vowed to God! 

Remember the name, you father gave you, and mother beheld in tears; 

do not forsake their councel and make them grieve; lest a raven comes from Heaven,

aye, a host of vicious ravens, like King Saul was tormented in his soul, 

a demon on your right side and a thorn in your back; to smite your kidneys and liver!

To make your eyes grow blind and pluck them at a well and on the marketplace... 

God breaks through those bald heads, who go up to the offeringmount Selah! 

Why did you go up to the Hills, Obama, Barucks namesake! Is your mother there, 

or your future wife? Hence God will fornicate them like Sodom and Gomorrah! 

He throws your flint to the corn, you who flood the Halls of the Lord with Tears, 

as the Halls of Pagans are filled with Cows of Bashan, silencing their prayers to God! 

You don't give the orphan and the widow due justice? Jesus Christ forgets your name 

in Heaven and in His War Court, as He comes to judge the outskirts of this World... 

All Vengeful spirits bow down in despair and await His orders, to come forth in rank; 

then the end of days comes, led by Conflict; Famine; War and Death, Godspeed!! 

Don't raise God's Love then you can! Selah... 

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